
Monday, January 20, 2014

Reborn cover reveal & What Works and What Doesn't Marketing Symposium

To save a kingdom, a prophetess must challenge Fate.

On the day of Yssa’s death and rebirth, the god Apenth chose her as the Phoenix Prophetess.

Sea serpents and gods endanger the young prophetess’s journey and sour the omens. Yssa is cursed instead of blessed, and her duties at the Temple of Apenth prove it. She spends her days reading dusty scrolls, which does nothing to help her forget Tym, the boy back home. But the annoying yet gorgeous ferryman’s son Liam proves to be a distraction she can’t predict, even though he rarely leaves her alone for two sand grains.

Her boring temple life screeches to a halt when visions of her parents’ murders consume her. Yssa races across an ocean to stop the future. If she can’t change Fate, she’ll refuse to be the Phoenix Prophetess any longer. Fate, however, has other plans for her and the kingdom.

Yssa must either accept her destiny or fight to change Fate.

Reborn, book one of The Fate Challenges, by Cherie Reich will be released on May 23, 2014. For more information about Cherie and her work, please visit her website or blog. The cover art is created by Laura Sava. To add on Goodreads, click here. If you'd like to be notified when Reborn releases, please sign up for the newsletter here.
Do you ever wonder why some books become bestsellers while others can barely be given away? Why some businesses succeed and others fail? How does a blog post or a YouTube video manage to go viral? Is it a matter of luck or is there some magic formula for success?

With our wonderful hosts,  Arlee Bird, Yolanda Renee, Jeremy Hawkins, and Alex J. Cavanaugh, maybe we can latch on to some of the secrets and tricks that make success happen or what we might want to avoid. Tell us your stories of success (or not so successful) as we present a blogging event that will help us learn. Tell us about a marketing idea that you've used and what worked or didn't work. Your post could describe a campaign that succeeded in a big or small way or one that failed drastically. Tell us about a business campaign, an organizational event, a fundraiser – anything where a bit of promotion was necessary!

Click here to sign up and visit other participants. Let's share and learn today!

Here's what worked and what didn't work last year during my promotion for the 13th Floor series.

What worked:
- Goodreads giveaway. Lots of exposure. Over 1300 people entered.
- Guest posts with helpful writing tips.
- Making the first book of the series free.

What didn't work:
- Rafflecopter giveaways. I had one each time I released a novella. I progressively got less and less people entering the giveaways as the tours went on.
- Guest posts with interviews, excerpts, or character posts. I did get some comments, but people seemed to have more interest and commented more when I offered them helpful tips.
- Book release tours with several hosts a day. It was too many for people to visit. One host a day seems to be best, or at the very least, much easier on me!


  1. Wonderful cover. Congratulations Cherie. Also thanks for the marketing tips.

  2. Interesting. I always love a good character blog post on a blog tour!

  3. I added her book on Goodreads and thanks for bringing it to my attention. And I loved reading about what worked and what didn't. Very interesting. I need to go read the rest of the participants.

  4. That is such a gorgeous cover! Congrats, Cherie!

  5. Interesting to see what did and didn't work for you, Christine. I wonder why Goodreads giveaways were more successful than Rafflecopters? I thought everyone loved free stuff?

    I'm also with Kyra, I greatly enjoy characters posts, and excerpts.

  6. Christine, I hope you will stop by to accept the award I've nominated you for.

  7. One of my tips is only one stop a day. And I agree that guest posts get more views than interviews.
    Cherie's cover is awesome!
    Thanks for participating in the symposium.

  8. Cherie's cover is gorgeous! I love the colors.

  9. Congrats to Cherie on her cover. Love it!

    And thanks for sharing what worked and didn't for you. I agree that Goodreads looks like a great marketing idea. Sorry the giveaways didn't work better.

  10. love the synopsis of this book, am definitely adding it to my list. Interesting to see what worked and what didn't as far as promotional stuff goes.

  11. Wow, that is one awesome cover! Congratulations to Cherie!

    Love your list of What Works and What Doesn't.

    I'm doing a Goodreads giveaway now. and yes to much exposure is almost as bad as not enough. Walking the tight rope and sharing the results is what this blog hop is all about getting the word out. Thanks for sharing both!

  12. Wonderful... cover first off.

    I had a tour last year, it was the worst for my life. I shared so much and it seemed to take a toll on my life I just had to stop. It's nice to see your pros/cons here...

    Jeremy H.

    There's no earthly way of knowing.
    Which direction we are going!

  13. That's the second time I've seen Goodreads giveaway as an option.I can see how you benefitted from the exposure.

    I've only tried advertising there, which didn't yield results.

  14. Christine, great feedback. I had more success in some areas that didn't work for you as much. Isn't that interesting? But then, I've only released one book, so I'm going to say you're advice probably trumps mine.

  15. Lots of exposure and giving back to your readers makes sense to me, not to mention quality. Product has to live up to the reputation it's given. It has to earn the people's trust, time and time again.

  16. Goodreads giveaways are very helpful! I haven't tried a Rafflecopter giveaway yet, but I might in the future if I host a blog hop.

    I don't get many comments on my guest posts with excerpts, but sometimes I get quite a few shares. Sharing something interesting really does help with comments though.

    Thanks for sharing what did and didn't work for you. :)

  17. Cherie has a beautiful cover. I took some notes on your list. Thanks for sharing.

  18. That cover is stunning, and this is the first time I've seen the back.

    This symposium is a wonderful source of information. A bit mind-boggling, a lot to take in.

  19. I have yet to master goodreads. I need you to give me a lesson!

  20. That cover is AWESOME. Absolutely beautiful the way the front art carries over to the beautiful collage on back. Wowsers!

    And I MUST do a Goodreads giveaway. Must. You're the third person who said it works. Thanks Christine!

  21. I haven't done a Goodreads giveaway yet. Still trying to learn things there. Thanks for sharing valuable tips!

    The Musings of a Hopeful and Pecunious Wordsmith

  22. I love the colour scheme for Cherie's cover. It's really eye-popping and exquisite.

    Great tips for what does and doesn't work.

  23. I need to do a Goodreads giveaway. Any helpful tips on how to do that the right way???

    Yes. I'm seeing that one blog tour stop per day is the way to go.

  24. WOW! love the cover. Congrats, Cherie!! I really enjoyed reading the post, thanks for sharing!!

  25. Thank you, everyone. Cherie's cover is absolutely beautiful! And I can't wait to find a minute to visit your blogs and see what tips you have to share. Have a good Monday!

  26. You know what worked and what didn't - more of what worked next time, right?

    The cover of Cherie's book is beautiful.

  27. I had the same experience with Goodreads vs. Rafflecopter giveaways.


  28. I LOVE Cherie's cover! And thanks for the great advice on marketing - I'm bookmarking it away for the future.

  29. Congrats to Cherie on her beautiful cover!

    OMGosh, that's awesome - over 1300 entries for a Goodreads giveaway! Thanks for the tips - I'm taking note of several of these. I feel like we need an easy to go back and view repository for all of the awesome posts!

  30. i'm curious how sales have been (unit wise)
    but understand if you don't want to share =)
    love the series!

    and it's funny, i've heard goodreads has worked for some and not others... giveaways are a tough call

    great cover - love the fiery dragon!

  31. Huge congrats Cherie... I love your cover... Wow.

  32. Cherie's cover looks great!

    I have found Rafflecopter works for me, especially if I join the blog hops on some on the reader sites.

    I agree that Guest posts work especially when offering tips.

  33. Awesome cover. Congrads to you Cherie! Great marketing tips too. We always discover what works and doesn't work by doing. Thanks!

  34. That is one of the better covers I've seen in a while. Very impressive.

    And thanks for the tips on your successes and failures in marketing. My overall strategy is to do nothing. That doesn't work so well, just FYI.

  35. Thanks for sharing these tips Christine.
    I'm Rafflecopter-challenged and tend to shy away from it...
    And that cover is gorgeous! Congrats to Cherie!

  36. Cherie's cover looks awesome! A lot of people mentioned the Goodreads giveaway as something really useful. I'll have to keep that in mind when my Bubba and Squirt books get published. Thanks for sharing what worked and what didn't!

  37. Thanks for the helpful tips! I too was impressed with how much attention my Goodreads giveaway got.

  38. Love Cherie's cover!! I'm so thrilled for her.
    I feel the same way about Rafflecopter, I loved using it for my blog hop but I think using it too often becomes counter-productive. Interesting to read what worked best for you with your tour!

  39. Cherie's cover is gorgeous!

    Also, great tips, Christine! I must admit, I'm surprised that character posts are one of the things that didn't work. Those are always some of my favorites when authors do 'em!

  40. Thank you so much for sharing my cover, Christine! And thank you so much everyone for your comments! I'm so fortunate Laura Sava agreed to work with me. :)

    Fantastic tips, Christine! I found Goodreads giveaways particularly useful. I think you can overdo Rafflecopter giveaways, but they can be useful to gain some new followers.

  41. Great information on what does and does not work in marketing your books. Thanks!

    Mary Montague Sikes

  42. That's an awesome cover that Cherie has - I would say, that really works! :)

    Also, I agree with your take on what works and what doesn't. Rafflecopter giveaways just haven't worked that well for me, but Goodreads giveaways have.
    Thanks for the tips!

  43. Amazing cover art and nice list of what works and what doesn't. Will keep this in mind when I have a book to launch. Thanks! Buck Inspire


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