Saturday, March 3, 2012

Saturday Snapshot for March 3rd

Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books
My son had his first dentist appointment recently.
The office was so cool!
Made me wish they took adult patients.

These little yellow flowers are all over our backyard.
I have no idea what they are, but they're so pretty.

The friendly neighborhood hawk in mid-flight.
The photo is somewhat fuzzy, but I still thought it was neat.


  1. What a cool dentist office. I think the yellow flower is a crocus (1st spring flowers around here). Great shots all around.

    1. Thanks! It seems the consensus is a crocus. I have some white ones popping up in the front yard now too.

  2. The penguin image is too cool! Yes, those flowers are crocuses or croci. Not sure of the plural.

    1. I just took a peek at the dictionary, and both plural forms are correct. That's my new plural word for today! :)

  3. Wow! Cool dentist office! Crocus flowers! Spring's on its way! Cool hawk shot!

    Hope you have missed all the severe weather! Be safe!

    1. Thanks! We were lucky that the bad weather missed us. We've gotten a lot of wind and a little bit of hail, but no tornadoes here.

  4. I'd love to go to the dentist there too! Great photo of the hawk.

    1. Thanks! You can't see it, but there's a TV screen on the ceiling playing cartoons too.

  5. That is definitely a great dental office! That dentist has the right idea.

    Love the flowers and the hawk, too.


    1. Thanks! I wish my dentist would take some lessons from my son's.

  6. The hawk shot is amazing! And I agree - all dentist offices should be that cool.

    1. Thanks! What you couldn't see in that dentist photo was the TV screen on the ceiling playing cartoons. It was awesome.

  7. Motion shots are really tough, but sometimes you still capture an interesting look -- this one has a lot of cool texture to it.

    It took me a minute to figure out that that was a dentist. That's certainly more interesting than my dentist's office!

    1. Thanks! I was surprised I could make out the hawk at all with how quick it flies.

  8. The hawk action shot was a nice catch! That dentist's office is great too! I've commented to our dentist's office that it would be nice if they could put some posters on the ceiling to look at - maybe something with historical lists or pretty pictures (so I could learn something like all of the presidents in order or just gaze at flowers). They said they didn't have a budget for it.

    1. Thanks! I'm sure a poster of pretty flowers would only set them back five bucks. My dentist has nothing interesting to look at except ads.

  9. I'd like a cool looking dentist office too, maybe some birds or flowers, anything to take my mind off drilling and cleaning teeth!

    Nice catch on the hawk. That looks like a Cooper's Hawk, which would make him not so friendly to the little birds in the neighborhood. I have one that stops by my feeders as if they were the drive through window at McD's!

    1. Thanks! The little birds definitely don't like the hawk. I also have an owl nearby, but I've not managed to get a photo of him yet.

  10. Oh, I would love to catch a photo of a hawk, fuzzy or no! That is a cool dentist's office. You might luck out; a friend's pediatric dentist just started taking adults. They even have a room with two dental chairs so they can be worked on in the same room simultaneously. Man, that would make my life easier!

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse, co-host of the 2012 #atozchallenge! Twitter: @AprilA2Z

    1. Oh wow. That would be awesome if my son and I could go to the dentist at the same time.

  11. Great job, getting a pic of that hawk. They are really fast. Your son's dentist sounds like he's in tune with kids. Really nice. Maybe the yellow flowers are crocuses. I can't believe my bulbs are up and the windows are open.

    1. Thanks! It's nice to air out the house, but strange to do so at this time of year.

  12. Those flowers are lovely. I love little flowers that pop up all over on their own.

    1. Me too! I want a whole garden of wildflowers this year. Hopefully ones to attract butterflies.

  13. Wow, the dentist's office looks like a carny space ride! We have snowdrops & crocuses coming up in our nearby park. Early, huh?

    1. They are early. Our tree in our front yard is budding and it usually doesn't do so until after Easter.

  14. I wish my dentist had an office like that too.
    Great seeing a hawk that close.

    1. I think all offices would be happier places if they had fun scenes painted on the walls!

  15. Is the yellow flower a crocus? Very pretty. When I was a kid the dentist office looked nothing like this. Hope the visit was fun for your son.

    1. Yes, it's a crocus. They're all over this year. My son liked the dentist until she held his mouth open to count his teeth!

  16. Great pictures! The yellow flower is a crocus. Glad your son's first dentist appointment went well. My daughter bit the dentist's fingers on her first appointment!

    1. Thanks! I was worried my son might bite, but the tears went away immediately when he got his new toothbrush.

  17. Ohh I could go to a dentist like that...:) Love your photos:)

    1. Thanks! My dentist is so boring compared to my son's!

  18. The office does look cool! He looks like he's hiding, though! It's so nice to see flowers this time of year. And what a great snapshot of that Hawk. Ever thought of working for National Geographic?

    1. Hehehe! He's checking out the office. He has to get into all the corners and drawers. I'd love to work for National Geographic, but there's no way I have the talent to live up to the photography competition with them!

  19. I've spent a lot of time at the dentist lately and those walls would definitely have helped!

    1. My dentist only has ads on her walls. I'd prefer penguins and a walrus!

  20. Three very wonderful and very different photos! I'd like to go to that dentist too. The flowers are beautiful.And how wonderful to see a hawk flying through.

    1. Thanks! I think if there's a dentist out there reading these comments, they'd have a good idea to bring in more business with the fun walls!

  21. our pediatrician has the same theme!
    nothing will help my dentist. they flaunt their money with a big screen & public use computers in the lobby, oh and coffee to stain your teeth next to the whitening brochures!
    i love hawks, just watch your cats and small dogs!

  22. Christine, I'm not sure but my first thought on the flower pic was that it is a lovely crocus and seemingly your other readers think so, too.
    Hey, dentist's offices did NOT look like that when I was a kid! We've come a long way from the days of visible trays of clanking implements. Arrrrgh, the undisguised terror!
    And the hawk is just the best. I want to be an eagle in my next life.

    1. Oh, I remember the days of terror at the dentist when I was a kid too!

  23. the first spring flowers are crocuses..they are little bulbs that come up very yr..I always tell my kids a hawk is a good luck sign!!
    That desist is over the top!! The very first time my child broke a tooth we went to a pediatric dentist who had all kinds of props and diversions...we are season patients now and just go to the regular family dentist down the street.
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.


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