
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 6 of The Marquis blog tour

I have two great stops today on the tour.
First I'm sitting down to chat with my new and very brave beta reader, Clare Dugmore.
We talk about the story and her experience being a beta reader for me.

Next I'm popping over to the lovely
I have a guest post on the need for balance in writing paranormal romance.

Today's tidbit: I was worried that the romance in The Marquis would be overshadowed by the conflict between Marc and Vetis. It turned out that the romance was the most powerful aspect of the story.

In other story news: the paranormal crime anthology, Mortis Operandi is now available. My short story, "Immaculate" is featured within. It was one of the stories I wrote and submitted this year as part of my 2012 goals. I'm happy to be part of this great collection of stories.


  1. i got mine monday, cant wait for vacay to start so i can catch up on reading!

    1. Awesome! Thank you and enjoy. I hope to catch up on reading too.

  2. Congratulations! And visited both ladies already today.

  3. Wow, you're busy! I know what you mean about certain characters or plot lines seeming to take over. Glad it didn't happen!

  4. Congrats about the anthology being out! And the romance definitely was the star. I love Marc and Mae!

    1. Thank you! I'm so happy with the way the story turned out.

  5. Congrats on the anthology! Just added it to my wishlist. :)


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