Monday, June 30, 2014

Review for A Dragon's Lament

Magic is real. So is betrayal.

David enters the Fire Kingdom and events shift from bad to worse. He learns a shocking truth about the dragons, a truth destined to block his efforts to retrieve the lost magic of Shaylar from the ruling Council. After a cave-in and injuries force a rescue, David finds himself more isolated than before as personal concerns scatter his trusted advisors and the wizard who led him there abandons him.

The head of the dragon Council negotiates separate deals with both David and his father, sowing further discord between them. David's close friend, Lothan, disappears into the caves and doesn't return. A group of dissidents kidnap Wilks, the child empath David is sworn to protect. With no options left, he accepts the Council's demands to help them in their centuries-old conflict, risking a war which might kill them all.

Even if David manages to win, there's no guarantee the dragons will let him leave the region alive. They don't want the Kingdom of Shaylar to rise again and will stop at nothing to see it remain a pile of dust.

My review:
A blast of cold hits David and his friends as they enter the Fire Kingdom. The heat comes with the dragons and their politics, as dangerous as the wizards on the Far Isle. The dragon Council is wrestling with a group of clever dissidents and sticks David in the middle of the conflict to earn the magic that he is seeking. Along with the dragons, David must contend with his father and his missing friends. If he survives the battle, there's no guarantee he'll find the magic he needs to help revive the Kingdom of Shaylar.

If you thought the first book in this epic fantasy series was amazing, you'll be blown away by this second installment. Magnificent worldbuilding and characterization. The dragons are fascinating creatures. I'm a sucker for twisted politics. Lies upon lies, yanked around in circles and unexpected turns, not knowing who to trust. Then the layers are peeled back to reveal the rich and shocking tale beneath.

I love seeing the characters we know struggle and grow. The harmony and animosity amongst David and his group. I also like the new additions, especially the priestess. I can't wait to read more of their adventures!

Available here:

Paperback - Amazon

About the author:

River Fairchild is somewhat odd, brandishes a dry sense of humor, owned by several cats. Lives in a fantasy world. A fabricator of magic. Makes stuff up and spins tales about it. Believes in Faerie crossings and never staying in one place for very long. Speculative Fiction wordsmith. The secret to her stories? Spread lies, blend in truths, add a pinch of snark and a dash of tears. Escape into her world. She left the porch light on so you can find your way down the rabbit hole.
Blog / Facebook / Twitter / Amazon /

Friday, June 27, 2014

Friday Five for June 27, 2014

1. I still haven't managed to catch up on my online stuff since I've gotten back from visiting family. Why doesn't one week away mean at least two weeks of work? So please forgive me that I haven't been visiting many blogs. I'm losing time during the days since my son isn't in school. I'll get back into the swing of things soon. *knocks on wood*

2. I've been working hard on revisions for my publisher. And sorry, I still can't say anything until the contract is official. When will that be? I'm not sure. Very soon, I hope.

3. I've won a few prizes on giveaways recently. I can't believe more people don't enter them. How can you not love free stuff? Gift cards and books are my favorite prizes. I always read and review the books I win too. A win for me and a win for the author. I'm curious, how many of you always enter giveaways when you come across them? Sometimes enter them? Rarely?

4. I can't believe it's the end of June already. The summer is going by quickly. Family visit done and Fourth of July fun coming up next week. Maybe we'll go blueberry picking this weekend. My son is in the middle of his summer literacy class and doing excellently. We spent all afternoon at a park yesterday.

5. Happy Friday, everyone! Have a great weekend. :)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Effigy cover reveal

The survival of a once-mighty kingdom rests in the hands of its young queen, Haleine Coileáin, as it slowly succumbs to an ancient evil fueled by her husband’s cruelty.

A sadistic man with a talent for torture and a taste for murder, he is determined to burn the land and all souls within. Haleine is determined to save her kingdom and, after a chance encounter, joins forces with the leader of the people’s rebellion. She gives him her support, soon followed by her heart.

Loving him is inadvertent but becomes as natural and necessary as breathing. She lies and steals on his behalf, doing anything she can to further their cause. She compromises beliefs held all her life, for what life will exist if evil prevails?

Her journey leads to a deceiving world of magic, monsters, and gods she never believed existed outside of myth. The deeper she goes, the more her soul is stripped away, but she continues on, desperate to see her quest complete. If she can bring her husband to ruin and save her people, any sacrifice is worth the price—even if it means her life.

Release date: July 22, 2014 
Cover art by Ravven

About The Author:
Armed with a deep and lasting love of chocolate, purple pens, and medieval weaponry, M.J. Fifield is nothing if not a uniquely supplied insomniac. When she isn’t writing, she’s on the hunt for oversized baked goods or shiny new daggers. M.J. lives with a variety of furry creatures—mostly pets—in New Hampshire. Effigy is her first novel.

M.J.'s website and blog
Ravven's site

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

No spoilers, sweetie


I have book titles.

I have a series title.

I have a release date for the first book.

But I can't tell you yet.

Soon. Very soon.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Broken Branch Falls is here!

It's Beastly Blitz Day!

I'm a huge fan of MG fantasy. I can't wait until my son is old enough to start reading great books like Tara's with me. We play all sorts of pretend/imagination games together already. I believe children have a natural inclination to do such things as it is, but people complain we see them doing so less and less. I've found it easy to pull any child into a game using their imagination. All they need is to be opened to possibilities. What I'd like to see is more adults playing with their kids in such a way. There's nothing to be embarrassed about! It's tons of fun, and little ones want to do what the big kids (us!) are doing. Imagination is just as important as intellect. Wonderful MG fantasy stories can bring kids and adults together and start them on the path to grand adventures.

by Tara Tyler
Release Date: June 24, 2014 - TODAY!!
B&N ~~~ Amazon
Publisher: Curiosity Quills

Gabe is an average fifteen-year-old goblin. He’s in the marching band, breezes through calculus, and gets picked on daily by the other kids at school, especially the ogres. But Gabe wants to break out of his nerdy stereotype and try other things. He has his eye on the new ogress at school. Though it’s against all beastly rules, there’s just something about her.

Gabe starts a fad of mingling with other species, forcing the High Council to step in and ruin things by threatening to destroy the school and split up Broken Branch Falls. With help from other outcast friends, Gabe sets out on a quest to save his town. They'll show 'em what different friends can do together!

Add it to your GOODREADS list!

Tara Tyler has had a hand at everything from waitressing to rocket engineering. After living up and down the Eastern US, she now writes and teaches math in Ohio with her three active boys and Coach Husband. Currently, she has two series, The Cooper Chronicles (techno- thriller detective capers) and Beast World (MG fantasy) She's an adventure writer who believes every good story should have action, a moral, and a few laughs!

Also by Tara Tyler, techno-thriller detective series,
The Cooper Chronicles, Book One: POP TRAVEL

Monday, June 23, 2014

REBORN blog tour - interview with the God of Prophecy

I'm excited and honored to have with me today the God of Prophecy, Apenth.
He plays a crucial role in Cherie Reich's YA fantasy series, The Fate Challenges. In fact, the young heroine is his chosen one.
You can read my review of REBORN here.
Please join me in welcoming Apenth to my blog.

1. You are the God of Prophecy and Wisdom. What other things have mortals attributed to you over the centuries? Healing and Music. Who knows what those mortals will come up with next?

2. Why did you go against Fate and make Yssa your sixth Phoenix Prophetess? I had to complete Amora’s prophecy. She passed into Hupogaia’s realm so many years ago. I miss her every day, but making sure her prophecies are intact brings me closer to her. I also love the city and kingdom she created. Fate may have dictated Amora’s fall, but I will delay Fate’s will as long as possible.

3. Do you have a particular love for the Kingdom of Amora? Why? My consort founded the kingdom, so of course I love it. I love the way dawn’s rosy fingers brush against the white buildings. I love the bustle of the many different people who live within the city. It’s the grandest kingdom in the world, and I will fight to protect it.

4. Do you speak with your other seers as you do with Yssa? Not usually and not where they know it is me. Yssa is pretty unique in her ability to see us gods. Not even the other Phoenix Prophetesses could do so.

5. Yssa thinks that you might be her Phoenix Guard. Have you considered taking that role again as you did in the past? The Council of the Gods has decreed only mortal men can be Phoenix Guards, so unless I become mortal, I won’t go against that rule by the Council.

6. Kisa, the Queen of the Gods, does not seem to have a particular liking for you. Can you tell us if this is something beyond you raising Phoenix Prophetesses? Yes, Kisa’s animosity has little to do with my Phoenix Prophetesses, although they give her a reason to act out against me. My father is Thean, Kisa’s consort. My mother, however, is Postera. Kisa never forgave my mother for the affair she had with Thean, even when the Queen of the Gods cursed Mother. Kisa often seeks to disrupt my plans.

7. You once had a mortal family. Can you tell us a bit about them? Ah, I loved my mortal family. I was a young god—merely a child myself—when I brought Amora back to life. Those purple eyes stole my heart. We grew up together in many ways and fought many battles together to take a small fishing village into a city. Amora and I had two children—twins—Moran and Apentha. Apentha was born first, so we decided she would become queen of our fledgling kingdom. Apentha was smart yet insecure. She had a talent with healing. Her touch could sooth a screaming baby and calm a grieving mother. Moran was always an anxious child. He never wanted to stay still and longed to explore. After Apentha brought him back to life, he traveled east and founded the City of Apentha, which became a kingdom in its own right until the joining of Princess Magna and Prince Cyrun. I miss my family each and every day.

8. Do you still enjoy certain mortal pleasures? Please tell us a few. Ah, mortal pleasures. I enjoy the feel of parchment between my fingers. Too many gods don’t bother with reading. I enjoy hugs. A simple embrace can mean so much. Gods just don’t show simple affection like that. I like the sparkle of gold, how cool and smooth the metal can be.

9. What do you think of Yssa? Has she lived up to your expectations? Yssa hasn’t had it easy, but I’m so proud of her. She’s fought back from devastating losses to defeat her enemies. The poor thing doesn’t even realize how special she is, but I gave my word not to explain unless she figures the truth out. She will, though. She’s very persistent, which is a great trait to have.

10. Is everyone, including the gods, subjects of Fate, or do you believe that everyone should be able to create their own destiny? As nice as it would be for all of us to create our destiny, we are bound by Fate for the most part. The paths that have gone before us dictate the paths ahead of us. Of course, you mortals like to think you have a hand in where you end up, but do you? Or have you played into Fate’s hands all along?

Thank you for joining us, Apenth. I enjoyed our chat.

To save a kingdom, a prophetess must challenge Fate.

On the day of Yssa’s death and rebirth, the god Apenth chose her as the Phoenix Prophetess.

Sea serpents and gods endanger the young prophetess’s journey and sour the omens. Yssa is cursed instead of blessed, and her duties at the Temple of Apenth prove it. She spends her days reading dusty scrolls, which does nothing to help her forget Tym, the boy back home. But the annoying yet gorgeous ferryman’s son Liam proves to be a distraction she can’t predict, even though he rarely leaves her alone for two sand grains.

Her boring temple life screeches to a halt when visions of her parents’ murders consume her. Yssa races across an ocean to stop the future. If she can’t change Fate, she’ll refuse to be the Phoenix Prophetess any longer. Fate, however, has other plans for her and the kingdom.

Yssa must either accept her destiny or fight to change Fate.

Available in Ebook and Print!

Click here to add on Goodreads.

A self-proclaimed bookworm, Cherie Reich is a speculative fiction writer and library assistant living in Virginia. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies, and her books include the horror collection Nightmare, a space fantasy novella collection titled Gravity, and the fantasy series The Foxwick Chronicles and The Fate Challenges. Reborn is her debut novel. She is Vice President of Valley Writers and a member of the Virginia Writers Club and Untethered Realms. For more information, please visit her website.

Cherie and the authors of Untethered Realms are giving away over $50 worth of books to one lucky winner. The giveaway is open internationally.

Friday, June 20, 2014

REBORN blog tour - review & giveaway

To save a kingdom, a prophetess must challenge Fate.

On the day of Yssa’s death and rebirth, the god Apenth chose her as the Phoenix Prophetess.

Sea serpents and gods endanger the young prophetess’s journey and sour the omens. Yssa is cursed instead of blessed, and her duties at the Temple of Apenth prove it. She spends her days reading dusty scrolls, which does nothing to help her forget Tym, the boy back home. But the annoying yet gorgeous ferryman’s son Liam proves to be a distraction she can’t predict, even though he rarely leaves her alone for two sand grains.

Her boring temple life screeches to a halt when visions of her parents’ murders consume her. Yssa races across an ocean to stop the future. If she can’t change Fate, she’ll refuse to be the Phoenix Prophetess any longer. Fate, however, has other plans for her and the kingdom.

Yssa must either accept her destiny or fight to change Fate.

My review:
Yssa grew up on a small island, happy and loved, but she always knew her destiny was elsewhere. She is the Phoenix Prophetess, Apenth's chosen one. She is whisked away from home to serve the Queen, seeing great wonders and facing dangers beyond imagination. As the heavy weight of her position slowly smothers her, she has a vision of her parents' murder. She must save them at the risk of everything else. Can Yssa challenge Fate and win or will she find herself a mere cog in its ever-grinding wheel?

REBORN is the fantastic first book in The Fate Challenges and Cherie Reich's debut novel. The world building is astounding. The people, the cultures, the history, and the lore. Each layer is peeled back as we learn about the world through Yssa's eyes. The wonders and the horrors. I particularly love how the gods mingle with the mortals. The gods do walk among them and whisper in their ears.

Yssa is a strong and sympathetic heroine. I loved seeing her grow not only in her role as the Phoenix Prophetess, but from a small island girl into a young woman to be admired. Liam is the perfect complement to Yssa. He's a bit cocky and sharp at times, but he easily won me over. Their relationship is sometimes rocky and other times sweet. The cast of characters is large and wonderfully varied, but the Queen, Ariala, and the gods themselves are included in my favorites.

With great characterization and a marvelous story, this YA fantasy is not to be missed. I cannot wait to read the next installment in the series.

Available in Ebook and Print!

Click here to add on Goodreads.

A self-proclaimed bookworm, Cherie Reich is a speculative fiction writer and library assistant living in Virginia. Her short stories have appeared in magazines and anthologies, and her books include the horror collection Nightmare, a space fantasy novella collection titled Gravity, and the fantasy series The Foxwick Chronicles and The Fate Challenges. Reborn is her debut novel. She is Vice President of Valley Writers and a member of the Virginia Writers Club and Untethered Realms. For more information, please visit her website.

Cherie and the authors of Untethered Realms are giving away over $50 worth of books to one lucky winner. The giveaway is open internationally.


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Darkest Days Blackest Nights: Tales of Lust, Greed, Vengeance, Death

Midnight lasts a bit longer tonight, its shadow cold and bruised. The bell tower strikes a thirteenth time, extending an invitation to the Danse Macabre—the dance of death. Don’t tarry. The others are waiting, anxious to share their tales before the music ends. Stories of lust, greed, vengeance, and death. Journeys of power. Woes of the fallen. Retaliation. Atonement. Loss.

Even now, Death works on his special tribute.

Will you be one of the honored guests? Think carefully. It may be the last decision you’ll ever make.

About the author:

River Fairchild is somewhat odd, brandishes a dry sense of humor, owned by several cats. Lives in a fantasy world. A fabricator of magic. Makes stuff up and spins tales about it. Believes in Faerie crossings and never staying in one place for very long. Speculative Fiction wordsmith. The secret to her stories? Spread lies, blend in truths, add a pinch of snark and a dash of tears. Escape into her world. She left the porch light on so you can find your way down the rabbit hole.
Blog / Facebook / Twitter / Amazon /

Monday, June 16, 2014

Review for An American Girl in Italy

An Italian paradise is the last thing she wants... but the one thing she needs!

Surely any girl would kill for the chance to tour Italy’s most famous cities for the summer? To experience the warmth of the Tuscan sun, the culinary delights of the pizzerias and caffés and to stroll along the cobbled streets of the City of Love itself...

Any girl apart from ambitious oboist Carly Davis that is! For her, the Easthampton Civic Symphony’s latest European tour is one massive inconvenience. She can’t even put her smartphone down long enough to snap a picture of the Coliseum.

Only, there’s one Italian attraction that Carly hadn’t quite expected to be a part of the tourist route...
Tour guide Michelangelo is as dark and delicious as Carly’s morning espresso. And when she needs a few lessons in the language of love to land her an important gig, he’s a more than capable tutor.

But with her promising career back in Boston, can Carly really afford to lose her heart in Italy?
My review:
Carly Davis is so focused on her career, she doesn't have time for anything else. As an oboist for the Easthampton Civic Symphony, she's looking forward to their tour in Italy. It should be good for her career! What she doesn't expect is that their tour guide Michelangelo is not only gorgeous, but the one that can help her with an important gig. The more time Carly spends with him, the more she realizes there could be more to life than her music. But is she willing to take that chance?

A wonderfully written romance that will leave you with the desire to slip away to Italy yourself. The beautiful settings come to life in this book, especially Michelangelo's vineyard. The way it's described makes it feel like it's magical.

Don't go looking for a hot and heavy romance here. This one is sweet, and the feelings the couple has for another bloom as they open each other's eyes to other possibilities in life. Carly is smart and driven, and I so easily see how she could be swept away by Michelangelo's charm. Unlike a lot of the typical arrogant heroes in this genre, he's a true gentleman. Handsome, intelligent, and compassionate. His big heart won me over.
Now available for the Nook and Kindle!

About the Author
Aubrie Dionne is an author and flutist in New England. Her books have received the highest ratings from Romance Times Magazine, as well as Night Owl Reviews and Two Lips Reviews. She has guest blogged on the USA Today Happily Ever After Blog and the Dear Teen Me blog and signed books at the Boston Book Festival, Barnes and Noble, and the Romance Writers of America conference. Her books are published by Entangled Publishing, Harper Impulse, Astraea Press, Spencer Hill Press, Inkspell Publishing, and Lyrical Press. When she's not writing, Aubrie teaches flute and plays in orchestras.


Friday, June 13, 2014

Friday Five for June 13, 2014

1. Last week I hadn't heard about any of my submissions, but then I received three short story rejections in one day. One is difficult, but three? Not a good day. I have since sent on the stories to other venues. Never give up!

2.Then, to add to those ones, another publisher rejected my novel. I immediately sent it out to the last venue on my list. I shall know by the end of the summer if my book will be accepted or if I'm self-publishing it.

3. As the rejections piled on, I received one email that blew them all away. Very soon I'll have awesome news to share with you about the novella I submitted eight weeks ago. One acceptance makes the dozens of rejections fade away. One step closer to my goal of becoming a hybrid author.

4. Next week I'll be visiting with family. I have two great reviews and a promo scheduled while I'm gone. Pop in and make sure the gremlins haven't fiddle with my blog! Also, click on over to Jeff Chapman's blog. He featured my short story "Ladgarda" as story of the week. Thanks again, Jeff!

5. Have a great weekend and week, folks! Don't forget there are still two amazing giveaways going on at Untethered Realms.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - if _______ were a paranormal romance

I'm often asked what makes a story a paranormal romance. First, the focus is the romance. It must be central to the plot. It must also contain some sort of supernatural element.

So let's play a little game! Take your favorite movie and twist it so it becomes a paranormal romance.

Wizard of Oz - Dorothy falls in love with the scarecrow and returns to Oz to be with her true love.

The Big Lebowski - The Dude and his buddies take out the Nihilists who are really vampires. Maude is a goddess who makes the Dude her consort, and the magic rug ties the room together in more ways than one.

Clerks - Dante and Randal are zombies working at a convenience store. Dante is going through a rough patch with his zombie girlfriend, Veronica.
"She ate 37 brains!" Dante moans.
"In a row?" Randal inquires.

Go on. Give it a try!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Review for The Necromancer's House

Andrew Ranulf Blankenship is a handsome, stylish nonconformist with wry wit, a classic Mustang, and a massive library. He is also a recovering alcoholic and a practicing warlock, able to speak with the dead through film. His house is a maze of sorcerous booby traps and escape tunnels, as yours might be if you were sitting on a treasury of Russian magic stolen from the Soviet Union thirty years ago. Andrew has long known that magic was a brutal game requiring blood sacrifice and a willingness to confront death, but his many years of peace and comfort have left him soft, more concerned with maintaining false youth than with seeing to his own defense. Now a monster straight from the pages of Russian folklore is coming for him, and frost and death are coming with her.

My review:
Andrew Blankenship is a recovering alcoholic and a practicing warlock.

Reading that hook alone prompted me to pick up this book without having heard anything about it. Christopher Buehlman didn't disappoint me.

This urban fantasy horror isn't an easy read. It's not fast-paced or what you might expect. It's thick, and I don't mean in the actual length. Incredibly written with beautiful and, at times, gruesome detail. It's unique in style and content.

The plot has many dark twists and turns, and the world building is phenomenal. The monsters, the spells, the enchanted items, the house itself! Magic isn't free in this world. It has a price. I don't want to give anything away. You must read it for those things alone. Yet it is the characterization that is phenomenal. Characters so far from the mainstream, so gritty and real. I was wrapped up in Andrew, Anneke, and Nadia. Even Sal enchanted me, and my chest tightened when I learned his story.

Highly recommended. I'll definitely be picking up Buehlman's other books.


Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday Five for June 6, 2014

1. Yikes! I forgot to write up this post last night. It's been one of those weeks. My husband and I caught my son's illness. We're all on antibiotics and not feeling ourselves. Not a great way to start off the summer.

2. No news on any of my submissions. I've read things are slower in the summer. So I must keep distracting myself with good reads.

3. I wasn't going to go to Gen Con Indy this year. Last year, I spent most of the time just chasing after my son as he went up and down the escalators. Yet now I see they have Jim Butcher as a guest of honor! Maybe I'll go just one day... if my son can stand in a long line with me to get a book signed. Okay, who am I kidding? I'll just have to send my husband to do it.

4. Did I mention I was sick? I can't think of anything else to say. It's too early in the morning!

5. Don't forget about two awesome giveaways on Untethered Realms. Mary Pax is having a Roadtrip Audiobook giveaway, and Cherie Reich is giving away a huge prize pack of several books including a signed print version of her new YA fantasy novel, REBORN.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, June 5, 2014

A Woman Lost review & sale

Elizabeth “Lizzie” Petrie has it all. She’s rich, beautiful, intelligent, and successful. None of this matters to her mom. Les-Bi-An. That’s all her mom sees.

Even though Lizzie insists her mom’s antagonism does not bother her, Lizzie distances herself from her entire family. When her brother, Peter, calls her out of the blue to announce he’s getting married, Lizzie’s entire life changes drastically. Peter’s fiancée wants to bring the lesbian outcast back into the family. Will this desire cause Lizzie to lose everything dear to her?

Sarah, Lizzie’s girlfriend, is ecstatic about this change in Lizzie’s personal life. Sarah, the hopeless romantic, wants it all, including settling down with the fiercely independent Lizzie.

Can Lizzie be tamed? And can she survive her family and all of their secrets?

My review:
Elizabeth Petrie would prefer to have nothing to do with her family. She's happy staying away from them, finishing her doctorate and debating whether to live together with her girlfriend, Sarah. This is until Lizzie's brother calls and introduces her to his fiancée Maddie who ignites Lizzie's desire. Sarah wants more in their relationship, but Lizzie can't stop thinking about Maddie. Lies and secrets. Will Lizzie lose it all for want of the one woman she can't have?

This is a wonderfully written contemporary romance about a woman who doesn't know what she really wants. The characters might be rich and successful, but their problems have nothing to do with their careers or financial status. These are real problems that I found it easy to relate to and commiserate with the characters.

Lizzie is a strong, intelligent, and passionate woman. Being self-absorbed, her point of view is skewed. I loved it when things about other characters were revealed that she missed, because I was so caught up in Lizzie too. Sarah, Maddie, and Ethan are powerful presences. Each fascinated me in their own way. The story is driven forward by the people, and the characterization is exceptional.

5 stars for A WOMAN LOST. A fantastic hook that brings you a brilliant story.

This week, A WOMAN LOST is on sale! Get your copy today.

Normal price: $2.99 * Sale price: $0.99

Normal price: £1.99 * Sale price: £0.99

Here's a tantalizing excerpt:

Neither of us mentioned how odd it was that she’d showed up outside of my apartment. She’d never been here before. How did she find out where I lived? I wasn’t sure she had forgiven me yet for the conversation we had at our last meetings. I hoped both of us could forget the incident.

“I had a lot of energy, so I went longer than normal. I rode to LaPorte and back.” I tugged at my T-shirt, which was sticking to my skin. “Geez, look at me—I’m a mess! Do you want to come in? I’m dying for a hot shower. You can hang out while I get cleaned up.”

“That sounds nice. Hope you don’t mind, but I won’t hug you until you shower.” She waved her hand in front of her nose. “Stinky.”

“Smelly McGee, that’s me.”

As soon as the words left my mouth, I froze. What had compelled me to make such a nincompoop out of myself?

Maddie snapped her head up to eyeball me. “Oh, wow. That’s pretty dorky, even for you. I wouldn’t suggest trying that one on the ladies.” She snickered.

“Come on, smartass.” I led her up the flight of stairs to my apartment, searching for my pride with each step.

“Is Sarah home?” Maddie asked.

Had she sensed my embarrassment and wanted to divert the conversation away from my gaffe?

I laughed, feeling more at ease. “She doesn’t officially live with me. But no, she isn’t here right now. She and her mom are bonding today. They’re having breakfast, and then they’ll shop till they drop. They are definitely shoppers. When I go with them, I have to take energy shots just to keep up.”

“Two women after my own heart. You don’t like to shop?”

“I prefer to have someone else do it for me.”

“So you always have a girlfriend to take care of you?” 

* * * * *

Author Bio: T. B. Markinson is a 40-year old American writer, living in England, who pledged she would publish before she was 35. Better late than never. When she isn’t writing, she’s traveling the world, watching sports on the telly, visiting pubs in England, or taking the dog for a walk. Not necessarily in that order. A Woman Lost is her debut novel.


Wednesday, June 4, 2014

IWSG for June 2014

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm still waiting to hear back from novel, novella, and short story submissions. Tons of insecurities and anxiety there. I clean the house, check my email, water the garden, check my email, play hide-and-seek, check my email.

Instead of doing that, I really should be doing something else. I should be writing.

There's nothing more energizing than having my favorite people (fictional and real) telling me to write. Hope they inspire you too!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Check out "Ladgarda"

( Lathgertha by Morris Meredith Williams, 1913 on Wikipedia )

My viking pirate short story "Ladgarda"
is now up on Luna Station Quarterly.
A grand battle at sea, betrayal, and subterfuge.
The story is based on a Danish legend of a viking shieldmaiden and onetime wife of famous viking Ragnar Lodbrok.

For any women speculative fiction writers, Luna Station Quarterly is a great place to showcase your work.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Double the fun on Monday - Flight Fest and Secrets of Honor cover reveal

Flight Fest

Today we're celebrating the release of Tyrean Martinson's newest book, Champion of Flight.

A year after she won the battle for Septily, Clara feels trapped in Skycliff by the Allied Council. As the last pieces of information about the Healing Caves fall into place, Clara is attacked by an assassin. Covert Drinaii mercenaries and the Council aren’t going to stop Clara from her quest to heal her broken blade. As Champion of Aramatir, she must act.
Meanwhile, in the joint kingdoms of Rrysorria and Wylandria, the youngest and still cursed swan prince despairs of ever being whole again. In a moment of anger and desperation, Liam discovers a blood link between him and a dark sorceress.
Clara won the battle for Septily, but her battle isn’t over.

 Buy Champion in Flight here:

Author bio: Tyrean Martinson lives and writes in the Pacific Northwest. Dragonfold and Other Adventures, and Light Reflections showcase her short stories and poetry. She is currently at work on the third novel of The Champion Trilogy: Champion’s Destiny.

You can find Tyrean on her blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, and Amazon.

The Flight Fest question: Answer in 100 words or less. What is your favorite way to fly and why?

I'd love to fly just like Superman. Free of any machine or wings. I often have dreams where I'm flying, and I wake feeling wonderfully lighter in mind, body, and soul.

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I'm also happy to be a part of Carol Kilgore's cover reveal for Secrets of Honor. Isn't it awesome?

Sometimes, a woman has to do what a woman has to do . . . even when she knows she shouldn't.

By the end of a long evening working as a special set of eyes for the presidential security detail, all Kat Marengo wants is to kick off her shoes and stash two not-really-stolen rings in a secure spot. Plus, maybe sleep with Dave Krizak. No, make that definitely sleep with Dave Krizak. The next morning, she wishes her new top priorities were so simple.

As an operative for a covert agency buried in the depths of the Department of Homeland Security, Kat is asked to participate in a matter of life or death—locate a kidnapped girl believed to be held in Corpus Christi, Texas. Since the person doing the asking is the wife of the president and the girl is the daughter of the first lady’s dearest friend, it’s hard to say no.

Kat and Dave quickly learn the real stakes are higher than they or the first lady believed and will require more than any of them bargained for.

The kicker? They have twenty-four hours to find the girl—or the matter of life or death will become more than a possibility.

Author bio:
Carol writes grocery lists, texts to her family, new lyrics to old songs for her dogs, love notes to her husband, and novels for herself. And for you. In between, she blogs weekly at Under the Tiki Hut and is active on Facebook and Twitter.

She sees mystery and subterfuge everywhere. And she’s a sucker for a good love story—especially ones with humor and mystery. Crime Fiction with a Kiss gives her the latitude to mix and match throughout the broad mystery and romance genres. Having flexibility makes her heart happy.

You can find out more about Carol and her books on her website, Goodreads, and Amazon.