
Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Five for December 18, 2015

1. I had a bump in my writing this week because a nasty headache told me to nap Wednesday afternoon. I'm about 4000 words away from finishing  my novella. I'm going to try to NaNo sprint today and finish it before my son's Christmas break starts.

2. Christmas break is where I'll be headed, too, for the next two weeks. We stay at home, but I'm planning lots of fun family and friend activities including going to an indoor waterpark and the exotic cat rescue center. I have a couple of posts coming next week. One of them a flash fiction story gift to you from me!

3. I'm over halfway done watching Daredevil on Netflix. LOVE it. Dark and intriguing and the villain! I really like what they did with Wilson Fisk (Kingpin). That is the sort of story I want to write... and have HBO or AMC or Netflix make into a show!

4. My son is bringing candy canes in today for school to give out to his class. Yesterday, I asked him if he would like to make a craft out of it and dress up the canes like reindeer. He gave me this look that was ten years too old for him and said, "I'm in elementary school now, mama. We like candy canes without the costumes."

5. However you're spending this holiday season, enjoy! Have a very merry Christmas and I'll see you in 2016. It's going to be an amazing year.


  1. Daredevil is good. Netflix has a lot of good offerings. I'd probably get a lot more work done if they didn't!

  2. Only 4000 words left? Awesome! Best of luck churning out those final words during your writing sprint!

    And, of course, happy holidays! Sounds like you have a lot of fun things planned for the season... :)

  3. Hi Christine - you'll achieve your goal I'm sure. Funny how the kids grow up so quickly - no dressing up Mama please!! Happy times and sounds like your fortnight will have lots of happy times - cheers and have a very happy Christmas - Hilary

  4. I got through Daredevil in three sittings. Loved it.

    Enjoy the holidays. Many blessings. Be safe.

  5. I want to go to the exotic cat rescue!

    I think I'll pull the plug for the next two weeks, too. This has been my busiest December ever and I want to get back to editing my own stuff.

    Merry Christmas!

  6. I love your little chap's comment. I love it when kids think they're really old now, even though their only 7 and a half. My 11 year old starts a lot of sentences with the words, "When I was a kid..." :-)

    Merry Christmas!

  7. Candy Canes without costumes, so cute!
    Thanks in advance for the story, can't wait to read it.
    I've no doubt you'll get those 4000 done!

    Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous and peace-filled New Year!

    Enjoy the break - I'm doing the same!

  8. Good luck finishing up the novella! Happy Holidays!!

  9. Glad you're watching DareDevil! Awesome show.
    Have a great Christmas.

  10. Love your son's comment about candy canes! He's so grown up, now! ;-)

    It sounds like you have some fun things planned for your break. Hope you all enjoy them!

  11. Too funny about your son. I love those moments. I have to work extra hours this week to make up for missing Christmas Eve and Christmas, but the week after I'm hoping to do something fun with the kids on their break. This will be the first school break where I'm working. We may go tour the Celestial Seasonings plant in Boulder, depending upon weather and road conditions on the days I can go.

    Good luck with the sprint, and enjoy your family activities!

  12. Merry Christmas to you! Sorry about your headache, but sometimes a nap is what you need.

  13. Hope you have a great Christmas break.

  14. We both loved Daredevil. Definitely one of our favorite new shows. And an exotic cat rescue center sounds like an awesome place for a Christmas break trip! I hope there's a future post involving pictures of this.

  15. Loved Daredevil... Can't wait to hear what you think of the ending...:)

  16. I've watched Daredevil twice now. I can't wait for the new season. Your little guy is growing up so fast. Have a Merry Christmas.


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