
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

IWSG for January 2013 and an interview with me

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I was ready to write an inspirational post and cheer you all on as the year begins. Start off 2014 with positive thoughts and a good plan.

Then I fell into a mud puddle. I haven't had time to write yet. A week into the new year, and I haven't written anything new. School was canceled due to the horrible weather. My child has found a new super-duper clingy stage. Not a single moment allowed alone for me. The main time I get for myself to write is when the boy is at school. I haven't had any time in nearly three weeks!

To rub it in, I got a rejection to a story I forgot I sent out last year. I thought I'd received all my rejections last month, but I guess I forgot to write this one down. I can taste the grit of the mud now.

I'll stand, splash a few times in the puddle, and then carry on. It wasn't the start to the new year I'd planned, but I'll keep pushing forward on my journey.

How was the start to your new year?

* * * * *

Please pop over to Ellie Garratt's blog for an interview with me.
Find out what my favorite cheesy movies are and tell us yours!


  1. It's difficult to do anything when the kids are about. You want to spend time with them but also the need to write just gets stronger.

    I've had a good start to the year, at least 500 words each day so far. Definitely progress for me :-)

  2. Nothing you can do about the weather except wrap up warm and wait it out. Still, at least you'll be raring to go once you get back to writing.

    Moody Writing

  3. Just think how eager you'll be to write when your son gets back to school!

    I'm editing, yay!

  4. Ack, not a great start, but things can only improve from here, right? :D

  5. You're funny with the mud puddle metaphor. I have a clingy kid too. Problem is he's 45 and now on part time work so is home a lot more. No writing for me!

    Ellie's late getting that interview up, so I'll have to check back later. ;)

  6. Never give up, Christine. You are an awesome author:)

  7. Oh no. Not the best start but I'm hoping you're getting all the bad out of the way early and the rest will be fantastic!

    And I agree with Tania. Don't give up--you're too good to quit.

  8. I have been writing some. We were home for the holidays and then I had a snow day at work this week.

    It's okay if you don't write for a week. You'll be glad when your kid grows up that you spent this time with him/her and that you were a great mom. Next week will be another week and look at all you've accomplished.

  9. Spit out the grit immediately and have some wine. Nice interview. Wonderful to learn more about you.

  10. Try to find some joy in that puddle. The sun will come out and dry it soon.

  11. No mud puddles or clingy children, but I've gotten to a slow start for the year too. It can only get better, right?

  12. Thank you, everyone. I just have to remind myself that a slow start doesn't mean it will be that way all year. Have a great Wednesday!

  13. You know mud washes right out.

    Ignore the 'R' and keep splashing!

    I know what you're made of.



  14. Sorry for the rough start. I'm trying to finish a project I don't love (but have been hired to do) so I can get on to the stuff I do want to write. Also, I'll find out at the end of the week whether either of my scripts makes the cut in a competition. Anticipation is making it tough to focus on my work.

  15. Loved your interview. The weather has really affected a lot of people with the kids stuck at home and inside.
    Things will get better.

  16. The only way from here is up! Great interview! :)

  17. Just believe the bad is over and good is to come. And have a wonderful 2014.

  18. Well, if you're in the puddle, you might as well splash. :)

  19. Aw, aren't those kind of rejections just so much fun? I got one in December for a story I'd totally forgotten about. lol.

  20. cheated on me with another interview?? For shame! I tease...

  21. I'm sorry about the bummy start to your new year! Those pesky rejection letters can get us all down. I know it will get better. Keep writing! I'll help pull you out of the mud puddle! (Along with these other 20 people who commented!)

  22. I took a slight break at the beginning of the year to recharge after the holidays, but now I'm pumped to start writing again.

    Sorry about the rejection letter. Give it to your child to color on. :)

  23. just spit that mud out, don't chew on it! and think of it as stale coffee. make a fresh pot and get writing! you're awesome -don't let a few dolts of rejection tell you otherwise! the right situation will present itself shortly!

    and yeehaw! school's back in!!

    ps, love the lines from Dr Sleep!!

  24. Into a mud puddle we all must fall! Hopefully you'll find some time to write when your son goes back to school. I'm amazed you find as much time as you do! It takes me three months just to write 7,000 words!

  25. Sorry for the rough start! I'm in a slump, myself, have been for a couple of months. With the idea that what I do on New Year's Day, I'd find myself doing throughout the new year, I did a wee bit of scribbling, from a writing prompt. It's nothing thrilling, but I felt good for the exercise. Ask me how much I've done since then? Better yet; don't.

    Here's the thing about mud, Christine: as a facial, when you wash it off, your skin glows. ((((((((((Christine))))))))))

  26. If you're stuck in a puddle, it means there's higher ground all around you, so you're moving up from there. I know things will feel better very soon and you'll be able to get some writing done :)

  27. Hi Christine,

    And from the mud puddle than can be life, you smile and know that it can only get better. Quite right and that's the way to think about it.

    Rejections only make you more determined. Speaking of clingy, my son is constantly clingy and I find it hard to get anything done. He's 25 years old. Yikes.

    The start to my New Year has rung in some upbeat changes.

    Thank you for being part of "IWSG" aka "I Was Seeking Gary." :)

    Welcome to 2014 and a new adventure.

    Gary :)

  28. Here's hoping the upcoming week is much better for you. And I'm sorry you got that rejection - their loss!

  29. Just like IWSG was scooted back a week, do a reset on your year. When the weather finally clears out we can ALL get back to where we need to be with our writing. Good Luck and Happy New Year.
    Leanne ( )


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