Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Beacon Goddess Fish Tour & Giveaway - Writing Romance: Teen vs. Adult

I am excited to welcome the lovely and talented Angela Brown to my blog today. She's promoting her newest novel, Beacon. It's my favorite book from her yet. Check out my review. She's talking romance and holding a mega giveaway! Be sure to follow her tour with Goddess Fish Promotions and increase your chances of winning.

Writing Romance: Teen vs. Adult
Hey Christine and thank you so much for letting me drop in for a visit.
As some of you may know, I write and publish across the romance spectrum, from teens to adults. Beacon, my YA urban fantasy dystopian, is written for a teen audience with a lot of focus on the main character’s journey of self-discovery. Part of that involves her romantic feelings for a certain best friend with smoldering silver eyes.
Being a YA novel, I chose to approach the romance angle the same as I’d done with my other YA novel, Neverlove. In YA, there’s an opportunity to jump on the newness of crushes and first loves. Couple that with the yo-yo crazy hormonal tizzy that is adolescence and writing romance for teens becomes a deep dive into angst, confusion, and blossoming love from lenses unclouded (This is regarding an unclouded - or less than really grimy-dirty - past and present with experiencing romance).
Within YA, I also tend to keep things a little sweeter, cleaner, especially when it comes to sex. Touches are evocative. Kisses are fire, but if I have my characters embark on a sexual encounter, I’ll keep “the act” details to a minimum or perhaps go with the “fade to black.” This is a preference, not a necessity for writing romance for teens. As much as we adults would like to think young people don’t know - or shouldn’t know - about some of the grittier things when it comes to romance, think again. Writing is an art (to some it isn’t but that’s a debate for another time) and art is certainly an imitation of life.
My new adult and adult romance differs slightly for a couple of reasons.
  1. By the time we’ve hit college or step into the first day at that new job, we’ve experienced a first love, maybe even a second or third. We’ve crushed on someone who had no intentions or desires to reciprocate those feelings. Many times, they probably had no clue of the unrequited love. When we’ve reached adulthood, we’ve harbored the anger, frustration, and pain of heartbreak. So when I write my romance titles geared toward a new adult/adult audience, the main characters tend to experience the ups and downs of the romance through lenses clouded by past hurts as well as past joys. Love may not be brand new, but can spring from a beautiful place of renew-ness.
  2. Sexual encounters are purposeful and may include more details. As a note, the titles I publish under my Rayven Godchild pen name are erotic in nature so yes, the sex is far more detailed than projects under my Angela Brown name.
So yeah, writing romance for teens is different for me than when I write for adults. Having some of the differences helps so that when I approach a writing project, I know what bounds - or lack thereof - I’m working with to direct my word choices.
What are your thoughts on writing romance for teens vs. adults?

Tsunamis reduced the USA into a shell of itself, called The Fold. Surviving humans and vampires joined forces to form The Colony, where registered citizens do as they're told.

They donate blood quarterly and dream of being chosen as Attendees for the Jubilee celebrations, that is, everyone except Macie Breen. With high school graduation near, she’s anxious to ditch the rules in hopes of starting a new life with Thane, an unregistered and also her best friend.

Her hopes fizzle when Macie is selected as an Attendee, forever registered. Any future with Thane…impossible. Being chosen comes with another unexpected price.

Truths about The Colony blaze into ashes and lies when she discovers the vampires haven't kept their part of the bargain. Worst still, Macie’s life unravels as her stint in the city of Bliss forces her to face daunting truths about who, and what, she really is.

Thane tapped the door. “Would it help if I said I didn’t see anything?”


He snickered some more. I cringed. Embarrassment coursed through me, heating every inch of my skin.

Would it help if I told you what I did see looked beautiful?”

I hesitated half a heartbeat. “Don’t lie to me!”

It’s not a lie.” He didn’t laugh. His voice, his tone, quiet, honest.

I stared at the door and wanted to giggle myself. Flutters erupted in my belly.

Buy Beacon at

About the author:
Born and raised in Little Rock, AR, Angela now calls Central Texas home. She's a lover of Wild Cherry Pepsi and chocolate/chocolate covered delicious-ness. Steampunk, fantasy and paranormal to contemporary - mostly young adult - fill her growing library of books. Mother to a rambunctious darling girl aptly nicknamed Chipmunk, life stays busy. Her favorite quote keeps her moving: "You may never know what results come of your action, but if you do nothing there will be no result." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Author links: Blog * Goodreads * Amazon * Facebook * Twitter

Angela will be awarding a $75 giftcard to one lucky random winner!



  1. I agree with Angela's thoughts on sex in YA. While it's perfectly valid to put sex in a YA (as well as violence, gore, etc.), I tend to prefer the fade to black sort of writing. Good luck with the book launch!

  2. I agree with you Angela. There are definitely differences to writing romance depending on whether it's YA, NA or adult. Subtle differences, but differences all the same.

  3. Thank you for the post. It goes with the one from another one I had read previously.

  4. Thanks, again, for having me here, Christine.

    @Ree Dee, @Misha Gericke & @Shannon Lawrence - Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts.

  5. Very informative interview!

    Trix, vitajex(at)aol(Dot)com

  6. You're welcome, Angela! It's a pleasure to have you here. :)

  7. I enjoyed reading the post today.

  8. I think I'd like the fade to black better.
    Would you believe I've only been in love once? Fortunately she said yes and married me...

  9. Great distinctions on YA vs. adult romance. I like that you say you frequently favor the "fade to black" for teens, while you'll get more graphic with adult novels. Although that reminds me of when I was a young adult myself, looking for those more descriptive passages in adult romance novels, and coming up with nothing more than "her heaving bosoms" and "his throbbing manhood"! Maybe it's better to paint the picture with a little more detail, but give it more of that young adult attention to kissing and caressing that can often be overlooked in adulthood, in favor of getting straight to the act itself?

    1. I agree, give YA the tension of the moment... minus the meaving bosoms :-)

  10. I think you know exactly what you're doing. The thing that annoys me with some YA sex isn't so much the graphic nature, but the unrealistic expectations. You hit the nail on the head kn owing that with a YA, there is hardship, anger, and plenty of hurt feelings to go along with those relationships.

  11. I really loved the review. It sounds as though she loved this book. It sounds fantastic to me.

  12. Thanks for breaking down the differences

  13. I pretty much agree. I think it's fine (and just realistic) to have sex in YA, but it would feel a bit weird to me to get crazy into details like an adult erotic book. I think if done right, things can get pretty darn hot just with a good kiss scene, or like you say a "fade to black".

  14. A very interesting and insightful breakdown on the differences on writing the romance angles of the different genres...quite thought provoking.

  15. In my YA I concentrate on the rising tension and growing relationship, and all of the longing that goes with that. Sure, some kissing, cuddling and heavy petting. But no going all the way in mine.

    In my NA romance it's another story. LOL.

  16. Great thoughts about YA vs. NA, thanks for this amazing giveaway!


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