Let me start by saying, Christine is a tremendous romance writer on many levels! I’m usually not a romance novel reader myself, much less romance writer, but I do love some sexual/emotional tension in a story, and Christine does a great job at bringing that intensity into her paranormal romances. She also has a talent at the deeper romantic interludes... So today, I'm discussing the many

From friendship, bro-mance, and puppy love all the way through to intense relationships and erotica, the world loves reading about love. It's so complex, intriguing, captivating, and at times, infuriating. If you can touch someone's heart with your writing, you can hook a reader for life. And you can inject love into any level of writing...

Kids at this age are on the cusp of puberty. They know each other exist, but are not ready to do much about it. The thoughts are budding and attempts might be made via texts, notes, nudges, and pigtail-pulling. Does she like him? Does he like-like her? Here, the distractions and complications begin!
Young Adult (PG-13) - First Love
Some might call this the scariest time in a person's life. The first big transition in their lives--more freedom yet more responsibility, exploration, risk, less brain function as its needed for the physical transformations which also mean more raging hormones. Yikes! Then there's peer pressure and fear of rejection. Many times innocence is lost too soon. But these stories are definitely full of high-tension emotions. Still rather not see the graphic scenes, if possible please...
New Adult (R) - Love Adventures

Adult (M) - Love Relationships
These books deal with the above and more, marriage, divorce, families, boredom that leads to cheating, electronic devices, etc. And the sex scenes are explicit, sometimes leaving the plot behind.
That's just my personal breakdown. Not all novels have to include sex or romance, but it definitely makes them more exciting and appealing. And not all romance novels lack a good story. I believe it's the most profitable, based on the size of the section it has in bookstores, eh?
Personally, I like "light" romance, and mostly because of Christine and Heather M. Gardner and Elizabeth Seckman. They all weave excellent stories with the added enticement of romantic entanglements. Check them out and add their books to your summer reading list!
What about you? How much romance do you enjoy in a novel?
Thanks again, Christine for letting me ramble about my thoughts on romance in writing. But more for all your help and support with my WINDY HOLLOW release!
There's a touch of romance in Beast World because with teens, they can't hide their feelings! And they're so busy with the adventure, the romance can get in the way...

Beast World MG Fantasy Series, book #3
by Tara Tyler
Available NOW!
This summer, Gabe and his friends fly over the Great Sea for the wedding of the century: a dragon prince and a beautiful harpy. But Gabe can't relax on this vacation. Besides competing in rigorous wedding events, he overhears the nearby human village WINDY HOLLOW is in danger from an evil human scientist and a vengeful were-ogre experimenting on beasts. Gabe and his friends risk crossing the mountains to help, despite several warnings.
Maybe he's going too far this time, but he's in too deep to quit. It's do or die, hopefully not die!
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