
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

#IWSG for January 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

Make sure to check out the IWSG site to find out who the winners of the anthology contest are. I'm so excited to find out who they are!

The awesome co-hosts for this month are: L.G. Keltner, Denise Covey, Sheri Larsen, J.Q. Rose, Chemist Ken, and Michelle Wallace!

As the new year looms before me, I see so many possibilities and just as many potholes. Never mind the ones I can't see. I'm taking on the biggest project I've ever conceived and I want to do even more.

More? I must be bonkers. Yet if I set up a schedule, I can do it. Maybe. I don't know!

I'm trying to reason with the voice that nags me to do more and the other voice which exclaims I'm crazy to try any of it. Finding the middle ground is difficult. All these years I've been writing, I still haven't managed to find that balance.

But it doesn't stop me from trying. I will never give up. This is too important to me.

Into 2016 we go! Here's to all of us finding balance, peace, and success. And even if we don't achieve those this year, here's to perseverance. 


  1. Balance is the key, just remember life has a way of making us toe the line and not always in the direction we've chosen. So don't be hard on yourself, but yes, go for it - all effort is positive! May 2016 be your writing year!

  2. Balance is difficult for me to find also. Good luck with the projects.

  3. Happy New Year, Christine! I still have a hard time finding balance because there are always so many factors that come into play. Life being as unexpected as it is can make for some rough sailing. You're an amazing writer and I have all the faith that you're going to do brilliant work this year! Best of luck with all you do this year. I'll be rooting for you! Hugs, Eva

  4. Ah yes, balance. It's a mystical word meaning so much, offer even more, tortoring us and teasing us with possibility. Yet no one can find it, or if they do, can they maintain it? I know I can't.

    Still, like you say, we keep trying. And perhaps in the end, that's what counts. :)

    Happy 2016, Christine.

  5. Happy New Year, Christine. Wishing you every success throughout the year. I am trying to regain my balance after a manic festive season :)

  6. There's the desire to do more and then that point when we've taken on too much. Finding that point is so tough sometimes.

  7. Balance is important to not take on too much. But it's great how enthused you are about so much.

  8. I hear you! Excitement and wariness duke it out in my mind a lot. I try to let them each have their say then go with what feels right, feels best at the time. Good luck to you! :)

  9. Dude, I totally understand. Balance is easy to say, but difficult to achieve.

  10. Ah, yes, balance. That elusive creature. I wish you all the luck in your hunt. But yes, definitely go for it, and don't give up. You'll find it.

  11. you will find balance as you prioritize, grasshopper
    go for it!
    and i hope you're feeling better after the rough holidays - peace be with you!
    and happy 2016!

  12. If anyone can do more, it's you! You take away all excuses.

  13. You've already accomplished so much that I have no doubt you can manage this new project and rock it. Good luck and Happy New Year!

  14. Balance, momentum and passion. I think all those have to carry us through. Wishing you much success in 2016!
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  15. I hope you have an amazing year ahead of you!

  16. A schedule is definitely the way to go:) I make checklists for myself, but it's the same general idea. Hope you hit all your goals!

  17. More!?! I don't know how you do what you already do, but hey, if you can handle, go, woman, go!

  18. I do have to rein myself in sometimes. If I followed my instincts, I'd keep coming up with new things to do and I'd never get anything finished. Hmmm, I wonder if that's why my story is taking so long to write.

  19. I find it is better to plan for too much than too little. Even if you don't get everything accomplished, you still have done a lot to be proud of. :)

  20. Best wishes for 2016! I hope you achieve all your goals and find balance.

  21. I love your enthusiasm. I'm pretty sure you can do whatever you set your mind to.

  22. Don't ever sell yourself short- you can always try...I tend to regret things when I don't at least try. Looking forward to 2016 with you.

  23. Perseverance will always lead to balance, peace, and success. :)

    Happy 2016!!! I hope you big project works out. I can't wait to hear more about it.

  24. I love that combination: balance, peace and success. They so go together.

  25. Thank you for all the support and encouragement. You guys rock! :)

  26. I hope you find that middle ground, and don't over stress yourself! But, I've got to say, you're one of the more productive writers I know!

  27. I had to read your last post to know what your big project was. Yes, Totem sounds like a huge project. (My goal of writing 2 novellas in the next year seems minuscule by comparison.) But you'll never know until you try, so the heck with insecurities and go for it all!!!

  28. I will paraphrase Walt Disney when he spoke and said do not be afraid of doing the impossible. He was a great dreamer and look at his results. You can do your dream with just a little bit of that inspiration. Good luck!

  29. I'm so intrigued about what your big project is, Christine. Do share! Happy New Year :)

  30. You go girl! You will get done what you can and still have plenty to show for you effort.

  31. Good luck, Christine!

  32. You don't know what you can do until you try, so have a go!

  33. We're writers. We are legally able to listen to the voices in our heads and it's okay. I say listen to the one that is bonkers and give this mad project a try. The only failure is giving up on it, and I feel strongly you can achieve what you set out to do. So go 2016!

  34. Hi Christine! As you take on this big project, I wish you every success! May 2016 be an amazing year for you!

  35. I am always searching for balance, too. It's tough for sure!

  36. Happy New Year, Christine!!!

    Ahhh....perseverance it the key!!! Keep it Up!!!

  37. Good luck! I've never had any luck with balancing my life, but I'm really still very new to publishing: maybe balance will come with experience. Well wishes for the New Year!

  38. Hi Christine - you are certainly an achiever ... but your beloved son will keep you balanced, while those capering kittens will amuse you ...

    Have a great year ahead ... cheers Hilary

  39. This sounds intriguing! I am useless at finding balance. It's all or nothing, when it comes to my writing. I look forward to hearing more about your projects.

  40. Perseverance is the key to accomplishing anything. Brilliant writers aren't published if they don't finish. Best wishes to you in 2016.

  41. Hi Christine,

    Ah yes, my kind friend and well stated. Finding that right balance, breaking writing down into small, realistic portions to realise the final goal. Here's to your resilience, Christine.

    Have a most wonderful 2016.

    Gary :)

  42. Christine, I'm always amazed at your writing energy!
    Care to pass some of that mojo in my direction?
    Happy New Year!
    I know that you'll produce even bigger and better things this year.


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