
Monday, January 4, 2016

Goals for 2016

As much as that nagging voice in my head says I should have done more, I had a productive year in 2015. I published one novel and six novellas plus a handful of short stories. I met all but two of my goals. One was a novel I put aside because I wasn't ready to write it yet. In its place, I wrote and published The Paramours and started on my biggest project yet, Totem. I read over 100 books and wrote reviews for them, but I could not find a way to coax more readers to write reviews for me. I also did not manage to find the balance between writing and blogging. I did better than 2014 with that, but I have to learn to be more strict with myself and stick with my schedule.

Here are my goals for 2016:

1. Revise and submit the Sasquatch Susies to my publisher. The first drafts are done. Not too much I have to do story-wise in the revision phase.

2. Write the rest of the Totem books and start to publish them. The first two novellas out of nine are done, but not revised. I'm trying very hard not to rush myself with these. I learned some valuable lessons in publishing the 13th Floor series. I will be much kinder to myself and my CPs/editor with this one. Tentatively, I'd like to say I'll start putting them out by early summer, but I'm not putting any definite deadline down on paper yet.

3. Read and review 100 books. I did it last year and the year before. I'd love to continue it for the rest of my life.

4. Write and submit six short stories. I managed to do this last year. I was short-listed on pro venues five times. I'm so close to my goal of being accepted by one.

5. Blogging. Once again, I'm going to attempt to find a balance between writing and blogging. The writing of my blog posts doesn't take too long, but keeping up with everyone's blogs and returning comments does sometimes. I will not give up the latter. So I will schedule a certain amount of time each weekday for returning comments, and if I have time left, I will make some visits. I must decide what is the appropriate amount of time for that, though. How much time do you spend a week returning comments and visiting blogs?

What are your goals for 2016?


  1. Wow, your 2015 was so impressive! I was nowhere near as productive as you, but I'm hoping 2016 will be a better year for me. Best of luck with all your 2016 goals! Sounds like you have heaps of writing ahead of you... :)

  2. I think you should be super proud of your year just gone! I look forward to seeing what you can achieve this year :)

  3. I don't tend to set goals (I like to let a year surprise me) but I definitely want to blog more if I can :)

    I think you've done fabulously in 2015! I hope 2016 is just as rewarding for you

  4. I'm with you on visiting blogs. Sometimes it just takes a while to get around to everyone. I'm trying to put aside about two hours every day while I'm waiting for work to come in, but I don't punish myself if my work day becomes hectic.

  5. I think you had a pretty amazing 2015, and it looks like your 2016 will be pretty amazing, too. I'm always in awe of how much writing you accomplish—something for me to strive for, for sure!!

  6. Wow on 2015!

    I read 100 books a couple of years back, but it was a push. I don't know how you managed to read AND review that many!

    I hear you about finding the best social networking time management system - working on that one myself.

    Good luck with your 2016 goals!

  7. How much time do I spend? Too much.
    A novel and six novellas is impressive!
    Good luck with your Totem series.

  8. Wow! You had a fab 2015. Way to go!

    I like your goals for this year. And if you figure out the blogging issue let me know, because I have the same one. How much time should I spend on blogging? I love the interaction and I don't want to give it up, but finding the right balance is difficult.

    Happy New Year!

  9. Hi Christine - I'm with Alex - how much time ... too much - but it's difficult to resist ... perhaps I should only comment on 2 days a week and give myself more time for other things ... Write first - comment later ...

    You did do lots last year ... and here's to a successful 2016 - cheers Hilary

  10. Sounds like you have some great goals. That's great you read 100 books a year.

    I don't respond to every comment anymore. I do try to visit my blogger friends at least once a week which ends up with me reading blogs Monday's, Wednesday's, Friday's.

  11. Your accomplishments last year are remarkable, and it seems you're making some very logical and positive decisions about 2016! Good luck. I'm sure you'll have a great year.

  12. You accomplished a lot last year. I hope you are just as fruitful this year! Happy New Year!

  13. You had a great 2015 and you're very definite about your goals for this year, so no doubt you'll achieve them.

  14. A very productive year indeed! Congratulations!
    I wasn't as productive as you, but I achieved all but one of my goals for the year. When you find the secret for getting reviews let me know.

    Reading blogs and commenting takes way too much time. I'm not as good as some at it, but like you, I shall strive much harder!

    Happy New Year!

  15. You did get a lot done in 2015. I used to blog three days a week but for the last six months I cut it back to two posts per week and I try to stay away from visiting any other blogs T,TH and Sat, so I can do more writing.

  16. I think you did awesome last year. Might I also add last year is the year I discovered you and your books? I should have put that in my rememberulations jar because I enjoy your stories a lot.

  17. Thanks so much, everyone! I'll get to returning comments later this week. I'm still really sick, but I didn't want you to think I forgot about you. :)

  18. Those are fantastic goals and you can definitely do them all:) Loving the Totem series...:)

  19. Happy New Year, Christine!! I'm sure it's going to be a fabulous and successful one for you. All the best.

  20. Gosh, you did loads last year - and it looks as though you'll do even better this year.

  21. Congrats on 2015! One novel and six novellas is great. I enjoyed the first Paramours! 100 books to read and review is wonderful - I barely hit 30 each year. I usually only leave reviews if it's a fellow self/indie published author; I figure the famous authors don't need it :) Yes, blogging is time consuming - I keep up with comments and visit a core group of friends (like you!), but I don't try to expand much anymore. Too time consuming for sure.

  22. Sounds like some great goals, power to you! :)

  23. From where I'm standing it sounds like you accomplished a ton in 2015! Good luck on your exciting new stories. My main goal is being more organised and setting some schedules for both writing and blogging.

  24. Wonderful goals! You can do it- I believe in you. As for getting others to review your's a slow process. I've been doing a lot to try and encourage people to review indie more- so here's to 2016 and more indie authors getting reviews. I'll do as much as I can.


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