Monday, April 23, 2012

A to Z Challenge - T is for Tawa

This is part of an ongoing story throughout the Challenge.
If you're just joining me now, please start with A is for Abby.


"No." The word came out as barely a whimper.

There was an answering roar of pain from down the hall. The monsters had taken Demetrius to the ground. He was sitting on one, pounding another, and a third had just leapt onto his back.

There was no time for Abby to let loose her tears. She swiped at the monster who had swallowed Tawa with her sword, scratching it across the eyes, and then ran down the hall as her other blade emerged from her right hand. She used her momentum to skewer the creature on Demetrius' back. She hopped over him and tossed the dead thing into one of the rooms. She spun and chopped down another beast. Black blood splashed over the walls and dripped on her from the ceiling.

Demetrius killed the other two. Ignoring his wounds, he picked up his club and met the newly blinded monster as it tore down the hall at them. His swing sent it flying against the wall. Abby was there to stake it to the ground and disembowel it. There was nothing inside but shadows and ooze.

"No!" This time, her cry rattled her throat. Abby would have fallen to the floor if Demetrius didn't put an arm around her. A few shuddering sobs escaped her before she could speak again. "Tawa. It ate Tawa."

Demetrius held her closer, stroking her arm. "Tawa went down honorably. But there's no time for mourning. Now is the time for vengeance."

Since the night when Abby had killed her first monster, Tawa had been the only one who ever truly knew her. Her parents had no sympathy for a child's wild imagination. Her friends at school could never know. Then as an adult, no one knew her secret calling. Tawa wasn't only her teacher and guide, she was her confidante and best friend. Her life was a little less lonely with the stuffed hippo.

Now Tawa was gone.

"Vengeance." Abby numbly repeated. Her face hardened as she walked to the attic door and opened it.


  1. Poor Tawa. But I think Abby has a new friend now.

  2. I like Alex's take on this! But I am still very sad Tawa is gone :(

    1. I miss Tawa already too. She gets some of the best lines!

  3. can't tawa come back---i love your pictures

    1. Thank you! I'm sure if the monster could cough up a stuffed furball....

  4. Perfect last line for this scene. But, like Kyra, I'm still sad Tawa's gone.

  5. Okay, despite your warning to start at A and not jump in here, I did just that. Now I will go back and read the rest...You have to use this as a cover tease to a published book. It definitely makes me want to go to the beginning!
    I'm joining the parade!

    1. I'm happy it got you hooked! Enjoy the story and good luck with the Challenge. :)

  6. Goosebumps, Christine! Big Goosebumps.

  7. You've been so committed to this A to Z. I haven't come across anyone else doing a continuing story like yours.

  8. Thanks for your suggestion, but I didn't start at A. Instead, I've started with T and I'm reading backwards, scene by scene, Memento-style. And now that I've already met the monster who was hungry, hungry for hippos, I must read on.

    1. Oooh, how intriguing. My story done in reverse. You made me laugh with your hungry, hungry for hippos comment! Thanks for popping in.

  9. No! Sniff. Poor Tawa. She was a great character.

    1. I know, but she was the guide. I'm surprised no one saw that one coming!

  10. I'm so sad about Tawa. I can't help but hope she'll return in some miraculous way.

    1. You can always go back and read about her in previous posts. ;)

  11. Hello and welcome! I'm happy I could hook you with my story. :)

  12. Replies
    1. I know. It hurt me to do so, but that monster was hungry!


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