
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Super Sweet Blogger Award

Here are the rules for accepting the Super Sweet Blogging Award:

1. Thank the Super Sweet Blogger that nominated you.
2. Answer 5 Super Sweet questions.
3. Include the Super Sweet Blogging Award in your blog post.
4. Nominate a bakers’s dozen (13) other deserving bloggers.

5. Notify your Super Sweet nominees on their blog.

Thank you so much to the super awesome Susanne Drazic for this great award! 

The Super Sweet Questions:
1. Cookies or Cake?   Both? Do I have to pick one? All right, cookies.
2. Chocolate or Vanilla?   Chocolate.
3. Favorite Sweet Treat?   Chocolate chip cookies.
4. When Do You Crave Sweet Things The Most?   At night after the boy is in bed.
5. Sweet Nick Name?    Cookie. (My junior leader name in Brownies.)

I love to share my sweets, so I'm handing out awards thick with frosting to anyone that would like to take it. Let us know what your sweet treat is!

Have a great Saturday!


  1. Congrats on your super sweet award. Surprisingly, I actually have a child that would pick vanilla. Not me, it's always chocolate for me.

  2. Well done on your award! I am a fan of sweet things too. My blessing (or curse) is that I tend to like sweets with a hint of fruitiness to them. And I'm not as big a fan of, say, chocolates.

  3. Congratulations! I take it if you crave sweets before he goes to bed then you have to share?

  4. Oh yeah, I'm a sucker for a good chocolate chip cookie. There's a bakery down the street that charges $2 per cookie -- sooo worth it.

  5. What a fun nickname. :D Congrats on your award!

  6. Hi Christine,

    How super sweet! Congrats on receiving that award. And hey "Cookie", I find these awards a dilemma. So, it's good you share out the sweets to whoever. I wish for some nice British trifle pudding.

    A lovely Sunday to you.

    Gary :)

  7. Thank you! I just had some chocolate chip cookies. Mmmm. Have a great rest of Sunday!

  8. Great responses... chocolate is up there for me as well:)

  9. chocolate chip cookies are my favorite too!

  10. Hi, Christine. If you want to choose both cookies and cake, I say go for it! Have a great day!
    : )


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