
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Second Campaign Challenge

It's time for the Second Campaign Challenge of Rachael Harrie's Writers' Platform Building Campaign. It's much harder this time around. Plus, I feel a little added pressure having been one of the final twelve finalists of the first challenge. Yet I'm excited!

Here's what Rachael tells us about the Challenge:
Write a blog post in 200 words or less, excluding the title. It can be in any format, whether flash fiction, non-fiction, humorous blog musings, poem, etc. The blog post should:
  • include the word "imago" in the title
  • include the following 4 random words: "miasma," "lacuna," "oscitate," "synchronicity,"
If you want to give yourself an added challenge (optional and included in the word count), make reference to a mirror in your post.
For those who want an even greater challenge (optional), make your post 200 words EXACTLY!
Once you’ve posted your Challenge post on your blog, pop back here and link directly to it in the Linky List below (please make sure you include the direct link to your post, not just the link to your blog!).

Entries in the Second Campaigner Challenge will close on Monday, October 3rd (at 11.59pm EDT). That's a week and a half (longer this time), so make sure you get your post in the Linky List before then if you want to be eligible for a prize! As usual, while everyone is very welcome to take part in this Challenge, only Campaigners will be eligible for prizes.

I decided to carry on from the first challenge. So many of you wanted to know what happened after the door shut. Here you go! Enjoy.


As soon as the door shut, Soren's mouth was on mine. Hard and hungry. My hands were in his silky hair and my leg wound around his waist. I could easily lose myself. I already had one dark lacuna in my memory. I couldn't let myself forget anything else.

I pushed him, trying to get my legs between us. “Get off of me!”

Soren chuckled and refused to budge. His breathe was hot and his heart pounded as loudly as mine. “You want me. You need me.”

“I don't need you.” I've said it so many times that I didn't believe it any more than he did. Every word was like miasma upon my soul. When once I was so certain of who I was, now everything was unclear.

He traced the thick scar along the right side of my neck with the pad of his thumb. I trembled at the tender touch. “Synchronicity brought us together, love. If you don't work with me and the Queen reaches Imago, she'll kill us both.”

I froze. My mouth unable to fully oscitate.


“She's here.” In the rear-view mirror, I saw my nightmares spill forth.

(exactly 200 words)


  1. Oh, my... That ending is dark and frightful! Now I can't decide if Soren is good or bad...hmmm ~ Nadja

  2. Wow! Now, I want to know what's going to happen after this particular ending. Not sure why, but I like Soren ;). Good luck with the challenge.

  3. Oh, wow. My heart's pounding. Now what happens? :)

    Congrats on being a finalist. Very cool. Very well-deserved and well done.

  4. That's really good! Crap, my entry is going to suck...

  5. I wonder who (or what) Imago is . . . great piece! :)

  6. Whoa-whoa-whoa! Hold up. There's so many things going on here, and I love it! What a great build of suspense. When she said, "Get off of me," I knew something wasn't right. I'd read on.

    Great job, Christine! :)

  7. Fantastic! Really. Kind of steamy and the ending is really good, too.

  8. AWESOME POSSUM! :) I dug it immensely. Nice tension

  9. Duh. I really should have Googled "Imago" before I started reading Campaign entries . . . :P

  10. I like it. Great use of the words. Good luck!

  11. Very hot. I enjoyed it. Mine is #29

  12. That last line is awesome! From hot to chilling, in only 200 words!
    Mine is #3.

  13. Thanks to everyone! It's definitely forming more as a short story in my head. Hopefully I can keep up the tension if I do try it.

  14. another cliff hanger!
    nice job tempting us!

  15. Way to keep us hooked! I like the continuity.

  16. Well done, Christine! It's neat that you've been able to use the same characters in both challenges so far.

  17. I love this glad you took up where you left off. I think she should give in to him, but I'm a sucker for getting people together. :)

  18. I'm also really glad you picked up where you left off. And your use of the contest words was awesome! Great job. :D

  19. Love that you continued from your first campaign challenge. Great to see that it's forming into more since you seem to like to leave us hanging :)

  20. I loved the sexual tension of this piece. Great Job :)

  21. Congrats on making it to the final 12 in the first challenge!

    This one is great. Funny too, but then those words always make me giggle.

  22. Christine,

    This is actually quite horrifying, and you put me quite on the edge of a cliff by the end! I honestly wish there were more of this, something else I could devour as quick as possible! A great 200 words that tell a full story, but also remind me that there might be more of it in the future. :)

  23. Please, Please, PLEASE turn this into a short story. I would read it in a heartbeat. I want to know what happens next.

    Congrats on your win, btw! Very much deserved!

  24. So much tension and fear. I'd like to read more! Great job. I'm #34:)

  25. Very nice. And extra kudos for tying it to the first challenge story. Well done.

  26. I'm happy everyone is enjoying it. Thank you all! I think there will likely be a happy ending for our demon hunter and Soren only because I happen to like them so much.

  27. I want to know what happens next. Great job.

  28. Christine, I love how you are doing a continuation from the 1st challenge. Somehow I am thinking that Soren is going to be a good influencer/life changer. Great job!

  29. A very hot yet chilling entry ... and in only 200 words! Roland

  30. What a great idea to carry on from the last challenge! I liked the blend of steamy and tension.

  31. Oh my! That's not good, but eh writing is. ; )

  32. This is fabulous! I want to read more!

  33. Brilliant,love the way you've carried on from the first challenge.

  34. You really know how to keep a story going, great job!

  35. I'd like to read the whole story. Fantastic job!

  36. Awesome! Now I wonder what happens next. :)

  37. Hi,

    Oh wow, hot and steamy one minute thriller chiller the next. Neat piece of writing! ;)


  38. Great sexual tension :) Good job with those tricky challenge words. I love how you continued from the first challenge.

  39. Oh, man! This made me want to go, "Dun, dun, dunnnnn!" at the end. :) Great work!

  40. Wow! Great stuff. Very powerful and well written!

  41. I want to know more about her so badly. What is her nightmare? Who is this Soren guy? Way to leave us hanging!


  42. Eek! How exciting and frightening--love the emotional push/pull you create. I'm off to like this one!

  43. Awesome serial. No one else did that, as far as I've read. From fire to ice in 200 flat. If the 3rd challenge doesn't lend itself to a grande finale, you're going to have to finish it and notify us all.

  44. I love that you continued on from the first one! I haven't seen that from anyone else yet. Great story and definitely worth continuing. Wonderful tension!

  45. The birds and the bees. Great story! Good job!


  46. Loved the two extremes - it started off hot & steamy ... ended chilly & aloof ...
    A really great write !
    My entry at no.#185

  47. Romance is not normally my thing but I really enjoyed this piece. You have a wonderful way of crafting words that kept me glued to the screen. Thank you!



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