
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wicked Wednesday - What PNR author websites need

I've been doing a lot of cleaning and organizing these past few weeks. Online and offline. One of my projects this year will be to design a new website. A big deal since I have no web design experience, and I can't afford to have anyone else do it for me.

My current website is okay. I do like the template. (It was free!) But does it represent me as an author and my books? No.

My website wishlist: easy to navigate, easy to update, wicked, dark, and sexy.

So I've been doing some research and visiting a lot of paranormal romance author sites. Here's what I've found a PNR author needs on the home page of her site.

1) The color red. Dangerous and passionate. Most sites have a lot of red. The unofficial color of PNR authors? (E.g. Kresley Cole and Jennifer Lyon.)

2) A kick-butt heroine featured in the heading or background. (One of my favorite sites based on appearance and ease of use: Keri Arthur.)  OR a hot guy (human or not) in the heading or background. (E.g. Larissa Ione.) 

3) A quirky, sexy, or magical welcome to the site. Something a little different than the standard news scroll or "Buy my books!" (E.g. Alyssa Day.)

4) Book covers. Some covers are gorgeous, and I can see why authors make them the feature attraction. (E.g. Rachel Vincent and Sherrilyn Kenyon.)

5) A background to set the right atmosphere. Dark and mysterious. (E.g. Jennifer Estep.)

Do you have a website? If you do, did you have it designed to fit your genre?


  1. That's a great idea to look at other author websites to see what you thinks works. No, I don't have a website now, but plan to do research like you have before I design one.

  2. My blog is my website and hopefully it does represent me and my books well. The header Jeremy designed just rocks. (And you could always ask him for assistance.)

  3. The research part is important. I've looked at hiring people, but I definitely can't afford those prices. If I can design something, my husband can program it.

  4. I keep tweaking my blog and websites when I can to try to make them easy to navigate and understandable. That's a good idea to see what other people are doing in your genre. I'll have to do that when I do my next blog/website look change (before REBORN comes out).

  5. I have a website, but I rarely go there. It was good a couple of years ago, but it needs a change. I'll be doing something with it this year, but I'm unsure what just yet.

    A friend does mine. I tried on my own at the beginning - massive fail.

  6. I've noticed that some authors give up on their blogs, referring their readers to the new website, which does not seem as interesting. The books are there with wondrous colours/backgrounds etc. but they tend to lack the spirit.
    I think you should have your books displayed on the top left of the screen like Alex.
    Here's me giving advice and I haven't a clue!
    All the best, Christine, whatever you decide to do.

  7. I used to have a website for my NA/YA series and the background color changed with every new book to match the cover. My current website is for my services, so it's got blue in it since that is a professional color.

  8. I do have a website that I still love. You've reminded me that I should do a bit of housekeeping before the year grows a beard.

    Like your system.

  9. My website is so sad. It's on my never ending to-do list. Good luck with yours!

  10. I do or did have a website. But the domain and renewal went up and I decided just to keep my blog. I still don't know what I'm going to do.

  11. I did my website myself. Not having a specific genre worked against me slightly, because I didn't have any comparisons. It's great you've looked around - you know what works and what doesn't.

  12. Currently I don't have a website, just my blogs. Sounds like an exciting project and I wish you the best of luck. Can't wait to see how it comes together.

  13. Hi Christine .. sounds like a very interesting project for 2014 - and you're very lucky to have a hubby who can actually put the website up for you ..

    Cheers and I look forward to seeing the "new site" in due course .. Hilary

  14. You are inspiring me to get organized. I really need to turn a new leaf this year and get my stuff together.

  15. Sounds like you know what you want in a website! I got mine from Free template, like yours. It works because it's for my music and books. But I can certainly understand your desire to have a template that reflects your book style. Good luck!

  16. Thanks for the examples & good luck on your quest!

  17. Just the blog for me...for now. But I did enjoy this round-up of author websites. Some great examples of who's doing it well!


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