Friday, January 30, 2015

Getting Geekier on the Geeky Tour

Space: the final frontier.
These are the nerds who built our ships and gadgets.
Their lifelong mission: to explore strange new fandoms, to seek out new books and new sciences, to boldly go where no geek has gone before.

Today I'm over at the wonderful Ellie Garratt's blog where I'm talking about geeks in space!

You still have a few hours left to enter January's giveaway.
Dice. You know you want them.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Time for a teaser!

The geeky fun continues!
And it's time to tease you.

Head on over to the lovely Loni Townsend's blog
for an excerpt from Loose Corset.

You still have a few days left to enter to win your own set of gaming dice!

Monday, January 26, 2015

Review for Stiff

Stiff is an oddly compelling, often hilarious exploration of the strange lives of our bodies postmortem. For two thousand years, cadavers some willingly, some unwittingly have been involved in science's boldest strides and weirdest undertakings. In this fascinating account, Mary Roach visits the good deeds of cadavers over the centuries and tells the engrossing story of our bodies when we are no longer with them.

My review:
I don't always read nonfiction, but when I do, it's the most odd stuff ever!

This book is wonderfully humorous and dark, sometimes gruesome. Mary Roach explores what happens to our bodies after death from the normal to the extremely strange. Cadavers have all sorts of scientific uses and many aren't what you might expect. It was educational and fascinating with a dose of quirky humor.

Not recommended to those with weak stomachs!

I have since picked up Mary Roach's Packing For Mars. Everything you didn't know about astronauts but always wanted to. Like astronauts throwing up in their spacesuits and space toilets. 

Find out more about Mary Roach on her website.

* * * * *

Congratulations to the winners from the Loose Corset Goddess Fish tour! All the emails have been sent, and I'm packing up the prizes to be mailed this week.

The Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour will continue this week.
Don't forget my first geeky giveaway is still going on!

Friday, January 23, 2015

The Last Stop on the Loose Corset Tour & #SpecFicChat

Geek girl problem #122: You only have a few hours left to enter the Loose Corset Goddess Fish tour giveaway!

The final stop on the Loose Corset tour is Long and Short Reviews.
I have some tips on how to handle negative criticism.

A big thank you to all my hosts on this tour.
Also a huge thanks to Goddess Fish Promotions.

It's the first time I've used a virtual book tour company, and I have nothing but good things to say about them. They're super efficient, and I will use them again in the future. I highly recommend Goddess Fish to writers who want help in promoting their books.

My Geeky Dice & Debauchery Tour will continue next week.
You still have over a week to enter for a chance to win your own set of gaming dice from Chessex.

* * * * *

Talking about all things speculative fiction, Fridays on Twitter.




Next chat begins January 23, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. GMT/1:00 p.m. EST. @mpax1 is starting it off.


Topic: Punking it up. What’s the attraction of Steampunk?


Use #SpecFicChat to join the conversation any time. The chat is ongoing, which means you can join in anytime that’s convenient to you, including a day after this Friday.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Loose Corset Tour delivers an interview & Clare Dugmore's All It Takes

Geeks are sexy.

Find out more about nerdy me today.
I'm being interviewed at Booklover Sue's.

If you've picked up my book, please consider leaving a review after you've read it. Even if it's just one line saying you loved it or that it made you blush. Reviews are so important to authors.

* * * * *

I'm so excited to share the start of something awesome!
The wonderfully talented Clare Dugmore is posting a serial romance with each chapter being an episode.

All It Takes is one night to change the rest of their lives.

Graduating Uni, travelling Europe and buying her own place – these are on Megan Green’s to-do list.
At just twenty-two, becoming a mother isn’t.

Fast cars, expensive clothes and bedding a different women every night – this is how Kian Murphy spends his time when not in the MMA ring. 

Pre-natal scans and birthing classes are not on his agenda.

After a chance meeting and passionate encounter, Megan finds herself pregnant with Kian’s child. But with a womanizing reputation, and a temper that often leads him into trouble, Kian is hardly boyfriend material, let alone father material.

Now Megan and Kian must work out if they have All It Takes to turn their one-night-stand into a relationship that will connect them for a life-time.

All It Takes is a dual-POV new-adult, contemporary-romance about responsibility, love and discovering who you are in life. 

Goodreads | Wattpad | Figment | FictionPress


Chapter One - First published January 21, 2015: Wattpad | Figment | FictionPress

Chapter Two - February 4, 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Two Awesome Geeky Tour Stops

The dice are rolling hot this week!

Today I'm over at Unabridged Andra's blog with a guest post on writing different genres.

My next host for the Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour is the sci-fi and SyFy loving author, Mary Pax. Come find out some of my Geek Woman Problems.

You know you want some more dice!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Loose Corset tour continues!

Today my host is Susana Ellis at Susana's Morning Room.
I interviewed my geek girl protagonist Morgan Reid.
Find out what she was thinking when she first met the gorgeous Dean Bradley.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Fifth stop on the Loose Corset Goddess Fish tour

Geek girl problem #88: The Loose Corset Goddess Fish tour is half over!

Today I'm sharing ten geeky things about me

Share with us something geeky about you!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Next stop on the Loose Corset Tour

Have you entered the giveaways for a chance to win your own Christine Rains die yet?

Today I'm talking about why people are drawn to erotic reads at Words of Wisdom... from the Scarf Princess.

Why do you think people read erotic stories?

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The geeky tours continue!

Push up your glasses and read on!

Today I'm visiting with Merissa and Debbie at the Archaeolibrarian.
I'll be giving you tips on how to meet your deadlines and remain sane.

The next host on my Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour is a proud geek girl, L.G. Keltner.
Click over to her blog and learn about gamers' superstitions about their dice. Oh yes, we gamers are a superstitious bunch!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Second stop on the Loose Corset Goddess Fish Tour

Have you bought your copy of Loose Corset yet?

Join me at Books & Other Spells today where I discuss the creation of the geeky characters in Loose Corset. I didn't have to look far for inspiration!

* * * * *

I'm over at the Untethered Realms blog today too.
The post is titled "Colors of Christine."
Test your geek skills and see if you can name the superhero in the picture at the top of the post before reading the small script!

Don't forget to enter for your chance to win dice!

Monday, January 12, 2015

Double the tours, double the geeky fun!

Today is the first day of the Loose Corset Goddess Fish virtual tour!

I'm excited to visit new hosts and meet their readers.
I'd love for you to come along.
There will be a giveaway!

Please join me at my first stop today,
I'll be sharing 7 fun facts about Loose Corset!

My Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour continues today too.
I'll be talking about Dungeons & Dragons at the marvelous and geeky Graeme Ing's site.

And yes, all my giveaways are international!
Click on the host sites to find out what you can win.

* * * * *

P.S. This is my 1,000th post for this blog!

Friday, January 9, 2015

The Big Geeky Release Day!

Roll for initiative!

Loose Corset (Dice & Debauchery #1) is here!

Buy the book here:

A weekend away at a convention is exactly what overworked student Morgan needs. Dressed as her character from her favorite online game, Morgan is braced—seriously, could her corset be tighter?—to meet the other players. As Lady Gyrfalcon, she’s ready for everything—except her intense attraction to Dean. A clandestine meeting in the hallway of the hotel and Morgan’s corset is looser but now she can’t breathe for entirely different reasons.

Utterly charmed, Morgan decides to roll the dice and indulge in a fantasy-worthy weekend of sexy roleplaying, scorching sex and life-altering orgasms. Still, through it all Morgan is too smart to believe the chemistry constantly stripping her of costumes and control can last more than the length of the convention. But if she wants to keep a relationship so intense she thought it only existed in fiction, she’s going to have to let go of her cool-headed logic and allow herself to fall far and fast for the perfect guy.

Today is also the first day of the
Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour!

My first host is the wonderful Catherine Stine.
Check out her review for Loose Corset.

This month, I'm giving away dice, dice, and more dice!

1st  prize - A set of red gem gaming dice from Chessex
and a Christine Rains personalized die

2nd prize - Erotic dice (too sexy to be in the picture!) and a Christine Rains personalized die

3rd prize - 3 people will win a Christine Rains personalized die

The Geeky Dice & Debauchery tour will continue through March with one or two stops a week. There will be new giveaways in February and March with different prizes!

On Monday, the Loose Corset Goddess Fish two week tour will begin. You'll have another chance to win more great prizes.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

IWSG for January 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

Two days until the release of Loose Corset, the first book of my Dice & Debauchery series with Ellora's Cave. TWO days!!!

There are all those pre-release jitters. I know these. I can deal with them.

What I'm worried about is being different. My contemporary erotic romance is different from everything else I've been reading in the genre.

Different is good, you say. And sometimes it is. But other times, it's not. Readers like what they like, and to be met with something different can turn them off.

I'll never know if the risk is worth it until I take it. So here we go. I'm holding my breath.

Two days.

Are you taking any big risks this year?

Monday, January 5, 2015

Goals for 2015

2014 was a rough year, but I managed to reach most of my goals. I took some chances and many of them didn't pan out. Countless rejections and many hours of revisions threatened to take me down. I refused to give in. What I did accomplish was to set the stage for a fantastic 2015.

1. The Dice & Debauchery series. This was an unplanned project. I wrote the first book on a whim and the publisher loved it. This Friday, Loose Corset (D&D #1) will be released from Ellora's Cave. I have two tours planned and ready to go. I do not have release dates for the second two books in this series which have been written and submitted to my publisher, but they will be out at some point this year. My goal: promote and expand my audience.

2. Of Blood and Sorrow. I spent over six months last year revising this urban fantasy novel. I queried it to five publishers that I was interested in. All of them rejected it. I'm excited to self-publish this story. I already have an awesome cover. I'm in the last stage of polishing it up. This will be my first indie published novel. My goal: to publish it by mid-February or mid-March.

3. Super Famous. This superhero novel took a backseat last year to my D&D series. I have all the critiques back from my CPs and betas. It's ready to be revised and polished. I'll likely not get to it until late spring or the summer, though. My goal: revise and self-publish in October.

4. New urban fantasy novel. I have this awesome new shiny idea. I want to write it. I want to write it now. Maybe I'll get a chance to start by the spring. My goal: write the first draft and start to revise it.

5. Short stories. I really want to participate in Write 1 / Sub 1, but I'm uncertain if I'll have the time. If I can manage to write one flash fiction piece a month and submit it somewhere, I'll be happy. I also have to write a new story for the next Untethered Realms anthology. I'm going to stick with what I did last year. I was short-listed on pro venues five times last year, but rejected. So close! My goal: Write six short stories and submit them.

6. Blogging. I had trouble sticking to a strict schedule last year. I have a three day a week schedule. If I do any more, I fall out of balance with my writing and home life. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays are my days. Of course with touring, it will be a little different, but that's expected. My goal: keep to a three day a week blog schedule.

7. Reading. I managed to achieve last year's goal of 100 books. Woo-hoo! I'm setting the same goal for this year. My goal: read 100 books.

What are your goals for 2015?

* * * * *
Speaking of starting the new year on the right foot,
check out Angela Brown's gorgeous new covers
for Neverlove and They All Fall Down.
Duty or love... there can be only one.
A love worth fighting for...

These are awesome reads. I highly recommend them.
And Angela has a new book out from Evernight Teen Publishing,

Friday, January 2, 2015

Friday Five for January 2, 2015

1. Happy new year! I'm excited for 2015. I have a lot going on this year. I started off the year with a quiet new year with my husband and son. It's cold out there, but we bundled up and took a walk in the woods.

2. One week until the release of Loose Corset! You can pre-order it on Amazon and add it to your wish list at Ellora's Cave. You can also add it to read on Goodreads. I'm eager to hear what readers think of this hilarious and geeky novella. If you'd like to review the book, please email and request a copy.

3. I'll be running two blog tours with the release of Loose Corset. The first will start on Friday, and I'll be giving away dice, dice, and more dice. You can win your own set of gaming dice! I'm giving away personalized dice with my name on it too. My second tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions will start on the 12th. There I'm giving away a gift card and more dice! You'll have two chances to win.

4. Since I'll be touring for the next several weeks, I would love to have you as a guest on my blog. Theme: anything geeky. Short posts of between 200 and 350 words. Please email me if you'd like to write a guest post and join in on the nerdy fun.

5. I'll be posting my 2015 writing goals on Monday. Wednesday is the first IWSG of the year. And Friday is my big release day! Have a terrific weekend.

Thursday, January 1, 2015