
Friday, December 7, 2012

Friday Five for December 7th, 2012

1. I completed one of my big goals for 2012 yesterday. I wrote my 12th short story of the year and submitted my 12th one. It was a tougher goal to keep up with than I originally thought. I've been aiming high with my stories too. I haven't gotten one accepted by a SFWA approved press yet. I'll keep trying, but I won't be doing this again next year. I'd like to say I'll write six and submit six, but I'm not going to set any goals for short stories. Let them come as the inspiration hits me.

2. I had a lovely visit with my mom. It was a bit crazy, but we had fun. We took my son to see Santa and rode in a little mall train. We shopped. A lot. My feet hurt afterward. It was a nice early holiday visit. Now I have a ton to catch up online and prepare for the release of The Marquis next week. Yikes!

3. Yesterday's kickoff for the Writers4Writers Group went wonderfully. Thank you to everyone that participated. If you're interested in joining, just click on the tab above and pop your name into the linky link list. Helping fellow writers is as fast and easy as retweeting.

4. I just finished Cold Days by Jim Butcher. Brilliant! I'm so excited about it and I want to talk to someone, but my husband has only started to read it. It's so hard not to shout out spoilers. And he reads so slow!

5. We put up our Christmas tree on Wednesday. We did it while the boy was taking his nap. When he woke up and finally saw it, he let out this awesome breathy gasp and said, "I love it!" Seeing his gorgeous little face light up made my month.
Have a great weekend!


  1. Some great stuff happening here! Hee hee, I love that you put up the tree while your boy was asleep - must have been so cute when he woke up!

  2. Congrats on meeting your goal. Great job!

  3. Aw, what a great Friday list, I especially love the part about your son waking up and seeing the tree for the first time. So sweet! Have a wonderful weekend Christine!

  4. Glad you had a great week. Now, don't spoil that book for your husband.

  5. Aww, that's so cute what Brandon said!! And I'm sure you'll catch up. :)

  6. Great job with your writing! Hopefully 12 is a lucky number for you.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  7. Thank you, everyone! Your comments make my day. :)

  8. Sounds like you had a great week. Congratulations on completing so many stories!

  9. many great things!!!
    I've yet to put up the tree... eek!

  10. Putting the tree is filled with so many traditions at our house. My oldest son is 27 so we've been doing things the same way for a lot of years. One of the rules is that we must wait for the college siblings to be home, so our tree won't be up before around the 20th. It's worth the wait.

  11. Happy Holidays! Sounds like you have been busy and having fun. Take care!

  12. You're doing so many things - which of course is awesome. I'm curious what Cold Days is about... going to check it out:)

  13. can i read one of the short stories?

  14. Thanks to you all! Hope you're having a great weekend!

  15. fantastic news! and love how you presented your tree magically! sweet!


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