
Friday, January 8, 2016

Friday Five for January 8, 2016

1. First off, I want to let everyone know that I have not forgotten about you. I've been really sick since the first of the month. I was sleeping 18-19 hours a day. Whatever virus had me in its clutches, had a vicious hold on me. I'm feeling a little better now, but I have a ton of blogs to visit and catching up to do. I hope your new year started off better than mine.

2. 2015 didn't end off very well either. Three days before Christmas, a woman back into our car, smashing the driver's side door and shattering the window. Thankfully my son and I were on the sidewalk feeding the meter when it happened. Yet we were without a vehicle for two weeks over the holidays. The next day, one of the cats we adopted, showed her true colors. She viciously attacked my son several times, and she even attacked me when I picked up my son once. She had scratched him a few occasions before, but we called a behaviorist and we tried to work with the cat. Unfortunately, she didn't like children. We still have Thunder and he's the perfect cat for our family. Gentle, playful, and loving. Our power went out with a wind storm for a day, my husband was sick, my son fell and smacked his head on a concrete floor, the lid of my drink at the movie theater slipped off and spilled all over me... You can see 2015 had a pfffft end for me. 

3. One good thing did happen, though. I had my short story, "George and the Dragon" accepted by Randi Lee for her anthology, The Thing That Turned Me. What makes me more excited is all the other fantastic writers who has stories in it. Getting a story accepted is great. Getting a story accepted in an anthology with writer friends is pure awesomeness! Randi Lee has already made a trailer for the book. Check it out!

4. I haven't done any writing or editing. I feel so far behind, but I know it's just a week into the new year. I have been reading, though, and watching television that inspired me for a new series. I know, I know. Too many ideas, not enough time!

5. We didn't get to do much over the holiday break, but we did do one thing I had planned. We visited the Exotic Feline Rescue Center. I've been before a few times, but I love going back. It was my little guy's first time there. You get to be a few feet away from the biggest felines in the world. It's amazing. This is not a zoo experience, and I think it shocked my son how big these critters really are!

(Belle Fille. She kept us company while we waited for our tour guide.)

(A Canadian lynx. Which is super cool since I have a lynx shifter in my newest series of books. Research!)

(A flurry of furry fury. Feeding time! She's tearing off the fur from her deer leg.)

(A lazy lion. He looks adorable, but that head is bigger than my nearly six-year-old!)


  1. Ick! Being sick is no fun, and being down a car due to circumstances outside your control bites too. Been there, done that, would happily avoid it ever happening again if I could. Congratulations on the story acceptance, though! That's certainly something to be excited about. I hope 2016 ultimately ends up being an awesome year for you, even if it started in less-than-stellar circumstances.

  2. Yikes! So sorry 2015 ended in such a dismal way for you, and that you've been sick on top of all that. That's fantastic news about your short story, though! I recognized a lot of names in that trailer. This is bound to be an amazing anthology!

  3. So sorry you've been ill and wow, what a list of episodes to make the holidays a toil. I hope you are feeling better now and things turn around quickly. Lovely photos and great news regarding the anthology!
    Stay well!

  4. Well, most of that sucked! Except seeing the big cats. What a blessing there is a place that rescues them.
    2016 can only get better!

  5. We have a big cat rescue center nearby, and we really enjoyed it the few times we went. Now I want to go back again soon! :)

    Take care of yourself and hang in there! 2016 WILL be better!

  6. I'm so sorry you've been so sick, and it didn't work out with one of the cats. That's so hard.

    Glad the car is back (and that no one was hurt!) and congratulations on the anthology! That's so exciting!

    Hoping your 2016 gets on the path to awesome soon!

  7. all your early tribulations, i'm sure, mean a much better 2000 sixteen.

    congrats on the story :)

  8. Ugh. I hope 2016 quickly gets back on track for you. It's depressing when crap like this happens at the end of the year and into the new because you're like "I'M TRYING TO CELEBRATE THE NEW YEAR DAMMIT!"

  9. Hi Christine - I know you wanted blackberry pasties over the blog - but I'm quite glad you can't get them ... at least I don't get your bug!!!! Hope you feel much better soon ...

    The Exotic Wildlife Centre - looks wonderful ... and getting so close ... good luck with all your doing for this year ahead .. cheers Hilary

  10. Beautiful cats! And congrats on the acceptance!

  11. Sorry all those bad things happened. They say they happen in threes, so you should be done now!

    I am looking forward to reading your piece for Randi's Anthology. I think it's going to be a great collection!

  12. Sorry you've been sick and having problems. Hope 2016 brings you lots more good news.

  13. So sorry you've started off the year not feeling well. really hope it goes away and you can get back into your routine and writing:) Loved those animal photos but it kills to me to see them caged up or to know people tried to keep them. Just so sad.

  14. Christine--I'm so excited to have you as part of the anthology team! I'm sorry 2015 didn't treat you very well, but look at the wonderful things that have happened in 2016 for you can only get better from there :D!!

  15. Congrats and i hope you feel better. <3


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