Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Five for August 29, 2014

1. I received my first round of official edits from my editor this week. She said they were light and that I did a lovely job. I felt giddy and giggly. I finished my revisions and sent them back. Woot!

2. I had a super productive day yesterday. I critiqued two stories and wrote a hot scene for my newest WIP. I'm looking forward to more days like that over this school year. And just think of how productive I'll be when my little guy is in school full-time!

3. The Untethered Realms anthology, Twisted Earths is now available for pre-order. Yay! If you pre-order the book, you can have your choice of an ebook from any of of the UR authors. Isn't that an awesome offer? I've read all the books and you'll pick a winner no matter which one you choose. There's a handy-dandy badge on my sidebar. Just click and pre-order!

4. I know I talk about my cute little guy a lot. You'll often hear how proud I am of his smarts. He's a brilliant four-year-old! But what's more important is what a compassionate soul he is. He helped the new boy in class who had trouble adjusting and stood up for a girl in the playground today when another child took her the toys she had. Times like these, it makes me feel like I'm doing something right!

5. Finally, I have a fantastic cover reveal for you from NA romance author, Kitsy Clare. Private Internship is the second book in her Art of Love series. It's gorgeous! Check it out.

Sugar’s not so sweet and secrets can be deadly ... especially with matters of the heart

Sienna’s bestie, Harper warned her not to intern for famous bad boy artist, Casper Mason. After all, he just fired Harper who helped Sienna get the interview. But the moment Sienna sees Casper—or Caz—sweaty and practically shirtless and swinging from chains while he works on his sculpture, she’s hooked. He’s the richest, hottest artist in New York, and he lives in the fabulous Williamsburg Sugar Factory. But he’s also an incorrigible game-player, who seems to relish testing Sienna’s loyalty with a string of unsettling tests.

She knows she should get away fast. But by the time Sienna sneaks into his locked storage room and begins to unearth his dark and terrifying secret, she’s fallen way too hard for the handsome, charismatic Caz.

Book reviewers are saying:

"Beautiful. Amazing. A fantastic read that left me wanting more." -XoXo Book Blog

"A juicy read full of passion and magnetic chemistry that will have you hooked from beginning to end." -From the Purple Matter Book Blog

Author Bio: Kitsy Clare hails from Philadelphia and lives in New York. A romantic at heart, she loves to write about the sexy intrigue of the city, and particularly of the art world. She knows it well, having shown her paintings here before turning to writing. Model Position, her new adult novella is about artist Sienna and her friends. Living in a Bookworld says: “Beautifully written! We get to learn things about art & painting, which is refreshing. A colorful story from a promising new adult author.” The next in her series, Private Internship launches on September 29 with Inkspell.

Kitsy loves to travel, draw, read romance, spec fiction and teach writing workshops. She also writes YA as Catherine Stine. Her futuristic thriller, Ruby’s Fire was a YA finalist in the Next Generation Indie book awards. Fireseed One, its companion novel, was a finalist in YA and Sci-Fi in the USA News International Book Awards, and an Indie Reader notable. Her YA horror, Dorianna, launches fall 2014 with Evernight Teen.

Put Private Internship on your Goodreads TBR list:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - more about blogging

Last week I talked about blogging and set up my schedule. Thank you to everyone who commented. There is no question most folks are tired of cover reveals, blitzes, and the same old interviews.

On my blog, many of my most popular posts are guest spots. Any time I'm hosting another author, I see a jump in visits and comments. The highest rated ones are those posts that are different too.

Giveaways also attract attention. Yet many people seem bored with Rafflecopter and prizes of ebooks. Giftcards are the most sought after prize. My Goodreads giveaway last year had a huge response.

A lot of people stated they enjoy posts that are personal. Nothing long and rambling. A peek into that blogger's life. Maybe something funny, a goal reached, or an issue that means a lot to them.

Writers like reading about writing, of course. But there are so many articles about the craft out there. Posts about the author's personal writing journey are more interesting. This is one of the reasons the IWSG is so popular.

After all the talk about blogging in the community, have you or do you plan on changing your blog content?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Necromancer release and Shelfie Blog Hop

Blurb:  A primeval fiend is loose in the ancient metropolis of Malkandrah, intent on burning it to a wasteland. The city’s leaders stand idly by and the sorcerers that once protected the people are long gone.

Maldren, a young necromancer, is the only person brave enough to stand against the creature. Instead of help from the Masters of his Guild, he is given a new apprentice. Why now, and why a girl? As they unravel the clues to defeating the fiend, they discover a secret society holding the future of the city in its grip. After betrayals and attempts on his life, Maldren has reason to suspect everyone he thought a friend, even the girl.

His last hope lies in an alliance with a depraved and murderous ghost, but how can he trust it? Its sinister past is intertwined in the lives of everyone he holds dear. Can only evil defeat evil?

Where to Buy:
Amazon Kindle: USA | UK | B&N Nook | Apple iBook | Kobo
Paperback: USA | UK

* * * * *

 When: From Now until October 6th, 2014

What: Take a picture of your favorite book(s), your bookshelves, or you with your favorite book(s). We understand if you're shy and don't want to be in the picture, but you get bonus points if you are. Then share it on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. It's as quick and easy as that!

I'm excited to co-host this blog hop with seven amazing authors: Tara Tyler, Heather Gardner, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, Rena Rocford, and Vikki Biram. We'll be offering prizes for various categories. The grand prize winner will win $40! I'll be giving away a digital copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection for the geekiest Shelfie.

What is geeky? Well, how about a Shelfie of your gaming books. This is only one of our shelves in our house. All our shelves are over-stuffed like that!

Make sure to include the links to all your Shelfies,
and you could win one of these awesome prizes!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Five for August 22, 2014

1. This week, my son went back to preschool and he's loving it. I'm loving the fact I get to spend my mornings writing. I promised myself only to write and not surf around on the internet. It's blissful. I missed regular writing time over the summer. I'm in a better mood and feeling more like myself again.

2. I'm still waiting for the okay to share my news, but my newsletter subscribers were let in on the secret. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, just pop your email address into the little widget on the right side of my blog. My subscribers get all the good news first!

3. I have my local writers critique group meeting tomorrow. This time I sent in a contemporary flash piece that I hope to create two very different emotions with. I do wonder if I succeeded.

4. I've submitted a few horror short stories this past week. It's that time of year when venues are looking to fill up October slots. I have one that is a twist on the Sleepy Hollow tale told from the horseman's point of view. He's not really that bad of a guy. Well, okay, maybe he is, but it's fun to get his side of the story!

5. I cut my finger on the saw of my tinfoil box the other night. It bled a lot. As I was nursing it, I wondered how I managed not to do that before. I'm often lost in my head, so I tend to get bumps and cuts, but never on the tinfoil saw which seemed really weird to me in the moment. What's the strangest thing you've ever cut yourself on or bumped into?

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - blogging about blogging

There has been a lot of talk lately about blogging. Is it losing popularity? Will blogs disappear while everyone tweets? Will Twitter give way to something faster and shorter?

Not everything I have to say can be said with 140 characters. I've been blogging for a long time. Not here on this blog, but over the course of ten years, I've had three of them. I'm nearing 1000 posts on this blog.

My blog is my number one tool for marketing and connecting with people. I'd give up Facebook and Twitter before blogging. Not only do I like writing posts, I love reading other people's blogs. I feel I really get to know people when they share little slices of their lives.

I do understand that people are getting tired of too many cover reveals, blitzes, and bloghops. Readers want either more personal posts or helpful ones with advice and tips. Shorter is also better.

Yet I want to support my fellow writers by promoting their works. I don't want to chase off readers, though.

The best way to do this is to set up a blogging schedule. This way, readers know what to expect and when. If they're not interested in certain things, they can skip that day and visit another.

My blogging schedule:

Mondays - Promoting other authors with cover reveals, blitzes, reviews, and guest posts.

Wednesdays - The first Wednesday of every month is IWSG, and the others will be my Wicked Wednesdays where I talk about writing, marketing, and publishing.

Fridays - This is my weekly update. Friday Five catches my followers up on where I am with my writing and gives you a peek into my everyday life.

There will be exceptions for special events, but I'm sticking with this schedule. It'll save my followers valuable time and me as well.

Do you have a blogging schedule?

Monday, August 18, 2014

Broken Branch Falls Summer Blog Tour - guest post by Tara Tyler

Christine - terrific blogger, stupendous writer, awesome mom, great friend! I'm very happy to be here today, but even happier to know her!

Only a couple of posts left on my Broken Branch Falls Summer Blog Tour. Thanks for catching this one. I'll be talking about...

The Pros and Cons of Sequels

First, sequels can go two ways. They can be part of a continuous story, like Hunger Games or Game of Thrones, where you really need to read the previous books to know what's going on in the later ones. Or they can be separate stories with the same characters, like Harry Potter. Both of my series are like the latter, same characters, but independent stories. They refer to the past, but you don't have to read the previous books to understand newer ones.

Next, I conjectured about the pros and cons of sequels...

Sequels help build a fan base - if a reader likes the characters and story, they will want more.

When building a series, writers have to put off new ideas to write the sequels, usually.

The world is pretty established with the first novel, adding more is great, but it's not like starting from scratch, just add a few new characters and places.

Coming up with new story lines can be tough to do.

If you're published, you should be set for the next one (should...)

Need to keep the next books fresh and as exciting if not more so than the first one that inspired the writing in the first place.

The writer gets to continue the story, create and fulfill the answer to the question What happens next?

All in all, I love writing sequels. I hope to submit SIMULATION, next in the Cooper Chronicles series after POP TRAVEL, in Sept. Then I can concentrate on BBF's sequel, CRADLE ROCK. I also have some other, new ideas waiting, but I work on them when I need a break from the main WIPs.

Whether writing sequels or stand-alones, the best thing to do is keep writing!!

What advice would you give for writing sequels? Do you write/read them?
Christine's 13th Floor series is phenomenal! I highly recommend it!
And thank you again for having me, sweetie! I look forward to meeting you in person!

Try this BEASTLY QUIZ and find out which beast you are!
(It's part of the August giveaway below.)

by Tara Tyler
Publisher: Curiosity Quills

Gabe is an average fifteen-year-old goblin. He’s in the marching band, breezes through calculus, and gets picked on daily by the other kids at school, especially the ogres. But Gabe wants to break out of his nerdy stereotype and try other things. He has his eye on the new ogress at school. Though it’s against all beastly rules, there’s just something about her.

Gabe starts a fad of mingling with other species, forcing the High Council to step in and ruin things by threatening to destroy the school and split up Broken Branch Falls. With help from other outcast friends, Gabe sets out on a quest to save his town. They'll show 'em what different friends can do together!

Available at
B&N ~~~ Amazon
Add it to your GOODREADS list!

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno- thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have action, a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, techno-thriller detective series,</ div>
The Cooper Chronicles, Book One: POP TRAVEL

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Five for August 15, 2014

1. It's been a busy week with my mom visiting. We had lots of fun, and my little guy will be very sad to see his gramma go this morning.

2. One step closer to being able to tell you my news. Maybe this coming week! *crosses fingers*

3. Today it's preschool orientation and then school will officially start on Monday. Yay! I'll have five mornings a week (minus my participation days twice a month) to write. I'm dedicating it to only writing. I'm very excited about this. Summer went by quickly, but it feels like a long time since I've had time to write. I'm going a little bit crazy.

4. I've been enjoying the new fantasy-based reality show, The Quest. I've never kidded myself that I could do Survivor or any of the other shows, because I won't eat strange things and I burn after five minutes in the sun. But The Quest, I would happily do! Has anyone else been watching it?

5. No plans for the weekend. I'm on countdown to Monday morning. Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

A Hint of Cayenne cover reveal

Two bounty hunting elves must put aside their attraction to each other when a malevolent fairy comes up for grabs. Cayenne and Hawthorne both need the twenty gold reward, but only one can walk away with it.

This is another gorgeous cover for the Trouble with Elves series. I'm a huge fan of these books. Fantasy with a naughty edge.

About the author: 
If I had to describe myself, it would be in a word that has infinite meanings with a complexity which falls off the tongue. A word made up of many elements, is deceptive in appearance, and creates an illusion from the imagination. My word would be Phantasmagoric.

You can find Decadent Kane here:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Effigy Blog Tour - guest post by M.J. Fifield

Joss Is Boss

This post will contain spoilers.

There's a little known fact about me that I am completely and irrevocably obsessed with writer/director/demi-god Joss Whedon.

I first became aware of His Glorious Magnificence back in 1998 when I tuned in to my very first episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer. It was the season three premiere, Anne. That's the one where Buffy has run away from Sunnydale and is waiting tables in Los Angeles. There's a scene toward the end of the episode (written and directed by Joss Whedon) where Buffy battling a seemingly endless onslaught of goons pauses on a platform, weapon in hand, and glances behind her to her left. (It's the shot that closes out the opening credits through season six.) It looked so bad ass that I was immediately in love with both the show and its creator.

I haven't looked back since.

I love what Joss does with character. There's always a lot of talk about the strong, female characters he creates Buffy, Willow, Echo, Fred, Kaylee, River, Zoe, just to name a few and all of it is well-deserved, but the bottom line is that he creates amazing characters period, regardless of gender. We love Mal and Giles, Xander, Topher and the man they call Jayne. Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog saw audiences rooting for a character named Dr. Horrible whose ambition is to join the Evil League of Evil.

I also adore what Joss does with story. I love how in a 43-minute span, he can make you laugh and then cry all the tears in all the world. He will go for the jugular, and you still will beg him to hurt you just a little bit more (Name! That! Reference!). 

Look at "A Hole In The World," a fifth season episode of Angel also written and directed by Joss. The episode starts off with a funny debate over who would win in a fight - astronauts or cavemen - that continues to pop up at random moments during the episode, but before you know it, Joss has ripped out your heart and stomped on it right in front of you when he kills Winifred 'Fred' Burkle. The last line of the debate? A dying Fred saying, "Cavemen win. Of course the cavemen win."

There's also Wash and Book from Firefly, Phil Coulson in The Avengers, and Penny from Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog. People make a lot of jokes about Joss killing off characters, but what it all comes down to is that Joss will always do what needs to be done for the best interests of the story, and that is exactly the philosophy I want to employ in my writing.

Thank you all for stopping by, and thank you, Christine, for hosting me today!

The survival of a once-mighty kingdom rests in the hands of its young queen, Haleine Coile?in, as it slowly succumbs to an ancient evil fueled by her husband's cruelty.

A sadistic man with a talent for torture and a taste for murder, he is determined to burn the land and all souls within. Haleine is determined to save her kindgom and, after a chance encounter, joins forces with the leader of the people's rebellion. She gives him her support, soon followed by her heart.

Loving him is inadvertent but becomes as natural and necessary as breathing. She lies and steals on his behalf, doing anything she can to further their cause. She compromises beliefs held all her life, for what life will exist if evil prevails?

Her journey leads to a deceiving world of magic, monsters, and gods she never believed existed outside of myth. The deeper she goes, the more her soul is stripped away, but she continues on, desperate to see her quest complete. If she can bring her husband to ruin and save her people, any sacrifice is worth the price?even if it means her life.

Add it on Goodreads

About the Author:

Armed with a lasting love of chocolate, purple pens, and medieval weaponry, M.J. Fifield is nothing if not a uniquely supplied insomniac. When she isn't writing, she's on the hunt for oversizedbaked goods or shiny new daggers. M.J. lives with a variety of furry creatures - mostly pets - in New Hampshire. Visit her online at

Monday, August 11, 2014

Twisted Earths is coming soon!

Twisted Earths is a collection of nine tales from Untethered Realms, a fantastic group of speculative fiction authors. I'm lucky enough to be a part of this great group. I'm in awe of their talent. And the gorgeous cover by graphic artist Erin Dameron-Hill is perfect!

Be on the lookout for the anthology coming this October, and click it "to read" on Goodreads. Here are the authors and their stories.

* * * * *

M. Pax, author of the series, The Backworlds and The Rifters spins a tale called "Patchworker 2.0." Specialists with digital interfaces are the only ones who can distinguish between biological energy and mechanical pulses, and “patch” AIs, which hold the world together. Patchworker Evalyn Shore meets up with an AI with deadly intent.

Cherie Reich, known for her epic fantasy series The Fate Challenges and The Foxwick Chronicles, presents "Lady Death." Umbria, a beautiful and powerful swordsmith, is given an impossible task by her brother Leon when he asks, “You are the assassin. Are you scared to destroy Death when you are up to your elbows in it?”

Angela Brown is the author of the paranormal Shadow Jumpers and NEO Chronicles series. In her story, "In The Know," Jacob, a loyal family man is struggling to stay out of debt when he’s hired to report on big plans for a future Detroit. He’s given a mysterious manila envelope with instructions to “open it alone” or pay the price. With switchback twists you won’t see coming, a debt of a much steeper cost is what he just might end up paying for his involvement.

Catherine Stine, author of the futuristic thrillers, Fireseed One and Ruby’s Fire, offers "The Day of The Flying Dogs," a sinister tale of brilliant, troubled NYC high-school student, Theo. He experiences a day at Coney Island that includes drugs, delusions, a lonely capybara, Nathan’s hotdogs and a mind-bending lesson in our very twisted universe.

Christine Rains, known best for her paranormal series The 13th Floor, gives us "The Ole Saint," a story at once sweet, horrific and heartrending. Ezra longs to fit in and have boys stop calling him witch and freak, yet his unique supernatural skill sets him apart, and the last gift from the Ole Saint cinches the deal.

Graeme Ing, known for his young adult fantasy, Ocean of Dust presents "The Malachite Mine," a gripping, scream-inducing ride. Whatever was Mary thinking when she accepted her husband’s gift of a most terrifying twenty-first birthday celebration in an abandoned Russian mine?

River Fairchild, author of her Jewels of Chandra series, presents "A Grand Purpose." Rosaya and her cousin, Drianna are soon to be married off, but Rosaya is unhappy with her assigned match. She’s much more intoxicated by the older Firrandor, a wizard she hardly knows. When Rosaya is accused of killing an oracle boy, all bets are off, not only for her love, but her freedom.

Gwen Gardner, who pens the cozy paranormal mystery series, Indigo Eady, adds to her collection with "Ghostly Guardian." Indigo and her rib-tickling ghost-busters must travel to a dangerous pirate-laden past in order to unearth a curmudgeonly eighteenth century spirit that is plaguing the Blind Badger Pub.

Misha Gerrick, whose War of Six Crowns series is forthcoming, gives us a story called "Red Earth and White Light." Emily, a young ghost bride has long haunted a house. She longs to cross over into the afterlife, but she’s trapped in memories of lilies and betrayal.

* * * * *

My website is finished! Woo-hoo!
I love it. My husband did an excellent job.
Click on over and let me know what you think.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Necromancer cover reveal

A primeval fiend is loose in the ancient metropolis of Malkandrah, intent on burning it to a wasteland. The city's leaders stand idly by and the sorcerers that once protected the people are long gone.

Maldren, a young necromancer, is the only person brave enough to stand against the creature. Instead of help from the Masters of his Guild, he is given a new apprentice. Why now, and why a girl? As they unravel the clues to defeating the fiend, they discover a secret society holding the future of the city in its grip. After betrayals and attempts on his life, Maldren has reason to suspect everyone he thought a friend, even the girl.

His last hope lies in an alliance with a depraved and murderous ghost, but how can he trust it? Its sinister past is intertwined in the lives of everyone he holds dear.

Can only evil defeat evil?

Author bio:
Graeme Ing engineers original fantasy worlds, both YA and adult, but hang around, and you’ll likely read tales of romance, sci-fi, paranormal, cyberpunk, steampunk or any blend of  the above.

Born in England in 1965, Graeme moved to San Diego, California in 1996 and lives there still. His career as a software engineer and development manager spans 30 years, mostly in the computer games industry. He is also an armchair mountaineer, astronomer, mapmaker, pilot and general geek. He and his wife, Tamara, share their house with more cats than he can count.

Twitter: @GraemeIng

* * * * *

Isn't the cover awesome? I can't wait to read Graeme's book.

Please don't mind the new changes to my blog. I'm trying out new looks. I'm loving my new header, but it's difficult to find the right background to go with it. If only I wrote steampunk, because there are some fabulous free background that would match the color palette! Right now, if you can tell, the 13th Floor cover (without the text and silhouette) is in the background.

My mom's visiting next week, so I won't be around, but then the next week, school starts! Yay!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

IWSG for August 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month I'm feeling frustrated that I can't share my big news yet. It's been almost two months since I've known, but the contract isn't signed and sealed.

One thing I love about self-publishing is that you can move at your own pace and shout out the news whenever you want. I wanted the experience of working with a publisher, and now I have it.

It's slow. Maybe the folks in the contracts department are on vacation or they're slower in the summer with the kids home. I can understand it, but it doesn't help my anxiety.

I'm taking a deep breath. It'll all work out.

What's the best thing to do while waiting? Write.

And check your inbox fifty times a day.

Monday, August 4, 2014

DARKNESS cover reveal

By Elizabeth Arroyo
YA Supernatural Thriller
Release Date: August 12, 2014

Blurb: Seventeen-year-old Carly Lopez suffers from post-traumatic stress, though the “post” part technically doesn’t apply...not when the killer’s still out there.

As the only survivor of the killing spree that left four dead girls in its wake, Carly fails to unearth her buried memories of that day and is consumed with guilt. After a year of silence, the killer's back, and Carly will stop at nothing to stop him.

With each new death, Carly’s reality shatters, propelling her deeper into the darkness where the dead haunt her and where the truth lies. Her only firm grasp of reality is Hunter Jackson, whose mysterious overprotectiveness of Carly forces her to doubt the reason behind her guilt.

But Hunter has a secret.

And when she discovers a horrible truth, Carly questions her involvement in the murders. Was she directly responsible? Did she help the killer? Carly soon learns that finding answers may mean risking more than just her sanity.

About the author: Elizabeth is the author of THE SECOND SIGN and THE SECOND SHADOW, a dark young adult paranormal romance series. Elizabeth currently teaches writing to teens at a local community center. You can find more information about Elizabeth at:


Friday, August 1, 2014

Elven Obsession cover reveal and Friday Five for August 1, 2014

1. Last week I mentioned I was stressed out by my son's preschool relocation. Thankfully, the school has been allowed to finish out its lease, and so we can stay this school year. Yay! I've been helping clean up the playground and getting things ready for the children. 17 days until school starts!

2. Click on over to Untethered Realms for a review written by me. Also find out who won the huge giveaway! Thank you so much to everyone who entered and followed our blog.

3. I've been reading and critiquing a lot this week. I haven't gotten any writing done, but these are some darn good reads! I'm immensely lucky to have such talented CPs and beta readers, so when I read their stuff, I'm blown away.

4. My website is coming together. My husband has all the basics done. I aimed for minimalistic, and it turned out very... bare. We discussed what things we could add without making it crowded. One thing I'm adding is a background, and I had a few amazing images I picked for it. If people visiting the site can tear their eyes from my shirtless dragonslayer to see it! Keep your fingers crossed that the site will be live very soon.

5. I'm excited to help the tantalizing Decadent Kane reveal the cover for the Trouble With Elves series. This is my favorite one yet!

 Elven Obsession is coming August 29th.

You can find Decadent Kane here: