
Monday, December 31, 2012

My 2013 writing goals

The 13th Floor series: This is going to be my main focus for the year. I have four novellas to write, five tours to run, and all the promoting that comes with it. I put myself on a tight schedule for it. Maybe too tight? Being sick has already put me behind schedule. I keep telling myself it will be okay if I'm not rigid and strict with myself, because life happens and self-publishing gives you flexibility. That's why I decided to take that path after all. So yes, you'll be hearing A LOT about the 13th Floor series from me in 2013. How convenient the year matches my series!

The A to Z Blogging Challenge: You may have noticed I didn't schedule a book release in April for this very reason! *winks* I love the Challenge. It was incredible last year. So many original posts from people. I wrote Fearless, and I self-published it. It's been a huge success. (Almost 700 downloads just this month!) I've gotten a lot of requests for another book. You might scream and protest, but Abby, Demetrius, and Tawa's story is done. I'm not going to do another with them. BUT I might do another story about a different Fearless. There are hundreds of these warriors around the world saving children from the monsters. I haven't any ideas yet, but I'm a pantser. It'll come to me!

NaNoWriMo 2013: I considered doing Camp NaNo instead, but November wouldn't be the same if I didn't participate in this challenge. Besides, I have a book tour in June. I have no idea what I'll write, but that's okay. This is one thing I want to do every year for the rest of my life. It doesn't matter if I publish every book or not. It's the rush of the challenge and the creation of a new story.

Short stories: I'm not going to do the write 1 / submit 1 this coming year. It was an excellent exercise and I encourage writers to try it, but I need to concentrate on the 13the Floor series. Yet if I am inspired, I still would like to try to do six in 2013. I would love to get something accepted by a SFWA approved publication. That dream hasn't faded.

Revise and query one novel: I have several completed novels. All of them need to be reworked and polished. I hate revising but love writing first drafts! I want to find them homes. I'm not sure which one I'll work with. This won't be until the latter half of the year after all my work with the 13th Floor series is complete.

What are your writing goals for 2013?


  1. Wow woman you have had quite the successful year! Good luck shall follow you into the new year... or else :-)

    1. Thank you! I'm still looking for that good luck imp. I hope I didn't sit on it!

  2. It seems like you're setting yourself a lot to get through there. Good luck.

  3. Good luck with your goals, Christine!

  4. what a lot of great things you have going on---i hope you are all well--happy new year christine :)

    1. Thank you! We're still sick, but not horribly so. I should be napping right now with my husband and the boy!

  5. lots of writing, but i know you can do it! is your june book tour in person? i might head your way if you want to do a joint reading or me!

    1. Thanks! No, I don't have any in person tours scheduled. Yet if you're going to be in my area, let me know. I will happily come to see you! :)

  6. You can get your series done in time - I have faith!
    Smart not to schedule anything during the Challenge. I have no guests that month either, but it's double-time for me as a co-host.
    Here's to an awesome year for you!

    1. Happy new year to you too! Cheers! And thank you always for your encouragement.

  7. I feel the same way about NaNoWriMo. And I never know what I'm going to write until about two minutes before midnight.

    Best of luck with all your goals. I wish you much success!

  8. Krakatoa! what a schedule! I know you can do it, but good luck all the same. Very ambitious.

    1. Ha! You made me laugh with that exclamation! Thank you and have a great new year!

  9. Wow - you will be busy! Good luck with all of your goals!

  10. Good luck! You will be very busy, but I bet you will love it all too. Just remember to have fun and enjoy the journey. :)

  11. Hello! Great goals. I wish you success with all of them

  12. Wonderful goals! I hope to write the sequel to Shifting Pride and pub a short story spin-off. ;)

  13. You're one busy woman, Christine! I wouldn't be able to write that much in one year! I'm a S-L-O-W writer, so I get nothing done. Good luck! Success must be calling your name - you can do it! :)

    1. Thanks! I have little time to myself, but I'm lucky to be a fast writer. Good luck in 2013!

  14. Great goals!
    Good Luck and Happy New Year!

  15. These are excellent goals! I also have a few novels lying around the house, but they need work. I have trouble with revising. That's one thing I really need to work on in 2013.

  16. Awesome goals - go get 'em, girl! I'm hoping to polish and query my latest novel while writing the next. Dream big, I say! :)

  17. Sounds like 2013 is going to be a busy, busy year for you. I blogs about my goals earlier today. : )

  18. Great goals! I wish you all the best with the 13th Floor series.

  19. Good luck! These are a lot of goals, but still very achievable ones. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that you're very successful with them in 2013! :)

  20. Hi Christine .. I'm so looking forward to reading 101 13th floor series - almost there ... 'flu on its way out and life getting sorted finally ...

    You are way busy - but if one's organised and you obviously are ... you can achieve so much. This is my goal this year ..

    Have a wonderful 2013 - cheers Hilary


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