
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Books read in 2012

The number surprised me too. I know I'm a fast reader, but I didn't think this fast! That's just over ten books a month. This doesn't include any short stories or novels I've beta read or critiqued.

I'm not going to set a goal for next year, but I'd still like to read 100 books. It doesn't seem unreasonable to me now. Most of these books were print copies. I rarely get the chance to use my Nook or sit at the computer to read. I'd love to be able to read more ebooks, but it's difficult with a toddler who loves gadgets. Maybe when he's a bit older and doesn't have to have every toy Mommy is playing with.

How many books did you read this year? Are you fast or slow reader?


  1. Whoa!!!
    I think I read twenty. Maybe. I'm a really slow reader.

  2. Also a slow reader ... 15-18 I'm thinking for me. (But I don't really count, and my eReader doesn't give me the castoff, pile effect for me to reference. :)

    Happy New Year (soon) Christine! May your eyesight endure another 100+ books in 2013! :-D

  3. Great job!

    I'd have to check my list to see how many I've read this year. I think it's in the eighties. I'm a fast reader with kids who take away some of my reading time. ;)

  4. I tend to be a slower reader. Not counting books I've edited I've only read about 20 books. Most of those were for Spring Semester at college.

  5. Wow - that is impressive! I doubt I read more than twenty and I read fast, but I just don't take the time to sit down and read.

  6. That's a lot of books, eleven per month? I managed just over that in the whole year. I guess that makes me a slow reader - I'll need to get in training. Well done!

  7. Wow, very impressive! Unfortunately I don't get a chance to read often at all anymore. I have a problem with not being able to put a book down until I've read it cover to cover. That generally doesn't work out well when I have to get up a 4:30 in the morning for work. Vacation time is about the only time I can read without it getting me in trouble lol.

  8. Thank you all for stopping by! I guess I really am a fast reader. I read while I'm doing chores and getting ready for bed. I read if my son is playing by himself for a few minutes. Minutes here and there add up.

  9. I'm a slow reader and get distracted easily, so I end up reading three to five books every year.

    Good job on that number, Christine! I wouldn't be able to read that amount!

  10. Reading takes the shape around opportunities for some readers. If I were always reading like I read when I'm trying to read, I'd have more books read, because otherwise I'm not fast and I don't often enough make the time just to read. Counting graphic novels, I read 60+ books in 2012, but in my reading list that cuts down to 35, and that's where I really keep track. It rates with what I was able to accomplish last year, and that's all that counts for me.

  11. I'm a little shy of 200. I'm hoping to hit 200 in the next few days. My goal was 170 so I'm really pleased with my results.

    Congrats on reading 128. That's incredible. And yeah 10 books a month is a lot.

    Good luck with 2013.

  12. Wow! My goal was 52 I made it to 33, I think. And that was a lot for me. =)

  13. I usually keep a list of all the books I've read in a year, but with the move this year, that fell by the wayside. Hopefully in 2013 I'll do better at keeping track.

  14. You've done well! I hit over 100 last year, but found myself reading more than writing, this year my goal was 50 and I hit 67. I'm a fast reader unless I really love a book. Then I slow right down and absorb every word and even go back re-reading chapters before I move on. I'm like that at the moment with The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley--I don't want it to end!

  15. Wow that is great! I set a goal for 200 books this year but only read 161. Definitely happy with that though and not going to be mad that I didn't reach 200. I'm just happy to have reached 100. :)

  16. doesnt surprise me, speedy!
    i am completely snail like, but more because i have such a packed schedule...
    i read less than 10% of your total, but i keep reading! hope to finish the marquis this week =)

  17. I was preparing a post of my own about my year in reading and it I only read about 50. It was probably the fewest books I've read in a year in about 15 years.

  18. Thank you, everyone! Happy reading in 2013!

  19. Wow.. that is fantastic.

  20. So impressed with the amount you read! I managed to pull off 109, but that also includes comics, magazines, and beta-read manuscripts. I'm honestly surprised that I read as much as I did, since I tend to be a slow reader. Good luck reading 100 more books in 2013!


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