
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wicked Wednesday - stuff that stocking!

What does Santa stuff your stocking with?

My mom still buys stockings and stuffs them for my brother and I. My husband is very appreciative of this because that means he doesn't have to do it! Mostly she fills it with toiletries, treats, socks, and notebooks.

If I could choose what Santa put into my stocking, it would be books. (And chocolate!) While I do love paper books, I could get more if I had an electronic stocking to stuff with ebooks. I've read over 100 books this year and the great majority of them were on my Kindle.

Here's your chance to stuff your digital stocking! Mary Pax is hosting the Stuff Your Stocking Event. There are 17 free ebooks from MG to YA to comics and fantasy and sci-fi and paranormal romance. Even a cookbook! Plus there's a giveaway for a $40 gift card. Click on the link and give yourself some gifts.

Included in the event is your chance to get either The 13th Floor Complete Collection or Of Blood and Sorrow. All you have to do is join my newsletter. See that handy dandy little widget on the right of my blog? Just type your email address in and jingle-jingle! You can pick either ebook in whatever format you need.

Tawa also wants me to remind you that Fearless is always free. So many readers have expressed their love for her (and the story!) over the years, I might be posting a new Fearless story on Wattpad next year. Either a prequel to this one or a tale about another Fearless warrior.


  1. I'd also want books and chocolate. And coffee or tea. Maybe a few bookmarks and a new e-reader. Hmm, maybe I'm starting to get a bit greedy. :)

  2. Oh, stuffing a digital stocking sounds fun, for sure! What a cool event Mary is hosting! :)

  3. Hi Christine - a tangerine, some writing instruments - pencils I guess and some notelets ... then a chocolate dollar. A wind up toy for the bath - is always fun! But the digital stocking sounds good - and how lovely of your mother to do your stockings ... so hubby doesn't have to worry. Lucky you .. cheers Hilary

  4. We don't do stockings...but I thought about doing one for the dogs this year. I have to buy for my mother's dog, my mother-in-law's dog, and our dog...I may do a doggy stocking for each of them next year! For people, you usually end up filling it full of junk just to find enough affordable things. My mom was always good at that, though.

  5. Love the giveaway!
    All stockings should be filled with books!
    They do make great gifts, and are so easy to wrap!

  6. Very cool!
    We still do stockings. Usually there is an iTunes gift card in mine.

  7. I totally agree about the stocking stuffers. Books and chocolate are the best.

  8. My parents would stuff our stockings with candy when we were younger. They haven't done that in years. And Mary definitely has some great stocking stuffers on her blog today. :)

  9. It's getting harder to stuff my kids stockings because they're older. My daughter likes cosmetics and gift cards. My son, I'm not too sure about. He's getting iTune gift cards and chocolate.

    Fearless is such a good book! Glad to hear you have another one in the works.

  10. Having so many boys, we put beef jerky in stockings instead of chocolate and there will be lots of gift cards for books this year.
    Sounds like a great giveaway.

  11. I used to always get one of those Lifesaver books in my stocking, and some oranges and walnuts (even though I'm allergic to oranges and don't like nuts, so I'd give them to my dad), and batteries for any toys, and blank cassette tapes for taping music off the radio.

    Now I (and everyone in our house) get those plastic candy canes filled with candy.

  12. My besties and I always give each other books for Christmas. Physical books because it's just not as fun receiving an ebook. =P

  13. The Tardis stocking is very cool! We still do stockings for the kids - chocolate is a mainstay. Haven't succumbed to getting them for the dogs yet though!

  14. Ha! Must be a northern thing. My mom would put toiletries in our stockings too. Candy too. Did the same for my stepson. :)


  15. Hi darling, how are you today? I love this, another great post.
    Thank you for sharing this with us.
    Check out my new post if you're interested:
    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

  16. Thanks, everyone! I hope you got yourself some free ebooks. I did! :)

  17. Hi Christine,

    Hang on, I'm actually here now. *Waves!*

    Ah yes, stockings, lovely, sorry, got carried away :)

    I still stuff a Christmas stocking for my 27 year old son. He doesn't mind because, what the heck, more treats for him.

    I shall duly take the liberty of sharing your post.

    Gary :)


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