
Friday, January 10, 2014

Friday Five for January 10, 2014

1. A bit of a rough week. School was canceled all week due to the weather and the after-effects of the frigid temperatures. I was stuck in the house for three days straight with a 3.5 year old. Cabin fever and I became reacquainted. One night, I watched a documentary about the Donner Party and wondered what if that happened in a modern city. Story idea?

2. I managed to do a little bit of writing work, but not as much as I planned. I wanted to be finished the 2nd draft of my WIP, but I still have about 10k to go. I keep telling myself I have no deadline except for what I set, but I'm still working with being flexible with myself.

3. Speaking of flexibility, I wrote about setting writing goals on the Untethered Realms blog this week. I'll be posting my 2014 writing goals on Monday.

4. I had a great review for The 13th Floor Complete Collection on BigAl's Books & Pals. The reviewer said the bonus short story, "The Shadow" was a 5 star addition to the series. Woot!

5. I baked a lot, cleaned some more, and played Uno Moo dozens of times. It always evolves into a story about a farmer and a family of skunks who like to sit on the roof of the barn. I do love it that my son is really big into imaginative play.

Have a terrific weekend!


  1. I find it harder to get stuff done if I don't have a deadline - which I suppose makes it ironic that I'm so reluctant to set a deadline for publishing anything. :) Still, a deadline definitely motivates me, even if it's one I've set myself.

  2. I hope the weather improves soon so you can get back on schedule. At least you're safe and warm though.

    Have a great weekend x

  3. I saw the Big Al's and Pals review - it really was awesome. Well done.

    I hope the school goes back next week. Sometimes kids just need the routine of school, and they definitely need to run around with their friends!

  4. The weather over there has looked scary! I hope it all improves next week!

  5. Yikes about the weather! I can't imagine what it must be like to deal with temperatures that cold...

    That's great about the review, though! Good luck finally completing the second draft of your WIP!

  6. You survived a week trapped in the house with your son - next week will be better. Congratulations on the awesome review!

  7. That weather played the devil with lots of people's plans this past week.
    Congrats on the great reviews.

  8. Congrats on the review!

    And I hope next week is snow-ice-cold free, so you can get out of the house.

  9. Congrats on the review!!

    And the schools here have had a similar situation. Looks like school's out for winter. Here's to warmer temperatures soon!

  10. Oh wow, what a cool and creepy idea for a story! Wouldn't it be great if this crazy weather inspired you to come up with another great book? Something good to come out of the cabin fever at least.

    Congrats on the great review!

  11. Yes. That would make for a creepy story!

    Congratulations on the fabulous review.

  12. Yes, I baked a lot of pies this holiday, including a tasty pear/grape pie. My worst holiday trauma? Sitting in the Dominican airport for 15 hours!!!!

  13. Sounds like quite the week! I hope you enjoy the weekend. ☺

  14. Thank you, folks! It's finally Friday and I'm looking forward to really get into the normal schedule next week. Have a great weekend!

  15. Congrats on a productive week, despite the frigid temps. I'm not sure what I did this week, I read some, that was about it. Well, I did, technically, write, as that is part of my goals for 2014 (writing fiction daily), but nothing impressive happened anywhere.

  16. Modern day Donner Party. I like it.

    The weather has been horrible. I know what you mean about cabin fever.

    Good luck with your writing!

  17. That's great news about Big Al and Pal's review!

    I remember the days of having 3 1/2 year olds. Takes a lot of energy! Enjoy it though, they grow up fast and then want nothing to do with you! ;0)

  18. You've been keeping busy.. and congrats on the review:) Awesome.

  19. While you are frozen stiff that end of the globe, I'm baking in hot and humid weather, sometimes up to 88 degrees F, and we haven't even hit mid-summer YET...

    For me, a looming deadline is a great motivator...
    Congrats on that review!
    Writer In Transit

  20. Hi Christine .. you were safe and sound inside - must have been really unpleasant out and about. Yes .. not sure about being stuck in with a 3.5 year old, even if he was my son .. !! Glad you achieved somethings ..

    Have a great writing year - Hilary

  21. Sounds like you demand a lot from yourself and do get things done. Congrats on the wonderful review!

  22. Imaginative play -- that pretty much sums up most writers, don't you think? I like your story idea.

  23. You are superwoman, Christine!!! Can I be you for a day??? :)

  24. I hope the weather improves!!
    Congrats on your brilliant review too!

  25. Sorry for the cabin fever, but yay for writing goals. You did awesome in 2013 and I'm sure you'll do just as great in 2014! :)


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