
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 4 of The Marquis blog tour

Today I'm being interviewed by
She asks some deep and clever questions about the series and the 13th floor itself.
I love this isn't your standard author interview.

Today's tidbit: I've been in buildings that have a 13th floor. They were sadly mundane. Years ago, I worked as a security guard in a building that did not mark it had a 13th floor. It did have one, but it was left unfinished and used as a storage area. I don't know why it was left that way. It was a new building in a big city, but it seems even today people still hold on to those old superstitions.


  1. Hi Christine .. I've been in skyscrapers with and without 13th floors .. but to have the floor there, but just left as space - seems a little odd ... a great premise for mayhem - perhaps that is in your book ...

    Thanks for the win - I'll be over to Cherie's shortly ... I'm going to enjoy reading it .. wonderful - Hilary

    1. It was really weird. And I hope you enjoy The Marquis!

  2. I've always wondered why people still hold that superstition about the 13th floor... in some East Asian countries, many buildings don't have the 4th floor - equivalent to the 13th floor.

    1. The 4th floor. You'd think that would be even more inconvenient to do!

  3. I've been in hotels in New York City that don't have a 13th floor. I think it's kind of strange.

    Have a nice Sunday!

  4. I've been in buildings that don't number a floor the 13th . . . But of course, the 14th is then really just the 13th . . . And if you're in Europe, they start counting from second floor so that's different again. But I've never heard of a building that had a 13th floor they didn't use (except for storage)! That, I think, is very interesting.

    1. That's interesting about European buildings. I do wonder where the supernatural folks start counting! :)

  5. I always feel a little funny when I see the number 13 on the elevator panel.

  6. Great interview! I'm even more intrigued by 1301 now. 13 has always been a lucky number for me, so it's always interesting to see people be so superstitious about it!

    1. I've always thought 13 was lucky too. Coincidence (?) that my 13th Floor series will be filling up my 2013 year!


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