
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Remembrance Day 2012

Lest we forget.


  1. It's Veterans Day today, no we can't forget - we must remember who fought and continue to fight for our freedom. OUR FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, WE HAVE TO PAY THE PRICE FOR IT. Be proud we are a free nation and honor those who gave us our freedom :)

  2. I so miss my dad and all his brothers. All four of them served in WWII. Now they're all gone.
    Thinking of all my students serving and those who have come back. And a few who haven't.

  3. I always think of my Granddad today. He was a WWII vet and always involved with the Legion. Where I grew up, everyone wore poppies for the first few weeks of November, even children, and we all knew what it meant.

  4. Christine, I work by a Parliament building where the government holds the Remembrance Day speeches. All the veterans were dressed in their uniforms, a dotted line of military covered the grounds. I found myself reflecting upon the amazing amount of courage it took to be involved in such horror. I send out a wonderful blessing to all those amazing people!!! Great post. :)

  5. Watching football today and saw a few very touching tributes.

  6. Nice to spent this weekend reflecting on those who have taken such risks for the rest of us.

  7. It is a deeply touching day- it reminds me that the human spirit needn't be destroyed even by the horrors of war.

  8. Congrats to M. Pax on another great release. I wish I could be half so prolific as she is.


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