Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Snapshots - week three

This is the continuation of my Holiday Snapshots series. Every Saturday this month, I'm posting holiday themed photos. My cards are out and my shopping's done. Up with the tree today and a holiday party later this evening!

That's me in the middle on the top row.
These are the kids I grew up with: The Kingham Kids.
We loved Christmas Eve because we'd get to stay up late playing while all our folks sat around drinking.

My son wasn't interested in opening presents last year.
Eating the tissue paper, well, that's a whole other matter!


  1. Such lovely photos! I understand how the tissue paper can be so much more interesting to a little one - or the box that the present comes in. That's often much more interesting too ;).

    We used to go to a party each Christmas eve, which sounds remarkably like your description of it - the adults drank and we got to stay up late.

  2. So, you're the wild child in yellow, huh?

  3. C D, sounds like the parents everywhere like to spend Christmas Eve drinking! Preparing themselves for the frenzy of Christmas morning, I bet!

    Alex, wild as in looking like a mushroom with that haircut, then yes! ;)

  4. Vicki, I'm not sure. The crinkling, I think!

    TGE, thank you!

  5. Both are adorable pictures :)


  6. Old photos are great... your son is adorable...

  7. aw! what a cutie your son is! i want to hug him he's so adorable!

  8. Yummy tissue paper! Maybe this year he'll be more interested in presents. :)

    Thank you for the Christmas card!

  9. Yes, my son is adorable! I might be a little biased, though. ;)

    You're welcome, Aubrie!

  10. Great pictures! It's good to see the infamous Kingham Kids. :)


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