
Friday, January 17, 2014

Friday Five for January 17, 2014

1. I'm almost at the end of draft 2 of my paranormal romance WIP. I have less than 5k to go. I rewrote the entire final battle. Last night, the villain did something that was simple and made complete sense. Why didn't I think of this before? It was awesome. I wanted to shout "Bravo!" Then I realized that was the villain. Drat. Okay, protagonist, you need to be equally as clever.

2. I came across a book I could not finish for the first time in a long while. I couldn't get past 10% on my Kindle. I only mention this because I felt really bad about it. I wanted to finish it. Is it strange I felt guilty?

3. My little guy had his first after school special on Wednesday. It's an Animal Science class that goes for six weeks. They learned about frogs. They put sticky jelly on their fingers and felt how it stuck to surfaces. Then they ate goldfish crackers using only their tongues to pick it up. He was really excited about it. (Plus mama got extra time to write!) I'm so pleased I enrolled him in a play-based cooperative preschool. I've been reading a lot of articles lately that reported upon the benefits of this type of preschool. Now that play-based preschools have been around for a while, several studies have shown how well it nurtures a love for school and learning. It is especially effective with boys, and studies have followed students up through the sixth grade with positive results.

4. I'm doing better with finding my balance, but I'm not there yet. I still spend too much time online when I should be writing. I've been going to bed at a better time, though, and that's helped during the days. I also take a little more time at night before bed to wind down. I sit in bed and read or watch a half hour show. Maybe I should use one of those timers and kid blockers to keep myself off the internet! Hmm, hey, not a bad idea. Anyone else ever try that?

5. I have my local critique group meeting tomorrow. Other than that, no plans for the weekend. What about you?


  1. I firmly believe that if a book is not working for you, there's no point struggling through it. I have so many unread books on my Kindle now, I don't have time to keep reading a book I'm not enjoying. :(

  2. I've just started a book that I'm finding it difficult to get into. I'm going to give it one more go over the weekend but if it's not grabbing me I'll abandon it.
    There are too many good books to get to, I'm not wasting time on bad ones.

  3. I'm having the same problem with a book I'm reading right now. I made it to the middle, but it's one of those dreadful "sagging middles," which is really slowing me down. I"ll likely abandon it today. As Heather said, there are too many good books to waste time on the ones that aren't so good.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. The best part about writing is when your subconscious takes over and surprises you.
    I've started lots of books and never got past page four. I don't feel guilty.
    Sticky jelly and goldfish crackers - bless! - it's exciting learning to be a frog! It seems it's not only science but also a lot of imagination.
    Too much time on-line - I know the feeling!

  5. I loved your number 1, and was yelling Bravo along with you by the time I finished reading the paragraph! And now, I want to be a frog, but only if I get to eat goldfish crackers, it's been ages since I've had those!

  6. Bravo - you wrote it! Don't forget that part.
    Eating crackers with his tongue. I bet he liked that. Is that how he tries to eat now?

  7. I used to never be able to stop reading a book once I started, but I did a bit of math recently and figured I probably only have about 3000 books (give or take) in me before I'm dead. With that in mind, I made the conscious decision to quit reading books I didn't enjoy. I've been quitting bad books since then.

    And congrats on your story fix. That's a very good feeling. I wish I had it more often.

  8. I recently read a book that I had a hard time getting through. I hate when that happens, but you shouldn't feel guilty about it. You're just a discerning reader! Have a great weekend!

  9. I sometimes feel guilty about not finishing a book. Or really, I feel guilty about not liking a book, since I know the author [usually] put a lot of work into it. But if I can put a book down and walk away and not wonder what happens or how it ends . . . I've got too little time to waste on things that don't interest me.

    No big plans for the 3-day weekend. Probably will take the kids to the zoo on Sunday. That's about it.

  10. I took my boys to lots of those play and learn things at the library when they were preschool.

  11. you are so busy! i like the sound of a new website and great you're finishing another wip!
    i have the opposite problem w/ being online, i need to visit more bloggy friends!
    as for finishing books, unless the stories and characters are calling to me, i have a hard time, it's like i have so many other things to do, i don't want to waste my time with a story i'm not into.... but i only fee bad when i read a friend's book and cant finish... but those are more important to me to get thru!

    have a great weekend!

  12. Congrats on almost being done with your second draft! So exciting! :)

    And while I can understand the feeling, you shouldn't feel guilty about not being able to finish a book. There's so very little free time to read, you might as well spend it on books you'll enjoy!

  13. Thanks, everyone. That is more what I feel. Not guilty that I didn't finish the story, but guilty that I didn't like something I know a writer put so much work into. I put the book aside and I'm reading something better now! Have a wonderful weekend.

  14. Well done on the final battle... I bet it rocks:) I spend way too much time on the net too when I should be writing...hehe

  15. Well done on the second draft! I've just printed my draft off, in an attempt to turn my laptop off and edit with a pen - not yet though, I'm being side tracked by blogs :-)

  16. It's great you've found your son something he really enjoys - and that gives you some free time! Congrats on the final battle scene. I find I can't stay off the net, but I can limit myself to 10 minutes of commenting and/or laughing at LolCatz. Don't feel guilty about the book. Those things happen. :)

  17. Congrats on getting close to the end of your draft! I wouldn't feel too badly about not finishing that book - there have been a few like that for me, too.

  18. I don't finish bad books either -- there are too many good ones out there that deserve our attention. Good luck on finishing the draft and finding balance. Unplugging the WiFi works for me.

  19. Like Kyra commented, I have a lot of unfinished books on my Kindle. I am reading Unbroken now. This is a great read!


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