
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Writers4Writers Group

Today is the official kickoff of the Writers4Writers Group. Yippee! I've teamed together with three marvelous authors, Mary Pax, C.M. Brown, and Stephen Tremp, to show our support for our fellow writers. We invite you to spare a minute of your time to do the same.

Our featured author this month is Nancy S. Thompson. Her new thriller, The Mistaken is now available on Amazon. Please stop by Nancy's blog and copy and paste her prewritten Tweets onto your Twitter page. Then stop by our W4WS Facebook page and share her link with your friends. That's it! Simple. Fast. Powerful.

The W4WS Group's Mission:
• Help writers bring awareness of their book(s) to tens of thousands of new people
• Help writers reach Amazon Top 100 in at least one category (i.e., suspense, free, whatever)
• Increase sales of their book(s) after the promo is over
• Drive new traffic to their blog and increase following
• Create verbal and viral buzz.

In A Nut Shell: the spotlighted author will choose a social media avenue such as Twitter or Facebook (or both). Each month we will spotlight one, two, or possibly three new authors.
Then, the good people of Blogdom will promote the author’s book to their Twitter followers or Facebook friends, and thus to incredibly large new audiences the author could not reach on their own.

Please show your support for your fellow writers and sign up on the linky list below!


  1. Hi Christine .. just sorting Twitter out - so certainly will hope to get it right .. it's a great idea - well done to the 4 of you for helping aspiring authors promote their books ..

    Good luck Nancy .. cheers Hilary

  2. Going to send Tweets for Nancy now!

  3. Good luck to Nancy! I've tweeted once, and I think I'll set up a few tweets to go out on Hootsuite. :)

  4. I've been tweeting like crazy! Here's to a successful kick off.

  5. Thank you for hosting me & helping me promote my new book! And thanks to all who are tweeting for me! Big hugs all around!

  6. Great idea! I signed up. Good luck to everyone!

  7. Such a great concept... I've sent my twitter out for Nancy:)


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