Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bella's Point Blog Challenge

To celebrate Bella's Point's release, the wonderful Elizabeth Seckman is hosting a blog challenge. Check out the details HERE. You can win prizes!

The basic rules:
1. Write something with the prompt: The year was 1865...
2. Display the blog hop badge, sign up on the linky list, and post Elizabeth's links.
3. Post between July 15th - 31st.

My entry is one where YOU get to pick the ending:

The year was 1865 when I saw a woman's ankle for the first time. Slender and delicate. The few freckles adorning it made it seem all the more exotic. My voice changed from a boy's to a man's in that second.

Did she even realize I watched her as she dipped her toes into the water? Perhaps she did, displaying what was forbidden. A soft smile turned up her lips as I hid my flushed face under the wide brim of my hat.

When I closed my eyes to sleep that night, all I could see was her lovely ankle. So many times did I dream of her, I felt we were closer than lovers. I had never known a desire so grand. It enveloped all my thoughts and directed all my actions.

I saved my pennies, and one year later, dressed in a modest gray suit, I asked her to marry me.

She said no.

What happens next:
a) Does our hero not give up and keeps attempting to woo her until he has captured her heart? (The HEA ending)
b) Does he go to the big city and becomes a famous cobbler of woman's shoes seeing many delicate ankles in his lifetime? (The fetish ending)
c) Does he go mad from a broken heart and creates an army of steam-powered spiders to take over the world? (The wicked steampunk ending)
d) Create your own option. (The _______ ending)

Isabella Troy Stanley is a divorced, slave freeing pariah surviving in the shattered post Civil War south the only way a fallen debutante knows how. She heads to a Yankee prison and buys herself a husband. 

Jack Byron is the former Troy plantation stable boy and object of young Bella's affection. He rejected her then, and he's still not sold on the idea of marrying her now.   

It’s complicated.

Though to Bella, it’s simple: make Jack love her, marry her, and live happily ever after. The plan seems to least until her secret is revealed.

Elizabeth is a wife, a mom, and a writer. She has four wonderful boys, one dusty house, and three published books to her credit. Feel free to check them out and buy them HERE! Erm, the books, not the kids or the house... though all things in life are negotiable ;)

You can find her here - Blog // Facebook // Twitter

Cover art by Sprinkles on Top Studios.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Review for Broken Branch Falls

Doing homework for bully ogres and getting laughed at as the butt of pixie pranks, Gabe is tired of his goblin life. When he and his friends step out of their nerdy stereotype and pull a prank of their own on the dragons at the first football game, it literally backfires, bringing a High Council vote to dismantle not only Gingko High, but the whole town, too!

The Book of Ages–hidden handbook of the High Council, filled with knowledge and power–may be Gabe’s only hope. With the help of friends old and new, can Gabe complete his quest to find the Book in time to save Broken Branch Falls? Or will he remain an outcast forever?

My review:
If Gabe told anyone he'd like to try a sport, everyone would laugh at him. Goblins are the nerds of the community, and they aren't allowed to step out of their role. Yet when Gabe and his friends do, chaos erupts and the High Council votes to segregate all the beasts. Desperate to make sure this doesn't happen, Gabe and his friends go on a quest to retrieve the Book of Ages which is a hidden tome filled with knowledge that might help them. It's their only chance, but can they work together to complete the quest?

I absolutely loved it. This MG fantasy has all the quirky charm and lovable characters as the Harry Potter series. Tara Tyler does an excellent job of taking the familiar fantasy world concept and twisting it into something highly original. The history and politics of this world fascinates me as do the various beasts. While I did like the quest Gabe and his friends went on, it was the worldbuilding and characterization that had me devouring this book.

Gabe may be a goblin, but he's your everyday teen wanting to break out of the stereotype he's been forced into and try something new. He's the perfect hero as I related so well to him. Ona was my favorite character. An ogress with clean teeth and who loves music! Rove also intrigued me, especially with his story. The whole cast was fantastic.

I highly recommend this to readers of all ages. I can't wait for more books in this world!

Buy Broken Branch Falls here:
B&N ~~~ Amazon
Add it to your GOODREADS list!

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno- thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have action, a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, techno-thriller detective series,
The Cooper Chronicles, Book One: POP TRAVEL

Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday Five for July 25, 2014

1. I managed to get some writing done this past week. I've also been critiquing stories. I have my local writers group meeting tomorrow. I dug out an old fantasy short story for them. I'd like to write something new, but I only have so much time.

2. I thought I'd create a few short stories from old novels that I wrote. My paranormal short, "Immaculate" in Mortis Operandi was originally a novel. Reading my old manuscripts, I cringed. The writing! Oh, the horror. And not in a good horror sort of way. It's amazing to see how far I've come with my writing. Do you sometimes go back and compare how your writing has changed over the years?

3. Yet I did find one of my NaNoWriMo novels full of possibilities. If I could rewrite it with more humor, it would be like a Terry Pratchett style take on fairytale tropes. But that's way down on my list of things to possibly do.

4. It's been a busy week. I helped clean up my son's preschool playground, getting it ready for when school starts again. Then we got the news that the church the preschool is in will be closing. We don't know the timeline yet, but it's already been a scramble to find a new location. I'm on the board and emergency meetings have been called. I hope we can keep our lease until the end of the school year. That will give us more time to find a new place. It's stressful and a bit crazy right now.

5. Reminder: Don't forget there's still six days to enter the awesome Untethered Realms 100 followers giveaway for a chance to win a grand prize pack of wonderful reads. In that same post, there's the links for all the books we have on sale this month at Smashwords. The 13th Floor Complete Collection is 50% off!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - the little things of website design

As you might have heard, I'm redesigning my website. It's long overdue. Very long overdue.

A few weeks ago, I spent some time browsing other authors' websites. I wrote notes of what I liked, of what worked well and what didn't, and what would be best for me. I realized my tastes are minimalistic. I didn't want anything full of graphics, blinking lights, or a soundtrack.

I designed a new look. A chore I thought would be simple with the sort of layout I wanted, but it was the little things that made it into an hours long job.
Background image / header. Most authors have a personalized header. Some use a background image. I prefer the latter. But what to use? My first idea was to find an image or series of images that captured what I write. Bad idea. So much of my time wasted browsing images. I found the majority of authors use images from the covers of their books. Though I wanted a gorgeous new image, I thought that maybe people who visited my site would think the image was from one of my books and get confused. So I decided to go with one of my cover images.

The color palette. Many paranormal romance authors feature red and black on their sites. Urban fantasy authors use red and black too, or blues, grays, and black. Romance authors have a lot of reds and pinks. While I'm partial to blue, I want my site to stand out. The background image I chose led me to pick from a color palette I never expected. Dark and light browns and golds. Browns? I know, I know, but it looks rich and casts the right atmosphere.

Fonts. I'm still changing my mind about fonts. I'd just have everything in Courier or Times if I had my way. I'm not picky, but a lot of people are really enthusiastic about fonts. Font matters as much as the color palette in creating the right look. So, I've been trying out a ton of them. I like simple and easy to read fonts. I don't like the fancy scripts or very genre specific ones for me. I'll decide on something sooner or later, and it'll likely be in the Courier family.

I've handed my husband all my notes. He'll be programming the new design for me. I just hope he doesn't spend all his summer evenings playing Skyrim and forget about my site!
If you have a website or a blog, how much time and consideration did you put into the little things?

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Effigy Release Day!

It's Effigy Release Day!

EFFIGY (Epic Fantasy), Book One in the Coile?in Chronicles
by M.J. Fifield

Release date: July 22, 2014

Now available in paperback and on Kindle at Amazon and CreateSpace (other editions to follow soon!)

The survival of a once-mighty kingdom rests in the hands of its young queen, Haleine Coile?in, as it slowly succumbs to an ancient evil fueled by her husband?s cruelty.

A sadistic man with a talent for torture and a taste for murder, he is determined to burn the land and all souls within. Haleine is determined to save her kingdom and, after a chance encounter, joins forces with the leader of the people?s rebellion. She gives him her support, soon followed by her heart.

Loving him is inadvertent but becomes as natural and necessary as breathing. She lies and steals on his behalf, doing anything she can to further their cause. She compromises beliefs held all her life, for what life will exist if evil prevails?

Her journey leads to a deceiving world of magic, monsters, and gods she never believed existed outside of myth. The deeper she goes, the more her soul is stripped away, but she continues on, desperate to see her quest complete. If she can bring her husband to ruin and save her people, any sacrifice is worth the price?even if it means her life.

Add it to your Goodreads List!

About the author:

Armed with a deep and lasting love of chocolate, purple pens, and medieval weaponry, M.J. Fifield is nothing if not a uniquely supplied insomniac. When she isn't writing, she's on the hunt for oversized baked goods or shiny new daggers. M.J. lives with a variety of furry creatures?mostly pets?in New Hampshire's Mount Washington Valley. Effigy is her first novel. Visit her online at, find her on Facebook, or follow her on Twitter.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Death Knocks cover reveal

Who knew a knock at the door could rupture your entire world? They don’t demand money or possessions…they want much more than that, they want your life.

Maverick is preparing for senior year: he’s no longer stuck in the “friend-zone” with the girl of his dreams, he’s looking forward to choosing the right college and being on his own, and he plans to have a blast along the way.

But a knock on the door changes all of that forever.

Maverick begins a mind-altering, life-changing journey to discover the truth—a truth that certain individuals will do anything to keep hidden.

Death Knocks is a Young Adult paranormal thriller about the strange global phenomenon known as the Black-Eyed Kids. Take a creepy and exciting ride in a world where myth meets reality.

Death Knocks is scheduled for publication on September 26, 2014 by Quixotic Publishing.

Congratulations to Miranda Hardy & Jay Noel!
This is one creepy cover.

Check out the trailer too!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday Five for July 18, 2014

1. I think I've been outsmarted by a chimp. A Mailchimp. Is it really that easy to use? I didn't find it to be. Setting up the newsletter itself was simple, but the whole setting up a list and subscribers thing was not. I'm crossing my fingers. So... TA DA! I created an author newsletter which I have named "Geeks, freaks & EEKS!" You can subscribe to the newsletter by typing your email address into the handy little box on the right side of my blog. Subscribers will get all my exciting news before anyone else. Plus there will be special giveaways, previews, and excerpts.

2. Sorry, I can't share the secret I've been bursting to tell you yet. This contract business is slow-going. I really, really want to tell you, though.

3. My website is still under construction. You'll see the old one if you click on the link. I wanted a minimalistic and clean look, but maybe it's too bare? I don't know. My husband is slowly working on it.

4. Click on over to Untethered Realms for the monthly news post. We're having a huge giveaway celebrating reaching 100 followers on our blog, and some of us are participating in Smashwords' July sale. Find out which books are half off or free!

5. The weather has been mild here all week. My son and I have been out most days enjoying this lovely summer. My husband and the boy are going to do some backyard camping this weekend. I hope to enjoy some quiet writing time, and at night with my husband outside, I will joyfully hog the entire bed!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - pen names

Do you write under your real name or a pseudonym? Or do you publish under both? I'm curious as to why you chose to do so, because I debated whether to use a pen name or not with my newest stories.

There are many good reasons to use a pen name: boring or hard to pronounce real name, real name already the same as a famous person, the desire for personal privacy, identity protection, writing in a different genre than you're known for, and giving yourself a second chance.

Many famous authors have used pseudonyms. It's not an unusual thing in this business. In fact, it could be a good marketing decision.

Some hide the fact they use a pen name while others let their readers know they've something published under a different name. Again, neither is out of the ordinary. We're in a world where it is acceptable for authors to use various identities. Use it to your advantage.

I've become known for writing The 13th Floor, a paranormal romance series. I'm now approaching a time in my career where I'm publishing something that is not in that genre. It is still contemporary and adult romance, but not supernatural. Who is Christine Rains without the otherworldly stuff?

I publish all my short stories under my name. They encompass a wide variety of genres. But that isn't the same as the world of novellas and novels.

I had to decide if Christine Rains was only a paranormal romance author or something more? Did I want a different name attached to my books in another genre? I waffled back and forth. I even tried to think of a great pen name. I was unsuccessful, but it didn't deter me from considering still using one.

In the end, I decided not to use a pseudonym. The new books may be a different genre and they may be completely different in style than the 13th Floor series, but they're still adult romances. I believe the majority of my readers will like the new books. I would also like to attract readers who pick up the new books first to read my paranormal romances next.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Soulless Cover Reveal and Sidelined blog tour

I'm so excited today to host the wonderful Kyra Lennon (author of the Game On series) for her Sidelined blog tour and to help reveal the gorgeous new cover for SOULLESS by the cheese-rific Crystal Collier.

* * * * * 

Hey everyone! Thanks Christine for allowing me some blog space today!

When I was setting up the blog tour for Sidelined, and I was emailing everyone and asking what they’d like me to talk about, Christine hit me with one of the best questions I’ve ever been asked. Why are sports romances so popular?

Well, I had to think on this one for a while because, actually, the answer wasn’t immediately obvious. Not everyone loves sports, right? But LOTS of people love to read a sports romance – so what is it that makes it so interesting?

After thinking for a while, the most obvious – and some might say superficial – answer I could think of was – SPORT IS SEXY.

Yeah, yeah. I know, it IS a little shallow, but let’s be honest. The World Cup is happening right now, and if I had a penny for every time someone posted on Facebook or tweeted about how sexy a certain football team or player is, I could just about retire!

Don’t get me wrong – I am in no way suggesting that everyone who reads sports romances is only into the good looks of sports player. There are masses of people who enjoy sports for what they are. My point is – there is something exciting, and almost untouchable about a famous sports player. It’s a world most of us don’t ever get to see for ourselves in reality. Sure, we can get out glimpses into the perceived glamorous lifestyle of sports stars through Internet gossip sites and magazines, but in a book, we get to delve a little deeper. We get to go on a journey into something we will probably never go on in our real lives.

Sports aren’t just sexy, they’re intriguing. Interesting. And let’s not forget to factor in the excitement of backing a team or a sports person, and waiting to see if they triumph, or if they falter and lose everything they’ve worked towards.

So, to sum up – I believe sports romances are popular because readers enjoy a deeper look into a world that is intriguing, yet untouchable for most.

Why do YOU think sports romances are popular?

Blurb: At the age of twenty-one, Bree Collinson has more than she ever dreamed of. A handsome husband, a fancy house, and more shoes than Carrie Bradshaw and Imelda Marcos combined. But having everything handed to her isn’t the way Bree wants to live the rest of her life. When an idea to better herself pops into her head, she doesn’t expect her husband to question her, and keep her tied by her apron strings to the kitchen.

Isolated and unsure who to turn to, Bree finds herself falling back into a dangerous friendship, and developing feelings for the only person who really listens to her. Torn between her loyalty to her husband and her attraction to a man who has the perfect family she always wanted, she has some tough choices to make.

While Bree tries to figure out what she wants, a tragedy rocks the Westberg Warriors, triggering some dark memories, and pushing her to take a look at what’s really important.

About the Author:

Kyra is a self-confessed book-a-holic, and has been since she first learned to read. When she's not reading, you'll usually find her hanging out in coffee shops with her trusty laptop and/or her friends, or girling it up at the nearest shopping mall.

Kyra grew up on the South Coast of England and refuses to move away from the seaside which provides massive inspiration for her novels. Her debut novel, Game On (New Adult Contemporary Romance), was released in July 2012, and she scored her first Amazon Top 20 listing with her New Adult novella, If I Let You Go.


* * * * *
Have you met the Soulless and Passionate? In the world of 1770 where supernatural beings mix with humanity, Alexia is playing a deadly game.

SOULLESS, Book 2 in the Maiden of Time trilogy

Alexia manipulated time to save the man of her dreams, and lost her best friend to red-eyed wraiths. Still grieving, she struggles to reconcile her loss with what was gained: her impending marriage. But when her wedding is destroyed by the Soulless—who then steal the only protection her people have—she's forced to unleash her true power.

And risk losing everything.

What people are saying about this series: 

"With a completely unique plot that keeps you guessing and interested, it brings you close to the characters, sympathizing with them and understanding their trials and tribulations." --SC, Amazon reviewer

"It's clean, classy and supernaturally packed with suspense, longing, intrigue and magic." --Jill Jennings, TX

"SWOON." --Sherlyn, Mermaid with a Book Reviewer

Crystal Collier is a young adult author who pens dark fantasy, historical, and romance hybrids. She can be found practicing her brother-induced ninja skills while teaching children or madly typing about fantastic and impossible creatures. She has lived from coast to coast and now calls Florida home with her creative husband, three littles, and “friend†(a.k.a. the zombie locked in her closet). Secretly, she dreams of world domination and a bottomless supply of cheese. You can find her on her blog and Facebook, or follow her on Twitter.

COMING October 13, 2014

PREORDER your print copy
Sign up for Crystal Collier's newsletter to receive release news and freebies.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Five for July 11, 2014

1. For the month of July, The 13th Floor Complete Collection is on sale at Smashwords for 50% off with coupon code SSW50. With the same code, you can also get most of the novellas for FREE! So far I haven't had many sales there this month. Last year's Smashwords sale was more successful for me.

2. Sorry I still can't reveal what my big news is yet. It's a bit frustrating waiting, but this is what you deal with when you sign on with a publisher. It has to be before the end of the year because I know when my release date is!

3. I've not done any writing lately, but I've written blog posts and done a lot of little things. Obsessing about my author tagline took a lot of my time. And I'm still thinking about different ones!

4. My son finished his summer reading class this week. He's absolutely brilliant. So smart and yet has the focus of a four-year-old. (He is four, after all!) We'll spend the rest of the summer hanging out at the parks and pools. No other big plans.

5. I was lucky enough to win the awesome Tara Tyler's newest book, Broken Branch Falls from her Goodreads giveaway. It's absolutely amazing! I'll have a review on my blog in a few weeks, but this is one I recommend to everyone.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - creating an author tagline

I once dedicated Wednesdays to topics dealing with paranormal romance. I've talked about various things that link to it too, but I wanted to keep my focus on that genre since I dubbed it part of my author brand.

Things change. I have a manuscript in consideration by one publisher and another accepted by a second press. Neither of the stories are paranormal romance. So lately, I've been working on changing my author brand. This includes changes to my blog, profile, and my website. (I finally have a new website design, and my husband is in the midst of programming it. Yay!)

One of the most important ways to establish your brand is to have an author tagline. What's this, you ask? An author tagline is a sentence or two (usually no more than 5 to 10 words) that describes who you and your books are. It must be short and attention-grabbing.

This is no easy task. I have enough trouble creating taglines for my books, but for me? Yikes. Where do I even begin?

Here are some tips to help you create your own author tagline:
- Who are you? What's important to you? Not your writing, but you.
- What is your writing like? The genre(s)? Are there any themes? What's your style?
- Focus on what makes you unique.
- Pick about a dozen words that describe you and your writing. (Or 50 like I did!)
- Ask for opinions from other writers, friends, and family. How do others see you and your writing?
- Narrow it down to a few words, play with them together, and come up with various phrases.
- Pick your favorite one, and remember, taglines aren't forever. You can change them, and you most likely will as life goes on.

What's important to me: Family, friends, creativity, and my geeky interests.
What's my writing like: supernatural, dark, witty, twisty, romantic.

I used a thesaurus to produce a bunch of words that I played around with. Here are some of my rejected taglines. Feel free to laugh all you want!
- Otherworldly flirts and courageous spooks.
- Heroes, haunts, and heart.
- Geeks, freaks, and EEKS!
- Flirting with what goes bump in the night.

Horrible, I know. And why was I so focused on alliteration? I had a lot like that.

I wasn't satisfied. So I went back to the drawing board. Or, rather, the crumpled and scribbled upon piece of paper. And I had a good brainstorming session with a fellow writer. (Thanks so much again, Graeme!) I had to accept I could not capture everything about me and my writing in one tagline. That was the hardest thing for me to accept.

What makes me unique: I'm add twists to whatever genre I'm writing, and I'm character driven.

Here is my final choice. Let me know what you think, please!

Paranormal intrigue with a twist.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Untethered Realms Giveaway!

We at Untethered Realms are excited to reach 100 followers on our blog.

We're so excited that we're giving away a ton of awesome books!
One lucky winner will win ebooks from all of us.

I've read all the books by my fellow members, and I'm blown away how talented they are. I'm honored to be a part of a terrific group of writers. You don't want to miss this opportunity to win these books for yourself.

To tease you, check out the Free Books section on the site. There are five magnificent ebooks you can nab for free!

Monday, July 7, 2014

Review for Past Due

Jenna Austin is a young, widowed artist raising a teenage son on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. As the costs of living in paradise rise, she struggles to make ends meet. Life isn't easy, but she manages.

When her car breaks down, she trudges on. She assumes life can't get any more complicated than it is. But it can...

Chance brings her nose to well-formed chest with Tres Coulter, the handsome, affluent aid to Governor Hunt. Jenna and Tres share a history; they also share a love they thought long lost. Their lives are about to be altered forever as the deceptions of the past transform the very foundation of the present.

The price of happily ever after may be too steep to pay once the past comes due.

My review:
Life can't get any worse for Jenna Austin. Even when her car breaks down, she keeps trudging onward. Her son counts on her after all. That's when gorgeous Tres Coulter steps back into her life. Once upon a time, she loved him, but he'd left her to struggle on her own. Neither of them know the truth of what happened, though, and their happiness depends on them finding out.

A sweet romance with a ton of heart. A cozy little beach town is the perfect place for a love story and a great big misunderstanding. The plot is a huge ball of tangles and knots, and it slowly unravels. It left me wondering each time how they were going to get past that conflict and surprised me with the strength and compassion of the characters. The characters are lovable and genuine even with their flaws.

I will definitely be reading more from Elizabeth Seckman!

Available in E-Book and print from Amazon & World Castle

In ebook from SmashwordsBarnes and Noble, or All-Romance E-Books.

You can find Elizabeth on her blog here!

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy Fourth of July and Sign up for Jessica Bell's blog tour

Happy Independence Day to all my American friends!

Do you like to read psychological thrillers? Well, Jessica Bell's giving away her latest release, WHITE LADY, for FREE, to every single person who signs up to the "Two Lies & a Truth" Blog Tour (taking place October 1 - 31). It's hassle-free. All you have to do is post what she sends you to your blog (or Facebook page) and Bob's your uncle. She will also be giving away a copy of the book to one lucky reader of your blog. More details and sign up form here:

Here is the book trailer (music written and produced by the author herself):

Here is a tweet:
Join @MsBessieBell's "Two Lies & a Truth" blog tour & get her new novel, WHITE LADY, 4 free!  

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG for July 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month's awesome co-hosts are: Krista McLaughlin, Kim Van Sickler, Heather Gardner, and Hart Johnson. IWSG is also trying to get on the Writers Digest Best 101 Websites list. Please email them at, subject line "101 Websites," and suggest the IWSG - .

This month I'm insecure about being accepted. Rejections get me down, but acceptances stress me out in another way.

Will I live up to the editor's expectations? What if having a publisher doesn't live up to my expectations? Will my readers like it? What if my sales flop and no publisher ever wants to take me on again?

Taking a deep breath. Letting it out slowly.

Did I think I should be dancing for joy and kicking back with no worries? Well, no. I did think I'd be a little more confident about things. I know the twisty-turny roller coaster of writer emotions will take me around the bend again to dancing days, but this week, I'm gripping the edge of my desk as I finish off the first round of revisions for my editor.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Happy Canada Day, Brilliant Flash Fiction, and Nerdiness on Untethered Realms

Happy Canada Day to all my Canadian friends and family!

The very first edition of Brilliant Flash Fiction is now up on their site. My sci-fi piece, "Soulless" is one of their stories this quarter. Let me know what you think.

Click on over to Untethered Realms today where we're celebrating our nerdiness. Find out what nerdy things the UR authors have in their homes. Plus check out our new awesome banner!