Monday, September 29, 2014

Review for Carrots

Shelby Nichols is an average woman who is married to the only guy she ever fell for. Her life is organized and predictable, revolving around her husband and two children. All that changes the day she stops at the grocery store for some carrots. As the cashier rings up her purchases, a gunman is busy robbing the bank inside the store. When a customer grabs the robber's mask, he is shot and everyone runs for cover. Everyone except Shelby, who finds herself face to face with the killer. The next thing she knows, she's lying on the floor with a bullet wound to her head. Luckily, the bullet only grazes her scalp, and she doesn't suspect any lasting affects until later, when she suddenly 'hears' what people are thinking. With this uncanny ability, her life takes on a whole new dimension. Her kids think she's bossy and too old to understand them, but that's nothing compared to her husband. He says he loves her, but what is it about the redhead at work that he doesn't want her to know? As if that isn't enough, the gunman knows she can identify him, and he's out to silence her forever. In her fight to stay alive, she is saved from certain death by a handsome hit-man with ties to organized crime. This pulls Shelby even deeper into danger, where knowing someone's thoughts can not only hurt her feelings, but get her killed.

My review:
Shelby Nichols' predictable life takes a sudden turn to chaos when she is wounded by a bank robber. She now can hear what people are thinking, and most of the time, it isn't flattering to her. The gunman is still out to get her, and she is blackmailed into working for the mob. It's not like she can tell her husband. But when things get hot, will Shelby make it out alive?

I picked this book up randomly and I'm happy I did. It was a fun read. It's different from my usual tastes in a good way. I laughed and held my breath. Shelby is your everyday woman, and I could relate to her in a lot of ways. She keeps digging herself deeper into a hole, and I was kept wondering to the end how it was going to work out. Lots of twists and hilarious moments.

If you could read my mind, you'd know I'd recommend this mystery for a light and enjoyable read.

You can find out everything you need to know about Colleen and her books on her website!

Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday Five for September 26, 2014

1. Less than one week until I have my cast removed! I will be in a brace or splint, but it will be nice to have it gone. I'm still not feeling energetic, but I'm slowly getting back into the groove.

2. I've been critiquing and catching up on little things this week. There have been lots of things going on with Untethered Realms. October will be a BIG month. Don't forget to preorder our anthology, Twisted Earths, and you can choose one ebook from any of the authors for free.

3. It's the start of the new season of TV shows. I've been watching Doctor Who, The Big Bang Theory, and Modern Family. Gotham is a new one on FOX. It has potential if it doesn't overdo it with the kids. I can't wait for The Walking Dead and Supernatural. And finally there's the new sci-fi series, Ascension. My fingers are crossed it will be good. What are you watching?

4. I've no plans for the weekend, but we're coming up on my favorite month of the year. Autumn leaves, pumpkin patches, apple picking, and Halloween. I can't wait!

5. Have you taken your Shelfie yet?

When: From Now until October 6th, 2014

What: Take a picture of your favorite book(s), your bookshelves, or you with your favorite book(s). We understand if you're shy and don't want to be in the picture, but you get bonus points if you are. Then share it on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. It's as quick and easy as that!

I'm excited to co-host this blog hop with seven amazing authors: Tara Tyler, Heather Gardner, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, Rena Rocford, and Vikki Biram. We'll be offering prizes for various categories. The grand prize winner will win $40! I'll be giving away a digital copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection for the geekiest Shelfie.

Here is another one of my bookshelves. A lot of hardcovers here and my old university textbooks. I find it very difficult to part with any sort of book!

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - sign on the dotted line

Now that you know my awesome news, I can share with you my experiences being accepted by a publisher. It's incredibly different than self-publishing. One way it's different is the whole signing of a contract deal.

I had a few bumps in the road with it. With my publisher, the contracts department is separate from everything else. My editor was not allowed to be involved in anything to do with it. I filled out all the paperwork (general information, tax forms, book outlines), sent them to the editor, and she forwarded them on to contracts.

Then I waited.

And waited. And waited. And waited.

A month later, I still hadn't received anything.

I asked my editor about it, and she suggested I email contracts to see what was going on.

They had sent out the first copy of the contract, but I had never received it. I checked in all my folders, checked them dozens of times, but nothing. I assured them I didn't receive it, and three weeks later, they sent out  the file again.

I read through the contract carefully. It was 12 pages, but there was nothing I didn't understand. I filled it out, re-read it, and had my husband go over it. I signed it, copied it, and emailed it back.

One month later, I received the finalized contract.

I was moving along at a good speed with my editor, doing edits and filling out my cover requests, I even had a release date, but I couldn't announce it until the contract was complete.

I felt agonized with how slow it was going at times, but this is typical with a publisher. Self-publishing allows you to go as quickly as you want to, but  with a publisher, you can only move as fast as the business can move. Patience is key in signing with one.

If you have a publisher, what has your experience been involving contracts?

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Second Death Blog Tour - guest post by Gwen Gardner

Please welcome the awesome Gwen Gardner talking about character relationships in her newest Indigo Eady book, Second Death.

Stubborn Old Ghost vs Teen Psychic: Who Wins?

Character relationships are a lot like real life relationships, only more so. They’re loving, complicated and sometimes over the top. When you write paranormal, it adds a whole new ‘dimension’ to any relationship.

Take Indigo Eady (ghost-whispering teen psychic) and Franny Bishop (interfering Victorian ghost-madam). They ‘reside’ in the same household and basically have a mother-daughter relationship. As a Victorian, Franny believes that Indigo needs a man. She’s a good-hearted old ghost and wants Indigo to have her heart’s desire. As a woman who *cough* knows men, Franny knows Badger is the one for Indigo. No matter what Indigo says Franny will have her way!

Check out this excerpt from Second Death. To set the scene, Indigo and the gang are tasked with investigating the case of missing paranormals. It’s determined that the common factor is the monthly ball at Gertrude’s Garden.

Gertrude’s Garden is the non-dimensional nightclub where all paranormals are welcome. It’s also the place where living people with no psychic abilities whatsoever can see and experience paranormal things. A place where the living and dead alike can mix and mingle.

So Franny finagles invitations for Indigo, Badger and Simon, and plans a little matchmaking along the way.

First, Indigo finds the invitation on her bed...

Your presence is requested at the monthly cotillion
Saturday, February 25th 2012
Gertrude’s Garden
10:00 p.m. - 12:00 a.m.
Formal Attire
Food and Beverages
Entertainment by Orblight Orchestra

The second item was a matching dance card with a small pencil attached to a narrow, tasseled cord. The inside listed different dances such as the waltz and quadrille. Several of the dances already had names scribbled next to them. Not sure if I was flattered or not.

Two days to prepare, then. And by prepare, I meant talk myself into going back there.


I jumped slightly. “Franny, do you have to startle me like that?”

“Sorry, dear. I wanted to make sure you received the invitations. We’ll need time to alter a dress and style your hair.” Franny, as always, was dressed to kill. Today she wore a fuscia-colored day dress, form-fitting on the top to accentuate her bosom.

Looking at her, I shook my head. “I don’t know. I don’t really dress up well like you do. I hadn’t really planned on dancing, either. Couldn’t I just wear my jeans?”

She looked horrified. “Of course not! Besides, you’ll never get past Gertie wearing that garb you young women wear these days. It’s scandalous! I’m sure Badger would like to see you dressed up...”

I sighed. “I told you. Badger and I aren’t—”

“That’s nice, dear. Now, meet me in the attic and we’ll find something lovely to impress Badger.”

“Stubborn old ghost!”

So tell me, do you think Indigo wore jeans?

Second Death:

The Sabrina Shores spirit community is in crisis. 
Ghosties are mysteriously disappearing at an alarming rate. 
They’re simply...gone. A second death.

The clues are limited, but it’s clear that the one common factor is Gertrude’s Garden, the nightclub social center of the spirit community which just happens to adjoin the Sabrina Shores cemetery: the one place Indigo makes a point of not going. Ever. She has her reasons.

Indigo Eady:

Much to her chagrin, Indigo Eady is a celebrity among spirits. She’s the girl who can see and speak with them. She has a proven track record in helping spirits find their murderers, so it’s no surprise when she’s drafted onto the Missing Paranormal Committee. Who better to help them than the experienced teenage ghost whisperer- investigator and her friends?
Order Second Death on Amazon or iTunes
Gwen Gardner is a native Californian living in sunny San Diego, where her love of reading and writing led to a BA in English literature. Life is now complete with her husband, two dogs and a daily call from her daughter.

Since ghosts feature prominently in her young adult Indigo Eady Paranormal “Cozy” Mystery series, she has a secret desire to meet one face to face - but will run screaming for the hills if she ever does. Gwen adores travel and experiencing the cultures and foods of different countries. She is always up for an adventure and anything involving chocolate - not necessarily in that order.
Connect with Gwen:

Monday, September 22, 2014

30 Seconds Blog Tour Excerpt

When a woman finds herself in the middle of a war between a police force and the Mob, 30 SECONDS is a long time.

Title: 30 Seconds
Author: Chrys Fey
Genre: Romantic-Suspense
Heat Rating: Spicy (PG13)
Length: Novella (105 pages)
Format: eBook
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Published: 09/10/2014


When Officer Blake Herro agreed to go undercover in the Mob, he thought he understood the risks. But he's made mistakes and now an innocent woman has become their target. He's determined to protect her at all costs.

The Mob's death threat turns Dr. Dani Hart's life upside down, but there is one danger she doesn’t anticipate. As she's dodging bullets, she's falling in love with Blake. With danger all around them, will she and Blake survive and have a happy ending, or will the Mob make good on their threat? 


       She panted with fear. What if they see the chest? What if we get caught? What if my breath stinks and I’m breathing right into Officer Hottie’s face? She shut her mouth and let oxygen flow through her nose.
Her eyesight slowly adjusted to the darkness and she could see Officer Herro’s silhouette. His head was turned and he was listening to the thuds of heavy boots getting louder; the intruders were coming their way.
Then the thunder of footsteps sounded right next to them. “There’s no one here, Red,” someone announced.
“Look for documents,” a man ordered, who Dani could only assume was Red. “I want the name of the person I’m going to kill.”
A moment later, there was a reply. “All the mail is addressed to a Dr. Hart.”
Hearing her name said aloud by one of the men who had ransacked her place made her want to gasp. Her mouth fell open and her breath was reversing into her lungs, but before she could make a sound, Officer Herro lowered his lips to hers, silencing her. Stunned, she could only lie beneath him with her eyes wide and her body tense. She couldn’t believe he was kissing her. She wanted to push him back, but knew if she did he might hit the inside of the chest, giving away their hiding place. That was when she realized he was kissing her so she wouldn’t gasp.
She let her body relax. After her initial shock faded, she was able to feel his lips. They were comforting and caused a reaction deep inside her. She couldn’t stop her lips from reacting to his. It was an innocent connection, a soft touch of lips. Until his hand slid from her shoulder to her neck and the kiss deepened into something else.


Chrys Fey is a lover of rock music just like Dani Hart in 30 Seconds. Whenever she's writing at her desk, headphones are always emitting the sounds of her musical muses -especially that of her favorite band, 30 Seconds to Mars, the inspiration behind the title.

30 Seconds is her second eBook with The Wild Rose Press. Her debut, Hurricane Crimes, is also available on Amazon.

Discover her writing tips on her blog, and connect with her on Facebook. She loves to get to know her readers!


Bonus – Chrys Fey reveals 3 things about herself and 30 Seconds:

1.    Dani Hart has two tattoos, one of which is string notes to a rock ballad. Chrys Fey has a dragonfly tattoo on her arm. 
2.   Dani was born at a Kiss concert. Chrys has never gone to a concert.
3.   Chrys’s grandmother had a large cedar chest, but she never had to hide it in for her own safety like Dani does in 30 Seconds.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday Five for September 19, 2014

1. Thank you so much for all your congratulations about my big news. I love this community. Your support and encouragement mean so much to me.

2. My wrist is doing well, but healing still leaves me utterly exhausted. I haven' t done any writing, but I've managed to get some critiquing done. My local critique group meets tomorrow, and I can only hope I don't doze off as I do at that time of day!

3. I've been cleaning out my Kindle. I had a lot of ebooks on it that I didn't get past 10%. I've also had a few that really surprised me with how great they were. Rarely in the past did I ever not finish a book, even if it was horrible, but with my huge TBR list, I have to be picky. It is difficult for me to do because I know how much work authors put into their stories.

4. I received another rejection for my urban fantasy novel earlier this week. I sent it to the publishers I really thought might like it. It's quirky and unusual and tells a powerful story. I will be self-publishing it next year. So be ready for a huge year of releases in 2015 from me!

5. Have you taken your Shelfie yet?

When: From Now until October 6th, 2014

What: Take a picture of your favorite book(s), your bookshelves, or you with your favorite book(s). We understand if you're shy and don't want to be in the picture, but you get bonus points if you are. Then share it on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. It's as quick and easy as that!

I'm excited to co-host this blog hop with seven amazing authors: Tara Tyler, Heather Gardner, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, Rena Rocford, and Vikki Biram. We'll be offering prizes for various categories. The grand prize winner will win $40! I'll be giving away a digital copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection for the geekiest Shelfie.

I have several bookshelves in my house. I have too many books to fit in them. This is but one of my overstuffed shelves. Double-stacked, if you can tell!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - BIG NEWS!

Wicked Wednesdays are about to get a little more wicked.


I signed a three book contract with Ellora's Cave!

Earlier this year, I was waiting for critiques from my CPs. I had a bit of free writing time when I stumbled across an open call from Ellora's Cave (EC). They were searching for geeky stories for a themed release called Geekgasm. I giggled and joked around with my husband. With all those naughty geek jokes I know, I could write a story.

So I did. And EC loved it!

They loved it so much, they wanted more. I agreed to write two more hilarious books featuring my nerdy characters. The series is named:

( D&D for short!)

The first book in the series, "Loose Corset" has already gone through revisions and is in its final edits. I even have a release date!

January 9, 2015

I'm still a bit in shock. I got the news in June, but I've had to keep it under wraps until everything was finalized. These books are funny, romantic, geeky, and hot. They're written by a geek for geeks. I'll be talking about everything more on Wednesdays, sharing with you my experience and tantalizing you with teasers.

Until then, here's the blurb for "Loose Corset."

Geek girl Morgan Reid has been to many conventions, but none that had her wishing it would never end.

Dressed as their characters from the online game Steampunk Quest, Morgan and her best friend meet the other players for the first time in real life. Morgan's attraction to the gorgeous Dean Bradley is immediate, making it difficult to breathe in her tight corset. Even after a few dice shattering orgasms, she doesn't believe this can be anything more than a con fling. But Dean is making her feel things she's only read about in books. Can Morgan let go of her cool-headed logic and allow herself to fall completely for the perfect geek guy?

Monday, September 15, 2014

Confessions From A Coffee Shop Blog Tour - guest post from T.B. Markinson

 I'm excited to welcome here today the wonderfully talented T.B. Markinson to talk about her adventure when she first self-published. Enjoy!

Howdy Christine! It’s wonderful to be here today. You have some of the most supportive blogging buddies and I always enjoying visiting.

Thank goodness your visitors are kind since I have a confession to make. Many people assume since I’ve self-published three novels that I’m comfortable with technology. I wish that was the case, but I’m not. When I lived in the States, I was fortunate to have friends who were tech whizzes. In fact, I worked in an audio visual department. I wasn’t a tech, but I scheduled the appointments for the techs. At one point, our department hired a supervisor who knew less than me. One of the techs joked, “He probably doesn’t know what LCD stands for.” Everyone laughed while I sat at my computer and Googled what does LCD stand for. Just in case you want to know it stands for liquid crystal display.

When I decided to self-publish I had to take a crash course in publishing technology. In the very beginning, a reviewer asked me for a mobi file. What? How in the world was I going to find Moby Dick? Again, I Googled what the reviewer wanted and realized I did have a mobi file. That’s the type of file Amazon requires for uploading ebooks. Whew, one thing learned.

Time for another confession. When I published my first novel, I didn’t even own an ereader. I know, I know. I just published an ebook and I had to read it on my laptop. I felt like a hypocrite and a fool. My partner took pity on me and gave me one for my birthday. At first, I wasn’t sure if I would get used to it. Like many others who resisted the ebook craze for years, I wondered if it could replace the feel of a real book. I’m not sure it will ever do that, but I have to admit I love that I can carry an entire library with me at all times. And if I don’t want to carry my Kindle Fire, I now have a smaller Kindle. Sometimes though, even the small one doesn’t fit into my plans. Thank goodness for my cell phone, which I always carry. I am never without a book now. For someone who struggles with technology, I’ve managed to acquire some knowledge and a few devices. Right now I keep dropping hints that I want an iPad. Christmas is coming.

What does this mean for others who want to self-publish? At times it may feel like an uphill battle. You may have more technical knowledge (most people do), but there will still be things you’ll have to learn. But don’t let it discourage you. The best thing I’ve learned is to ask. Authors are the friendliest bunch. I have emailed many and asked them questions. No one has ever said, “Gosh you’re an idiot.” Instead they answer my question and usually give me more tips and advice. If you want to self-publish don’t let anything get in your way. And don’t be afraid to say, “I don’t know what I’m doing.” None of us did in the early stages. Go ahead and ask for help. You can even email me. Chances are I won’t know the answer, but I probably know someone who does. Self-publishing doesn’t mean you have to go it alone.

Blurb: Cori Tisdale was on top of the world. A basketball star at Harvard and a promising author with a lucrative book deal.

A few years later, Cori’s life is falling apart. Her beautiful girlfriend, Kat Finn, has a shopping addiction. To make ends meet, Cori takes a part-time job at a coffee shop.

Just when Cori thinks her life can’t get any worse, an old crush appears out of the blue. Cori’s friendship with Samantha Clarke pushes Cori further into a dangerous abyss when Sam reveals two secrets to Cori and asks her not to tell a soul, including Kat.

Will this be the end of Cori’s and Kat’s relationship?

Buy the book here:

About the Author: T. B. Markinson is a 40-year old American writer, living in England, who pledged she would publish before she was 35. Better late than never. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling around the world, watching sports on the telly, visiting pubs in England, or taking the dog for a walk. Not necessarily in that order. T. B. has published A Woman Lost, Marionette, and Confessions From A Coffee Shop.

Mailing List: Sign up to TB’s New Release Mailing List here. Your email will never be shared and you will only be contacted when a new book is out.

Links: Twitter * Facebook * Blog * Goodreads * Amazon Author Page

Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday Five for September 12, 2014

1. My bone is healing nicely, but I've been sleeping a lot. Mending bones takes a toll on a body. I never knew how much. I also find it difficult to focus on things. No writing has gotten done, even one-handed. I hope that changes very soon. (And nope, it's not the pain killers. I only take one at night before I go to bed.)

2.I finally have my contracts completed! Yay! Pop in next Wednesday for my BIG news. If you haven't signed up for my newsletter yet, the widget is to the right on the sidebar. Subscribers will get a sneak preview!

3. No word on any of my submissions. It's been over three months since I submitted my urban fantasy novel. Time to nudge the publisher?

4. No plans for the weekend except resting some more. The weekend after is going to be very busy, so I hope I have the energy for it!

5. Don't forget the Shelfie Blog Hop!

 When: From Now until October 6th, 2014

What: Take a picture of your favorite book(s), your bookshelves, or you with your favorite book(s). We understand if you're shy and don't want to be in the picture, but you get bonus points if you are. Then share it on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter. It's as quick and easy as that!

I'm excited to co-host this blog hop with seven amazing authors: Tara Tyler, Heather Gardner, CD Coffelt, M.J. Fifield, Elizabeth Seckman, Rena Rocford, and Vikki Biram. We'll be offering prizes for various categories. The grand prize winner will win $40! I'll be giving away a digital copy of The 13th Floor Complete Collection for the geekiest Shelfie.

For inspiration, here's Tawa posing with all the books I've a story in.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Rifters - A Summer Trip to Settler, Oregon

To celebrate the release of Mary Pax's newest series, The Rifters, she's having a grand giveaway. Post a short tale about your summer trip to Settler, Oregon any time between now and October 31st, 2014, email her the link, and be entered to win one of two $25 Amazon or B&N giftcards, a signed book, or the digital versions of the first two books in the series. Click HERE for all the details.

This picture from Mary's gallery inspired my story:

There was nowhere better in the world to dig for fossils than Settler, and thankfully most paleontologists didn't know it. I've seen a few amateur diggers over the years, but they certainly couldn't understand what priceless finds they might be making.

I did. I made my career off them.

Every year in early autumn, I'd come to Gold Lake and pitch my tent. Not once have I left empty-handed.

This year I had to attend an important convention during my usual dig time, so now I was hammering away under the mid-summer sun. Eagerly yet carefully. I found a set of raptor - at least I was pretty sure they were raptor - footprints that would win me enough fame to oust the director of my department. I chuckled at the thought of getting rid of the old coot.

Five prints already uncovered and the next ones in the path were open to the air. I swiped my brows and took a long drink of water before I moved to the sixth one.

Funny. The rock was a different color here.

No, wait. That's mud.

The tracks are fresh.


The Gold Rush trickles to a fool’s quest and a string of stagecoach heists. In 1888, Earl Blacke decides to make a new start and become a better man. He escapes into the mountains, heading north. In the wilds of Oregon, a rift inside an ancient volcano opens and sends him into the future, into the present day. It also shaves forty years off his age, forty years to live over again and atone for what he’s done.

Starting over is hard to do. In current day New York, Daelin Long’s dream job at a publishing house goes the way of the dinosaurs her sister chases. With no money and nowhere else to go, Daelin accepts the librarian position in her sister’s dinky town in the middle of Oregon. Nestled inside ancient volcanic peaks, the town of Settler holds onto many secrets. Residents roam the streets with weirdly fashioned devices, and odd lights pulse in the night skies. People whisper of a phantom outlaw and start dying, murdered and missing their heads. On top of it all, Daelin’s sister is missing, and Daelin doesn’t know who to trust.

Earl knows more than he’s saying. He shares a notorious history with the phantom, one he’ll see remains buried. Keeping Daelin’s sister’s secrets is his only chance at redemption, and the only way to keep this world safe.

Ebook: Amazon / Amazon UK / AmazonDE / AmazonAU / AmazonCA / B&N / Smashwords / Googleplay / iTunes /

Versent Books / inktera

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Rifters release and an excerpt

The Gold Rush trickles to a fool’s quest and a string of stagecoach heists. In 1888, Earl Blacke decides to make a new start and become a better man. He escapes into the mountains, heading north. In the wilds of Oregon, a rift inside an ancient volcano opens and sends him into the future, into the present day. It also shaves forty years off his age, forty years to live over again and atone for what he’s done.

Starting over is hard to do. In current day New York, Daelin Long’s dream job at a publishing house goes the way of the dinosaurs her sister chases. With no money and nowhere else to go, Daelin accepts the librarian position in her sister’s dinky town in the middle of Oregon. Nestled inside ancient volcanic peaks, the town of Settler holds onto many secrets. Residents roam the streets with weirdly fashioned devices, and odd lights pulse in the night skies. People whisper of a phantom outlaw and start dying, murdered and missing their heads. On top of it all, Daelin’s sister is missing, and Daelin doesn’t know who to trust.

Earl knows more than he’s saying. He shares a notorious history with the phantom, one he’ll see remains buried. Keeping Daelin’s sister’s secrets is his only chance at redemption, and the only way to keep this world safe.

The Rifters is available at an introductory price. The second book in the series, The Initiate, will be available October 20, 2014. It’s up for preorder for a special price at iTunes, Amazon, and B&N. Check HERE for links. Giveaways and events are ongoing through October 31, 2014. Check HERE for details.

Links: Amazon / AmazonUK / B&N / Smashwords /Googleplay / iTunes / Other Outlets 

A woman in a long flowered dress hurried forward carrying a paintbrush. “Hello, hello.” She waved. “Excuse the mess. I’m renovating... again.” She laughed with little snorts, stumbling in a little circle, defying her years. She couldn’t be younger than forty. “Inside joke, man, sorry. What groovieness can I help you find? I know where everything is.” She gestured at the piles of castoff merchandise strewn about.

If not for the goose bumps on her goose bumps, Daelin would have left. “A winter coat? Earl Blacke mentioned you might have some.”

“Oh man! What a tragedy about him, huh?” She wore her amber hair in two braids, tied with twine and decorated with plastic flowers.

Tragedy? What had happened to Earl? Daelin clutched at her knotting stomach. “What do you mean?”

“There was a murder last night. Umm, wow. Didn’t you hear?” She set the paintbrush down on a plate that had been used for the purpose before. Bracelets covered her arms, clinking with her simple movements.

“In Settler?” Violent crime wasn’t what Daelin expected to hear. She didn’t know what she had expected, but not murder.

The thrift store woman leaned in closer, whispering in a conspiratorial tone. “Yeah, they’re saying Earl Blacke killed Susan Leeds. Took her head plum off, man. Only thing is...,” she glanced at the shadows then wet her lips, “her head is missing.” The soft scent of melon accompanied her words.

Earl had murdered somebody? Daelin gulped, getting a lungful of paint fumes. Right, the paint. The fumes had to be messing with her mind. “Are you serious?”

About the author: M. Pax is author of the space adventure series The Backworlds, plus other novels and short stories. Fantasy, science fiction, and the weird beckons to her, and she blames Oregon, a source of endless inspiration. She docents at Pine Mountain Observatory in the summers as a star guide, has a cat with a crush on Mr. Spock, and is slightly obsessed with Jane Austen. Learn more at

* * * * *

In other Untethered Realms news:

Gwen Gardner released the cover to her newest YA paranormal thriller: Second Death. It's absolutely gorgeous!

Angela Brown's alter-ego Rayven Godchild released her latest erotic tale about falling in love, Secret Lilies.

Don't forget that you can have an ebook of your choice from any of the talented UR authors when you preorder our anthology, Twisted Earths.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Friday Five for September 5th, 2014

1. I had quite the adventure on Wednesday. My son and I were playing in a creek, and I fell, breaking my wrist. I managed to get us out of the creek, walk up 100 stairs, and call my husband before collapsing in my seat. My little guy was so well behaved. I'm in a cast now and don't need surgery. If the bone doesn't drift, I'll be in the cast for six weeks.

2. Please forgive me that I won't be commenting on your blogs for a little while. I can type with one hand, slowly, and hopefully, once the swelling goes down, I'll have use of my other fingers. I'll be able to type, and as a writer, this pleases me greatly.

3. A big thank you to the kind lady and gentleman who helped me after I got to my car. That big bag of ice saved me from passing out, and talking kept me focused. I am grateful that you were there and to be reminded there are generous and compassionate folks out there.

4. I'll be resting and reading a lot over the course of the next week. I might make a dent in my TBR list!

5. In other news, I have two short stories short-listed at pro venues. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

IWSG for September 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm busy this month with writing and editing. Lots of new story ideas popping up lately too. So many stories and so little time!

I want to leave you smiling, though. Here are some super cute pictures of my little guy bringing you some inspiration.

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Pssst! I'm over at the Untethered Realms blog this week talking about awe and wonder.

Don't forget about the Shelfie Blog Hop too! Enter with a pic of yourself and/or your favorite books and win prizes.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Darkness Review

Blurb: Seventeen-year-old Carly Lopez suffers from post-traumatic stress, though the “post” part technically doesn’t apply...not when the killer’s still out there.

As the only survivor of the killing spree that left four dead girls in its wake, Carly fails to unearth her buried memories of that day and is consumed with guilt. After a year of silence, the killer's back, and Carly will stop at nothing to stop him.

With each new death, Carly’s reality shatters, propelling her deeper into the darkness where the dead haunt her and where the truth lies. Her only firm grasp of reality is Hunter Jackson, whose mysterious overprotectiveness of Carly forces her to doubt the reason behind her guilt.

But Hunter has a secret.

And when she discovers a horrible truth, Carly questions her involvement in the murders. Was she directly responsible? Did she help the killer? Carly soon learns that finding answers may mean risking more than just her sanity.

My review:
Carly Lopez is the only survivor of a serial killer that murdered four teenage girls. He was never caught, and she can't remember what he looks like. Now he's back, and she's determined to find the killer. Except she can't tell reality from dream sometimes. Her post-traumatic stress has left her questioning even herself. Can she find the truth without ending up in an institution again or getting herself killed?

This YA thriller with a supernatural edge takes the reader on a surreal journey. It's fascinating and frightening at the same time. Carly's post-traumatic stress disorder is captured vividly. Her nightmares, visions, and inability to remember things interfere with her desire to help the police. Carly is determined no matter that her own mind is holding her back.

Amidst the chaos, Hunter is the rock holding Carly together. He's one of those guys every girl crushes on an for good reason. Hunter has his own secrets, and they weave into the strange web that creates this extraordinary tale. A few times I felt lost, but that is merely because Carly feels that too. And when you discover the truth, it is even more fantastical than the illusions.

About the author: Elizabeth is the author of THE SECOND SIGN and THE SECOND SHADOW, a dark young adult paranormal romance series. Elizabeth currently teaches writing to teens at a local community center. You can find more information about Elizabeth at:
