
Monday, November 12, 2012

The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear now available

Mary Pax's newest novel is now here!
It's an awesome NA urban fantasy with a sci-fi twist.

The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear is available at


Graduation from community college isn’t the magic elixir Hetty Locklear counts on for becoming an adult. Her parents, who work the Renaissance fair circuit, insist she spend part of the summer with them. Hetty doubts pretending to live in the Middle Ages will help her find her way.


 To make it worse, an entity haunts her at her dead-end job, warning her of a dangerous man she doesn’t know. The ghost leads her to a lover who has a lot of secrets. He pulls her farther into peril and into a strange, hidden world of genetic experimentation.


M. Pax is celebrating her latest release with a jousting tournament and contest at Cheer for the knights to help them win the grand prize, and you’ll be put in a drawing to win an ebook copy of The Renaissance of Hetty Locklear. Five will be given away. Huzzah!

Awesome book trailer:


  1. Excited for Mary and already championed a knight this morning.

  2. Mary is so awesome! I'm so excited for her!

  3. what a clever storyline--i love the fact that her parents work in a renaissance fair :)

  4. yay for mary & her medieval times!

  5. Thanks for helping to champion my new book, Christine. You're wonderful and a wonderful talent.

  6. we live 30 minutes from a Renaissance fair...and I think we would all enjoy this book.

  7. I saw this book featured on a couple of other blogs. I like the story line! I tagged you for the Top Commentor Award (nothing crazy to do for it). If you want it, stop by and pick it up.

  8. Congrats on the launch... premise sounds fantastic... my type of story:)


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