
Monday, January 27, 2014

Tempting Clover by Decadent Kane teaser excerpt

Breaking a goblin's curse is more difficult than Clover thought. Especially when love and nightshade are crucial ingredients.

For two years, Clover has been at a goblin's beck and call. Two years of no orgasms. Until she heard a rumor the sage witch could help her break the goblin's curse. There's only a few minor details, like how would she find love on short notice and how deadly are nightshade berries?

Reed's life was simple—own a bar, walk to work, fight a little. He didn't expect to tangle with a wanton elfess who disappeared on him not once but twice. Let alone save her from a depraved goblin. He'd sworn off women like her for good, so why did he feel the need to protect her?

Teaser excerpt:

"How come I get the feeling you're trying to get away from me?" She countered him at the end of the bar.
"Because I am." No reason to lie about it. The colder he was maybe the more it would make her realize he didn't want her. On the other hand, perhaps he was trying to convince himself he didn't want her.
Clover gave a pout. "I don't think I'm going to make it that easy on you." She leaned over the bar so her next words would only be heard by him. "The last time we saw each other I'm quite sure you wanted to do something with me."
Reed sucked in air. Clover was tearing apart his resolve already. Why'd she have to be so forth coming? Why'd he have to be attracted to her? "What do you want from me?"
"Everything." Her eyes slid over his body and Reed could have sworn she was actually touching the sensitive flesh beneath his clothes. A gentle caress and he hardened despite his best efforts.
He narrowed his gaze on her. "Careful or you might get more than you bargained for." Oh, for the love of snails, he was flirting back. It was as if he had no control over his body at all.
Clover slid over the counter and Reed let the bar fall to the back of his mind. His gaze held hers and he was sure he'd fall into her depths. She pulled her warm body right up alongside of his. "Only one problem, I'm cursed."

About the author: 
If I had to describe myself, it would be in a word that has infinite meanings with a complexity which falls off the tongue.
A word made up of many elements, is deceptive in appearance, and creates an illusion from the imagination.
My word would be Phantasmagoric.

You can find Decadent Kane here:
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Join me on Thursday for my review of TEMPTING CLOVER.


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to host me on your blog.

  2. Congrats to Decadent! Her book sounds good.

  3. Quite the ethereal feel to that cover. Looking great.

  4. creative and sexy.
    and love her self-defining word!
    a definite guilty pleasure book!

    happy monday!

  5. Natalie- Thank you.

    Rusty- I thought that when my cover artist showed it to me- fell in love.

    Tara- it's a great word!

    Alex- It does- I'm super excited.

  6. I never knew goblins could look like that!!!

  7. Congrats on the new book... cover is very cool:)

  8. You're welcome, Decadent!

    It's a fun story. Thanks to everyone for popping by!

  9. Looks like mine kind of read, Christine! Wonderful highlight here! :)


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