Monday, November 14, 2016

Cloak of Snow Release Day & Joylene Nowell Butler's Matowak Woman Who Cries with a giveaway!

No one messes with Saskia Dorn’s family and gets away with it.

The same murderous shifters who had hunted her sister have attempted to steal a magical totem pole. Since the pieces are scattered across Alaska, Saskia, a polar bear shifter, takes her search to the tundra for any signs of the lost totems.

Instead she finds Sedge, the latest reincarnation of the old Inuit Bear god, who just happens to be the man who broke her heart.

They come across a small native village tormented by the Jinxioc, evil gnomes with an appetite for human flesh. Sedge declares he will rid the people of the menace, believing a totem token is nearby affecting the devils’ behavior. At his side, Saskia battles to save the tribesmen, but it could mean sacrificing herself.

  Buy it on Amazon.

Add to read on Goodreads.

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Author Joylene Nowell Butler is on tour this month with MC Book Tours featuring her new novel, Mâtowak Woman Who Cries, being released Nov. 1 by Dancing Lemur Press L.L.C.

You can follow Joylene's tour schedule HERE for excerpts, Q&As,  chances to win copies of her book and more.

A murder enveloped in pain and mystery...

When Canada's retired Minister of National Defense, Leland Warner, is murdered in his home, the case is handed to Corporal Danny Killian, an aboriginal man tortured by his wife's unsolved murder.
The suspect, 60-year-old Sally Warner, still grieves for the loss of her two sons, dead in a suicide/murder eighteen months earlier. Confused and damaged, she sees in Corporal Killian a friend sympathetic to her grief and suffering and wants more than anything to trust him.
Danny finds himself with a difficult choice—indict his prime suspect, the dead minister's horribly abused wife or find a way to protect her and risk demotion. Or worse, transfer away from the scene of his wife’s murder and the guilt that haunts him...

Mâtowak Woman Who Cries is available in eBook at the following sites:

The print copy is available at:

Seven o'clock in the morning and my screams wake me. I see Leland shooting both our boys dead while Meshango holds Digger in her arms, squeezing the life from him. I'm tied to the chair opposite Bronson and Declan. I can't twist free. Blood sprays in my eyes.
Fully awake now, I sob and rub my eyes. A moment passes before I can see clearly. It's another moment before I catch my breath. Afraid to succumb once again to sleep and to the chance of returning to this horrible nightmare, I wipe my face with both hands. I roll over on my back and try to focus on happy thoughts. All I can think of is Declan and how badly I failed him.
The first time Leland broke his spirit Declan was three. A heat wave had swept through the Interior and left forest fires roaring. I was pregnant, my ankles double their size. Every fan in the house ran at full tilt, but there seemed to be no relief. Declan was playing outside in the sandbox under the afternoon shade of our birch trees. Through the screen door I heard his imitation of miniature dump trucks and imagined him manoeuvring them over the make-believe hills and valleys of sand. The sound of his sweet voice reminded me of an ad for the Disney Jungle Book movie. I hear him now, a happy little boy with no hint of the young man who would one day kill his brother, then himself.
Dear God.
I wipe my wet face with the bed sheet.
It was the July long weekend. In those days, besides running his own law firm, Leland was on the city council.
Being under a lot of pressure was no excuse.
I sit up in bed, pulled the duvet to my chest and wrap my arms around my knees. With my eyes tightly closed, I can picture that day as if it were yesterday. Declan, three years old again.
Due to the intense heat I had prepared a second pitcher of lemonade for Leland. I planned on sitting outside on the veranda where there was a slight breeze. Being heavy with child made my response time slow. Declan wanted a drink and banged on the screen door for my attention. The door had one of those awkward latches. I hollered, “I'm coming.”
Possibly he didn't hear me or grew impatient. I had the pitcher in both hands and resting it on my stomach. My intent was to carry it to the table so Leland could have his drink, and then let Declan in. He was only three, impatient. He banged again, loudly. Leland looked at the door. I tried to hurry. I set the pitcher on the table. Declan kicked the door. Leland was out of his seat, sweeping past me. He hurled the door opened, reached down, yanked Declan up by one arm until he was level with Leland's shoulder, and then struck Declan across his backside. Declan screamed. I screamed.
He wouldn't.
I rushed towards them—grabbed his arm. “Stop it. Put him down. You're hurting him.”

When Joylene's father died in 1983, she wrote her first full–length manuscript to channel her grief. The seven-year process left her hooked and she began Dead Witness within a few weeks of finishing Always Father's Child. Today Joylene is the author of three suspense novels: Dead Witness, Broken But Not Dead, and the steampunk collaboration Break Time. While she'll admit being published didn't fix all the wrongs in her life, she wishes her parents had lived to see her success. Dead Witness was a finalist in the 2012 Global eBook Awards. Broken But Not Dead won the 2012 IPPY Silver Medal and its sequel Mâtowak Woman Who Cries is due for release November 1, 2016.

Joylene lives with her husband and their two cats Marbles and Shasta on beautiful Cluculz Lake in central British Columbia. They spend their winters in Bucerias, Nayarit, Mexico.

For more on Joylene and her writing, visit her website and blog then connect with her on Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, and her Amazon Author Page.


  1. Christine, congratulations on your release day! Cloak of Snow sounds intriguing and has a very catchy cover. Wishing you much success. Thanks also for being a part of Joylene's part.

    Thoughts in Progress
    and MC Book Tours

  2. Congrats on your book, Christine! And Jolene's sounds like a really interesting mystery with a lot of personal choices for the main character.

  3. Congrats, Christine, on your latest release! I know I always say this, but I am in awe of you. :)

    And congrats to you, too, Joylene! Wishing you both the best of luck.

  4. Thank you, everyone! I can't believe the third book is out already. And yay for Joylene! Her book sounds awesome. I'm happy to be a part of her blog tour.

  5. Yeh for you, Christine! I like the title - so mysterious and wintery. :)

    Congrats to Joylene!

  6. Congrats to Joylene., and a very happy release day to you, Christine :-)

  7. Congrats to both of you! Man, the look in that blond girl's eyes on Cloak of Snow's cover is intense.

  8. Congratulations Christine and Joylene! :)

  9. Christine! I'm so excited about your book release. I can't wait to get to the new books. Just as soon as I can see straight again.

    Yay for Joylene! Her tour has been pretty epic.

  10. Thank you so much for featuring me and my book today, Christine. Congratulations on CLOAK OF SNOW. I would definitely not mess with Saskia! Best of success!

  11. Congrats to both you ladies on your new releases. Sigh... more books to add to my TBR list.

  12. No one should mess with Saskia. LOL! Congrats, Christine!

    Congrats to Joylene!

  13. Congrats to both of you!

    Christine, how has the scheduling of the new releases in this series worked out?

  14. Hurray for Cloak of Snow! Can't wait to finally reach this book on my Kindle. I remember you tweeting about those evil gnomes before, so I'm really excited to see 'em in action! :P

    Many congrats to Joylene, as well! Her book sounds so intense...

  15. Squee! I'm so excited for this series. Also, I really need to get on reading what you sent me. >.>

  16. Yay! Congratulations on another book in the world! Congrats to Joylene, too! ^_^

  17. Hi Christine - congratulations on this release .. that's great; as too Joylene with her Matowak woman ... good luck to you both - cheers Hilary

  18. So excited for you... This series rocks!! Huge congrats.

  19. Congratulations Christine! You have worked so hard and I'm cheering for you.

    Congrats Joylene! Wishing you many sales.

  20. Congrats girls on the new releases. Christine I have an Author Spotlight if you'd like spotlight your newest release or maybe spotlight all 3 with the release in December. You can contact me thru my website contact form if you ever want to do that or need a blog spot for a book tour.

    You too Joylene, you are always welcome to appear again. Invite to any IWSG authors that would like a spot.

    Congrats and wishing you much success.
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  21. Congrats on your new book and thank you for featuring Joylene's book.

  22. Cheers and congrats on your release, Christine! It sounds awesome. You had me sold at flesh-eating gnomes.

  23. Congratulations to both of you!!! I'm looking forward to your guest post going live tomorrow, Christine!
    And Joylene, the excerpt is spine-tingling!
    Great work from two great authors!

  24. Congrats, ladies!! I need to catch up on my reading!

  25. Yay!! So great to see the whole trilogy out in the world. Congratulations!!

    And many congrats to Joylene. :)


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