
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Insecure Writer's Support Group for December 2012

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm eight days away from releasing the first book of my 13th Floor series. I'm sure many of you know what those days feel like. The self doubt, the panicking, the elation, the fear, and the hope. All of those mixing together causing your mood to go up and down with no warning.

I'm highly anxious about this series because I want it to represent me. I want people to recognize me as Christine Rains, the author of the 13th Floor series. Yes, I know all our stories represent ourselves as writers. Yet I have published fantasy, romance, horror, and erotica stories. I haven't put any particular one to my name, my brand. That's what I want to do with the 13th Floor series.

I think about the series all the time. The stories, the characters, the tours, how to market them, what will readers think, and can I handle it if it isn't well received. All possible scenarios go through my head. I over-think things. A lot.

I feel like I'm bracing myself for impact.

How do you prepare yourself for a release? And how do you handle the anxiety and self doubts that come with it?


  1. You're a great writer, so I have no doubt that this series will be great. I have a series that is partially written that I know I want to be remembered for, and if that one were about to be released, I know I'd be anxious. Best of luck!

  2. Fear is a natural part of letting go. Our books are our babies in many ways so they are part of who we are. I'm sure you have nutured yours well so hold your head up high and enjoy. Good luck and look forward to hearing more.

  3. First, yay for having an upcoming release! I myself have not yet released a book yet but I can imagine that when and if I get there, I'd be pretty excited. Tell the anxiety and self-doubt to go on a very long break while you enjoy your book release!

  4. I agree with Cynthia. Enjoy it! :) I'm nowhere near publication at the moment, but I completely understand your concerns about having your books represent you, as I worry about that too. Whenever you're feeling anxious, just think back to the writer you were last year, or the year before that, and congratulate yourself on your far you've come! All the best with the 13th floor series, Christine :)

  5. From what I've read, it's a great series, so you have nothing to worry about! Usually when I have a new release I try to remind myself that I can't make everyone happy all of the time, so there will be people who don't like it no matter what I do. But still those negative reviews hurt! Ouch. I try to focus on the positive ones!

  6. I'm so excited for you, Christine. It is a stressful time. Do yourself one favor, walk away. Yes, I'm being serious. Each day, leave the computer and go for a walk, or something else you enjoy. If not, you'll make yourself sick during the release week. Trust me, I know.

  7. I've never released my writing, so I don't have any tips. Good luck and have fun!

  8. Oh Jeeze, mine comes out in February. I'll be asking you for words of wisdom. I guess we just do it. =)

  9. The series is awesome! Deep breath and keep writing them. But I do know what you mean about all the emotions involved in releasing a new book/series. It's hard. But the best thing to do is to try to enjoy release week, not check how its selling during that week, and move on to the next story once the one is over.

  10. It is a wonderfully, awful time. All that buildup of emotions, I'm always afraid I'll be disappointed.

  11. Haven't even got there yet and I'm already panicking about it, guess I'm the wrong person to ask! LOL

    Best of luck with your 13th floor series! I know you will do great Christine!

  12. I am so bad before a release, I can hardly function. Once the release is out though, I am relieved and try to focus on other projects. I try not to focus on the story once its out. You're only as good as your next work as they say.

  13. Congrats! Here's to huge success. :)

  14. This is so exciting! Now, sit down with a cup of tea and a book (not yours) or TV show, and let yourself stop thinking about it for a few moments, if possible :) You've done all you can--the reception of your book is out of your hands now!

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  15. You'll be fine! Just keep focusing on what you have to do and your mind will be too busy to worry.
    Looking forward to your series!

  16. Congrats! I wish you all the success. My advise would be: Wait for the worst. Prepare yourself to find nothing changed the day after your book comes out. Not even after a year. Think you'll be an unknown author just as before but that you will work VERY HARD to grow your brand one reader at a time. It'll happen but it is a lot better for your heart to expect the hard way. If things are a lot easier, you'll be elated; if not, you'll be prepared.

    I'll be looking out for your book!

  17. Thank you so much, everyone! I'm doing my best to remember how to breathe.

  18. I don't know - I can't think about that yet so I'll just tell you what I tell anyone who is nervous/stressed - breathe in through the nose, out through the mouth, repeat :)

    Good luck!

  19. Wow, I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming book! How can you prepare, really? Do the best book, gather a team to help promote, make new friends to help too, try not to panic and enjoy the ride!

  20. How exciting Christine, I am sure the series will be great!

  21. My advice would be to throw yourself into something else as much as possible. Whatever book you're currently writing, or marketing for this book, coming up with a list of cool blogging topics, maybe setting up an extras page on your blog for cut scenes from the book.

    And, of course, non-writerly stuff can really help. Take a day off to take your kids to the zoo, or for a hike or to take pictures with Santa (not sure how old your kids are, but it's really fun to make teenagers do this. haha) Try to get your mind off it.

    These are all my ways of coping with waiting to hear back from agents--which(I would imagine) contains the same amount of hope, frustration and downright terror. haha. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR SERIES AND MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

  22. Your passion for this series really shows through in this post, so I think you'll make an amazing success of it! Good luck.

  23. Thank you all again. Your advice is priceless. Only four days to go! *gulp*


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