
Saturday, November 10, 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012 - day ten update

Word count as of last night: 18453

I just managed to get in my minimum word count yesterday. The boy is sick and barely napped. I might have a touch of what he has. I feel drained, exhausted on every level. Though it could be from the week I had.

I'm still having fun with the story. I'm working more on the romantic plot and the big villain is about to make an appearance.

My favorite bit from yesterday: "Me and Jagger? No. No, no, no." Not enough nos in the world to make that point clear. "We're only friends. What he meant, geez, I shouldn't be telling you this, but Irca likes you. A lot. And Jagger has always had a thing for her. So catching you and I together makes him mad because it would upset her. God, this sounds like some bad high school drama."

I finished my revisions of 1301 and sent it off to my CPs and betas. I did some serious changes at the beginning and added more to the end. The meat of the middle remained solid, but I always worry about beginnings and endings the most because they usually leave the biggest impressions.

I have no plans for the weekend except to nurse my poor sick boy and catch up on sleep. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Well done Christine! NaNoWriMo pushes us to the limits especially when real life stuff gets busy too.

    I hope your son recovers quickly, and you manage to get some rest between writing.

    Best wishes

  2. I never Nano, and am in awe of people like you, who do it so well. Hope your kid feels better, and have yourself a great weekend!

  3. I hope your little boy is feeling better soon and that you don't catch the same bug. Good luck with the NaNo.

  4. Oh no, I hope you and your little man feel better soon! Congrats on still maintaining a decent word count!

  5. Way to go on the word count! Not easy to do with sick little ones. And love the name "Jagger" for a character, but it did instantly put that song 'Moves Like Jagger' in my brain. Which isn't fun at 6 AM :-)

  6. You're doing brilliantly with the nano thing, especially if you have a sick child too!! keep it up and I'm sure you'll get where you want to be. Determination you obviously have aplenty!!! Well done.

  7. Oh no, sorry to hear you and your little guy are sick. It sucks.

    Congrats on the impressive word count though, the snippet you posted sounded interesting.

    Yay for 1301, just about to get stuck into that now. ;)

  8. Sorry your boy is sick! Hope you both recover soon. Keep writing.

  9. Sorry to hear your son is sick. Hope you don't come down with what he has. CONGRATS on your word count for NaNoWriMo. You are doing great!

  10. You are making excellent progress! I hope your son feels better soon!

  11. Helluva word count! Now, you go take care of you and your little boy!

  12. Hope the weekend cures what ails you. Great job on the word count.

  13. Thank you! I'm feeling better tonight. Napped a bit this afternoon. Need to get writing to make my word count for the day. Have a great night!

  14. that's some dang good progress with a sick kid! good luck girl!!!

  15. Great progress on your story... loved the snippet... lots of fun by the sounds of it:)

  16. Hope you and your little guy feel better! Good job keeping up with the word count! I know I am going to need to catch up on sleep after all of this too.

  17. Thank you! My son is feeling much better today, especially since the weather was gorgeous and he got to play at the park for over two hours. :)


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