Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Patricia Josephine on Nephilims

There is only one path.

Born mortal along with his three brothers, Michael is an Archangel with a specific role: hunt fallen angels and send them back to Hell. He is determined in his mission, never straying from his appointed path, until he meets Lake Divine, and discovers there may be more to his beliefs than blind duty.

But Lake is not who he seems. Offspring of a human and a fallen angel, a Nephilim, Lake must choose his own destiny: give in to the coldness and embrace the dark, or seek the light and rise above the sins of his father.

Two paths lay before them, but only one has the potential to destroy them both.

Tweets to share:
Walk the path. Face evil. Defeat it. #PathOfAngels
#urbanfantasy #NA #NewAdult

Michael thought he knew what lay on his path, but he didn’t see Lake coming. #PathOfAngels #urbanfantasy #NALit

Lake knew he was divine, but is he strong enough to prove it to the world? #PathOfAngels #NA #lgbt

About the Author:
Patricia Josephine never set out to become a writer. In fact, she never considered it an option during high school and college. She was all about art. On a whim, she wrote down a story bouncing in her head. That was the start of it and she hasn't regretted a moment. She writes young adult under the name Patricia Lynne.

Patricia lives with her husband in Michigan, hopes one day to have what will resemble a small petting zoo, has a fondness for dying her hair the colors of the rainbow, and an obsession with Doctor Who.


Patricia on Nephilims

I forget how I stumbled upon nephilims for the story. They just seem like something everyone should know what they are. The offspring of “the sons of God” and “the daughters of man” according to Genisis 6:4. (Although in my story, it isn’t just sons of God getting busy with daughters of man.) The name is also used to reference giants who inhabited Canaan. I’ve seen them in other stories. Recently, I read the first book in a series called “The Nephilim Chronicles”. Nephilims seem to fascinate us.

Why is that?

Maybe it’s because they are part human so we relate to them better than angels, fallen or not. Or we like the idea of being human but having amazing powers, and sometimes, wings. I know I wouldn’t complain about wings. Well, maybe a little. Zade did point out in Michael that they were bulky and caused accidents. Flying isn’t as easy as Joe would attest. He broke his leg trying to fly. It could be we all dream of escaping our normal lives. Finding out we are something more is a fantasy that temps us all.

Either way, nephilims are fascinating creatures. They have much potential for adventure that we find them hard to resist. What do you think is the appeal of nephilims?

Monday, March 30, 2015

Final Day of the Of Blood and Sorrow Character Meet & Greet

The final day of the Of Blood and Sorrow Character Meet & Greet.
Thanks so much to my fantastic hosts and to you, my awesome readers. I hope you've enjoyed meeting the cast of the novel, and I really hope you're intrigued enough to pick up the book.

Today you'll meet Aleo and Bolona Putzkammer, the heads of the Putzkammer clan.
Head on over to T.F. Walsh's site to find out more about them.

Buy the book here:

Friday, March 27, 2015

Meet the little brother in the Character Meet & Greet

We met the older Putzkammer brothers on Wednesday and today we meet the youngest.
Connor is the heart of the family and Erin's best friend.

Click on over to Heather Holden's blog to learn more.

My final geeky giveaway is still going on until the end of the month. Enter to win some awesome games: Story Cubes and Star Wars Galactic Dice Game. Plus, every winner will receive a unique Christine Rains die.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Of Blood and Sorrow Character Tour

Sometimes it can be annoying to have an overprotective big brother.
How about two of them?

Come meet the eldest Putzkammer brothers, Cort and Paul.
M Pepper Langlinais is hosting these two handsome gentlemen.

Get your copy of Of Blood and Sorrow:

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Beacon Goddess Fish Tour & Giveaway - Writing Romance: Teen vs. Adult

I am excited to welcome the lovely and talented Angela Brown to my blog today. She's promoting her newest novel, Beacon. It's my favorite book from her yet. Check out my review. She's talking romance and holding a mega giveaway! Be sure to follow her tour with Goddess Fish Promotions and increase your chances of winning.

Writing Romance: Teen vs. Adult
Hey Christine and thank you so much for letting me drop in for a visit.
As some of you may know, I write and publish across the romance spectrum, from teens to adults. Beacon, my YA urban fantasy dystopian, is written for a teen audience with a lot of focus on the main character’s journey of self-discovery. Part of that involves her romantic feelings for a certain best friend with smoldering silver eyes.
Being a YA novel, I chose to approach the romance angle the same as I’d done with my other YA novel, Neverlove. In YA, there’s an opportunity to jump on the newness of crushes and first loves. Couple that with the yo-yo crazy hormonal tizzy that is adolescence and writing romance for teens becomes a deep dive into angst, confusion, and blossoming love from lenses unclouded (This is regarding an unclouded - or less than really grimy-dirty - past and present with experiencing romance).
Within YA, I also tend to keep things a little sweeter, cleaner, especially when it comes to sex. Touches are evocative. Kisses are fire, but if I have my characters embark on a sexual encounter, I’ll keep “the act” details to a minimum or perhaps go with the “fade to black.” This is a preference, not a necessity for writing romance for teens. As much as we adults would like to think young people don’t know - or shouldn’t know - about some of the grittier things when it comes to romance, think again. Writing is an art (to some it isn’t but that’s a debate for another time) and art is certainly an imitation of life.
My new adult and adult romance differs slightly for a couple of reasons.
  1. By the time we’ve hit college or step into the first day at that new job, we’ve experienced a first love, maybe even a second or third. We’ve crushed on someone who had no intentions or desires to reciprocate those feelings. Many times, they probably had no clue of the unrequited love. When we’ve reached adulthood, we’ve harbored the anger, frustration, and pain of heartbreak. So when I write my romance titles geared toward a new adult/adult audience, the main characters tend to experience the ups and downs of the romance through lenses clouded by past hurts as well as past joys. Love may not be brand new, but can spring from a beautiful place of renew-ness.
  2. Sexual encounters are purposeful and may include more details. As a note, the titles I publish under my Rayven Godchild pen name are erotic in nature so yes, the sex is far more detailed than projects under my Angela Brown name.
So yeah, writing romance for teens is different for me than when I write for adults. Having some of the differences helps so that when I approach a writing project, I know what bounds - or lack thereof - I’m working with to direct my word choices.
What are your thoughts on writing romance for teens vs. adults?

Tsunamis reduced the USA into a shell of itself, called The Fold. Surviving humans and vampires joined forces to form The Colony, where registered citizens do as they're told.

They donate blood quarterly and dream of being chosen as Attendees for the Jubilee celebrations, that is, everyone except Macie Breen. With high school graduation near, she’s anxious to ditch the rules in hopes of starting a new life with Thane, an unregistered and also her best friend.

Her hopes fizzle when Macie is selected as an Attendee, forever registered. Any future with Thane…impossible. Being chosen comes with another unexpected price.

Truths about The Colony blaze into ashes and lies when she discovers the vampires haven't kept their part of the bargain. Worst still, Macie’s life unravels as her stint in the city of Bliss forces her to face daunting truths about who, and what, she really is.

Thane tapped the door. “Would it help if I said I didn’t see anything?”


He snickered some more. I cringed. Embarrassment coursed through me, heating every inch of my skin.

Would it help if I told you what I did see looked beautiful?”

I hesitated half a heartbeat. “Don’t lie to me!”

It’s not a lie.” He didn’t laugh. His voice, his tone, quiet, honest.

I stared at the door and wanted to giggle myself. Flutters erupted in my belly.

Buy Beacon at

About the author:
Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home. She's a lover of Wild Cherry Pepsi and chocolate/chocolate covered delicious-ness. Steampunk, fantasy and paranormal to contemporary - mostly young adult - fill her growing library of books. Mother to a rambunctious darling girl aptly nicknamed Chipmunk, life stays busy. Her favorite quote keeps her moving: "You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Author links: Blog * Goodreads * Amazon * Facebook * Twitter

Angela will be awarding a $75 giftcard to one lucky random winner!


Monday, March 23, 2015

The final stop for geeks and meet the villain plus Nick's cover reveal

Geek girl problem #893: It's the last day of the Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour and you can't get enough geeky posts.

What a tour!
Three months of incredible fun. Thank you so much to all my wonderful hosts and to the readers that have been following me. You guys make it all worthwhile.

My final stop is at the steamy Decadent Kane's blog. I love her erotic elf series! I'll be talking about some of the things I learned during this tour about marketing erotica.

Update: Due to health issues, Decadent Kane will not be hosting me today. But if you would, please go to her blog and send good thoughts her way.

You still have time to enter the geeky giveaway below!

Prepare to meet the big, bad villain in Of Blood and Sorrow.
Be wary of her charms lest you be caught in her spider's web.
Click on over to the awesome Shannon Lawrence's blog for more.

* * * * *

I'm excited to be part of the marvelous Nick Wilford's cover reveal!
Isn't that wonderfully creepy?!

Title: A Change of Mind and Other Stories
Author: Nick Wilford
Genre: Contemporary speculative fiction
Cover Design: Rebekah Romani
Release Date: May 25th, 2015

A Change of Mind and Other Stories consists of a novella, four short stories and one flash fiction piece. This collection puts the extremes of human behaviour under the microscope with the help of lashings of dark humour, and includes four pieces previously published in Writer’s Muse magazine.

In A Change of Mind, Reuben is an office worker so meek and mild he puts up with daily bullying from his boorish male colleagues as if it’s just a normal part of his day. But when a stranger points him in the direction of a surgeon offering a revolutionary new procedure, he can’t pass up the chance to turn his life around.

But this isn’t your average surgeon. For a start, he operates alone in a small room above a mechanic’s. And he promises to alter his patients’ personality so they can be anything they want to be...

In Marissa, a man who is determined to find evidence of his girlfriend’s infidelity ends up wondering if he should have left well alone.

The Dog God finds a chink in the armour of a man with a megalomaniacal desire to take over the world.

In The Insomniac, a man who leads an obsessively regimented lifestyle on one hour’s sleep a night finds a disruption to his routine doesn’t work for him.

Hole In One sees a dedicated golfer achieving a lifelong ambition.

The Loner ends the collection on a note of hope as two family members try to rebuild their lives after they are torn apart by jealousy.

Nick Wilford is a writer and stay-at-home dad. Once a journalist, he now makes use of those rare times when the house is quiet to explore the realms of fiction, with a little freelance editing and formatting thrown in. When not working, he can usually be found spending time with his family or cleaning something. Nick is also the editor of Overcoming Adversity: An Anthology for Andrew. You can find him hanging out on his
blog or on Goodreads or Twitter.

Preorder Links: Amazon US, Amazon UK

Friday, March 20, 2015

Meet the gorgeous vampire

I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt
So sexy it hurts.

You know, I just realized I have a tendency to feature my heroes shirtless.

With that, let me introduce Nicolas Reese.
When you first meet him in the novel, he's not wearing a shirt.
Or pants.

Pop on over to Clare Dugmore's blog to learn more about him!

* * * * *

Build a Better Hero
What are your ideas for upgrading the hero / heroine for the new millennia?
When: Friday, March 20th, Noon EDT
Where: Twitter - Type in #SpecFicChat to join in the conversation
Hosted by: @Unrealms and @mpax1

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Geek and The Lady

Today I have an unofficial stop in my geeky tour.
The generous Susan Gourley is hosting me, and I'm discussing the methods of marketing different genres. As you can see, I'm neck deep in just that right now!

Like an angel without wings, you best look away lest she blind you.
Meet The Lady.
The brave Cherie Reich is hosting this ancient and mysterious character.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day & Kyra Lennon's new covers

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I have a lucky bonus stop for you today celebrating the release of Of Blood and Sorrow.
Visit Across The Board for a mini interview!
I'm also excited to share with you the wonderfully talented Kyra Lennon's new covers for her Game On series. Her fourth book, PLAY ON, is coming soon. 
Additionally, between March 16th - 18th, Book One: GAME ON, by Kyra Lennon, will be free on Amazon.
See Kyra's Facebook event for more details: https://www.facebook.com/events/866593113364034/


Game On Series by Kyra Lennon (Game On #1-4)
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance


Book 1 - Game On: 

After swapping her small town life to work for one of the top soccer teams in the U.S, Leah Walker thought she could finally leave the ghosts of her past behind. However, when she meets serial womanizer, Radleigh McCoy, the memories of her old life come swarming back, and she is forced to ask herself whether she has really changed at all. 

Book 2 - Blindsided: 

After a successful first soccer season in L.A, Jesse Shaw heads to London with his best buddy, Hunter, but his world is turned upside down when a dangerous prank threatens his career and his blossoming relationship with Hunter's cousin, Isabelle. Isabelle Mills lives in Notting Hill with her parents and her twin sister, Georgia. When she finds out her cousin is coming to stay, along with his famous soccer player friend, her first instinct is to hibernate until they've gone. However, once she meets Jesse, everything changes. He's everything she ever wanted, but with so many obstacles in their path, can she really risk putting her heart on the line? 

Book 3 - Sidelined: 

At the age of twenty-one, Bree Collinson has more than she ever dreamed of. A handsome husband, a fancy house, and more shoes than Carrie Bradshaw and Imelda Marcos combined. But having everything handed to her isn’t the way Bree wants to live the rest of her life. When an idea to better herself pops into her head, she doesn’t expect her husband to question her, and keep her tied by her apron strings to the kitchen. Isolated and unsure who to turn to, Bree finds herself falling back into a dangerous friendship, and developing feelings for the only person who really listens to her. Torn between her loyalty to her husband and her attraction to a man who has the perfect family she always wanted, she has some tough choices to make. While Bree tries to figure out what she wants, a tragedy rocks the Westberg Warriors, triggering some dark memories, and pushing her to take a look at what’s really important.

Book 4 - Play On: 

Freya Phillips’ life was flipped upside down when she lost the man she loved in a tragic accident. Now she has to piece together the remains of her shattered heart and try to find a way to push through her pain to get her life back on track. With reminders of what she’s lost at every turn, anxiety takes over and instead of moving forwards, she finds herself hurtling in the wrong direction. Freya’s downward spiral leads her unexpectedly into the arms of one of her oldest friends, and as they seek comfort in each other, they realise they have more than just grief in common. Guilt-ridden and confused, Freya is too ashamed to tell anyone what she’s done, but there’s no such thing as a secret in Westberg. When the truth gets out, will Freya escape the gossip with her friendships and pride intact, or will she lose more than she ever bargained for?

Goodreads | Amazon US | Amazon UK


Author Bio: 

Kyra Lennon was born on the South coast of England, and to this day, still lives by the sea. Fiction writing has always been her passion, but she also has numerous articles on a variety of topics published on prolific websites. 

Author links:
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads 


Monday, March 16, 2015

Doubling up on the tours!

Geek girl problem #491: You have so much awesome stuff you want to share, so you book two blog tours and then realize they overlap!

It just means double the fun for you!

Let's talk about games. Board games, video games, role-playing games.
Click on over to the wonderful Trisha's blog and tell us what your favorite games are.

Today we have Of Blood and Sorrow's protagonist, Erin Driscol.
Find out an interesting tidbit about why I had to rewrite the entire novel because of Erin.
My most awesome host is Carol Kilgore!

Plus, check out this awesome review by Graeme Ing.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Of Blood and Sorrow and One Good Catch are here!

A fledgling vampire wakes in a funeral home run by demons.

My first urban fantasy novel, Of Blood and Sorrow is here!

Buy the book here:

To celebrate its release, I'm going to introduce you to the awesome cast of characters this month.

The first stop in the Of Blood and Sorrow Character Meet & Greet is at Tara Tyler's.
We'll be starting with my favorite character.

I'm also excited to be featured on Across the Board today.
Check it out!

* * * * *

I also wanted to give a huge congratulations and shout-out to my release day buddy, Heather M. Gardner!

Her awesome book, One Good Catch is here today. I can't wait to get my hands on it!

Buy it here:
Amazon * B&N * Kobo * All Romance Ebooks

Add OGC to your TBR list on Goodreads HERE

One Good Catch
A Maguire's Corner novel

Ignoring a recent trauma that is affecting her everyday life, ER Doctor Kate Maguire engages in some high risk activities, but putting herself in these dangerous situations isn’t enough to feed her edginess. She needs something more. When her brother’s high school best friend comes back to town, it’s her chance for a ‘no strings attached’ fling with the man who still headlines in all her best dreams.

Rhys MacGrath’s days of one-night-stands are long over. The pro-football player might be side-lined at rehab for a shoulder injury, but that doesn’t mean he can’t admire and desire the all-grown-up, so-damn-hot, version of the tomboy he once knew. His sudden interest in Kate might be aggravating his best friend, who doesn’t approve, but it’s her indifference that’s driving Rhys crazy.

Everything heats up when Kate’s nosy nature sets her in the line of fire of an arsonist forcing them to deal with more than just the sparks igniting between them.

About the author: Heather M. Gardner's love of books began on the hand-woven rugs of her small town library where her mother worked. There she had a never-ending supply of stories to read at her fingertips. As a teen, her favorite genres to curl up with were romance and mysteries. When she started to create her own stories, they were the perfect fit.

Heather resides in New York with her best friend who is also her husband, plus her talented and handsome son. She is currently owned by four stray cats. Heather's a full-time mom, works part-time from home, a chocolate enthusiast, coffee junkie, cat addict, book hoarder and fluent in sarcasm.

Blog: The Waiting is the Hardest Part

Twitter: @hmgardner

Goodreads: HMGardner 

Facebook: HeatherWritesRomance 


Kate crossed her arms. “I’m not complicated.”

“Oh yes, you are. Incredibly complicated. And off limits.”

“Look, it was just a kiss. If you can’t handle a little first base, it’s your problem, not mine.”

Rhys stopped in front of her, shaking his head. “What?”

“I’m not some kid anymore, Rhys. I can kiss whomever I want. And I do. If you want to continue living by my brother’s rules, then I suggest you head back to the bar.”

“I guess I have more respect for Steve than to try and feel up his sister after being back in town for less than a day.”

“That’s fine. Whatever helps you sleep at night.”

“Fine. I’ll sleep just fine.”

“Then, goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” he said.

Rhys reached for her, his fingers tangling in her hair. He pulled her in to kiss her again. Kate enjoyed this kiss even more than the first one. It was full of his exasperation, plus his inevitable surrender, making it incredibly hot. Her victory was intoxicating.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour brings you an awesome review!

Reviews are so important to authors and readers. It helps give authors important feedback and boost sales. For readers, it allows them to learn more about a book before they buy them. I always read the reviews before I purchase a book. Please consider leaving a review. Just a line or two will do.

And speaking of reviews, click on over to the awesome Cherie Reich's blog for a fantastic one about Loose Corset.

Roll (or click!) to win!

Monday, March 9, 2015

The Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour dresses up!

You don't have to have until Halloween to dress up as your favorite character.
Just go to a convention and join in the coplay fun!

Come over to the lovely Elizabeth Arroyo's blog and find out about my cosplay experiences.

Do you have your copy of Loose Corset yet?
Ellora's Cave  * Amazon * B&N * Kobo * Goodreads

And don't forget to enter the giveaway!
Story Cubes - sort of like a random story generator. So much fun!
Star Wars Galactic Dice Game - May the Force be with you!

Friday, March 6, 2015

Friday Five for March 6, 2015

1. One week until the official release of my first urban fantasy novel, Of Blood and Sorrow. I'm nervous, excited, and flipping out a little. I will be doing a blog tour celebrating my book's release. A Character Meet & Greet. Of Blood and Sorrow has a great cast. I'm eager for you all to meet them.

2. And just for you lucky blog readers, my novel is already available on all purchase sites. I had to make sure it looked good! Amazon * B&N * Kobo * Smashwords

3. I had a long day yesterday. I helped paint classrooms at my son's new preschool location. (He won't be going there next year as he'll be in kindergarten.) It gave me a not-so-gentle reminder me of my age. Once I used to think painting was relaxing. Now it's hard work! My arms haven't forgiven me yet.

4. The winter storms have passed, and the weather is warming up. We might be able to get out to a Maple Syrup Festival this weekend. I have great memories visiting maple syrup farms as a kid. I hope my little guy has as much fun! What are your plans for the weekend?

5. Don't forget to enter my final Dice & Debauchery giveaway.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

IWSG for March 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

Today for the Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour I'm being hosted by the wonderful Julie Flanders. I've taken my insecurities over there to share with you.

And here, I bring you cuteness and laughter! Nothing makes a person smile like an lolcat.


Monday, March 2, 2015

The Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour gets artsy!

Geek girl problem #798: There are only six more stops on the Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour!

Today I'm over at the super talented Heather Holden's blog talking about geeky art. Do you remember 8-Bit Theater?

It's the final month of this tour, and there's one more awesome geeky giveaway!

I'm giving away TWO dice games this month.
Story Cubes - "Let your imagination roll wild!"
Star Wars Galactic Dice Game. Roll high and channel the Force!

One for the writer geeks and one for the Star Wars geeks!
Plus, three lucky winners will get a unique Christine Rains die and swag.