
Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 5 of The Marquis blog tour

The blog tour continues with another great excerpt and giveaway today on Aubrie Dionne's blog.

Congratulations to Hilary Melton-Butcher who won a copy of the novella from the first giveaway on Cherie Reich's blog. Enjoy!

Do you have your copy of The Marquis yet?

Today's tidbit: I dedicated The Marquis to my father. He passed away in 2007. I originally had a longer dedication than what's in the book now. It read: "For my dad who battled against his demons and lost, but he always believed in me." Even five years later when I go back to visit family in my hometown, people will mention how my father talked about me being a talented writer and ask if I'm still writing.


  1. Hi Christine .. lucky me - thanks for the link .. and I can now use my new Kindle - once I've worked it out!!

    I'm looking forward to reading the novella .. and learning about 1301 ...

    Cheers and many thanks .. Hilary

  2. Just checked out the excerpt and left a comment. Want to say again over here how much I enjoyed it! :)

    And aw, the book is dedicated to your father? What a great way to honor him, especially since it seems like he was so supportive of you being a writer!

  3. Such a sweet story. You were blessed to have a father who supported your writing endeavors.


  4. Your father sounds like he was very proud of you. And how great people are still checking up on you!

    When my e-book was published, my dad printed it out so that I could autograph it for him.

    1. That's really cool about your dad! My mom has me sign everything I have published too.

  5. You dedication to your dad is beautiful. I gather he must have been very proud of you, and rightly so:)

  6. I'm off to check out your stop today. I'm sorry for the loss of your father in 2007. It's so tough to lose a parent.

  7. Thank you, Tania and Ciara! (That darn reply button isn't working for some reason!)

  8. Lovely tribute to your father Christine! Have already read your Paranormal piece at Gwen's, interesting article.


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