
Monday, September 26, 2011

Musing Mondays

This is a weekly meme hosted by Should Be Reading

The question today is: what does it take for you to give up on a book you've been reading?

For most of my life, I never gave up on a book. I continued through to the bitter end. I don't like to invest the time in a story and not give it a chance. These days, though, I don't have the time to force myself to read something I don't like. I have a pile of books on my kitchen table and a list of ebooks accumulating on my computer for when I get my Nook. I only get a few hours to myself each day. I can't waste my precious time.

Lately, I've been reading a lot of YA books. There's been a lot of hit and miss. I recently finished Possession by Elena Johnson and I loved it. I then tried a book called Discord's Apple and I couldn't get into it. I liked the premise of it, but the story didn't suck me in. So I put it down. Now I've started The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare. I'm really liking it so far. Those are big books!


  1. love The Mortal Instruments series! Hope you continue to enjoy them. The Infernal Devices, which is like a prequel to TMI, is pretty good as well.

  2. I'll usually get through it, but I did read one recently that I put down after three chapters. Life is too short!

  3. I really enjoyed "The Mortal Instruments", although I was quite happy to leave it at "City of Glass", and haven't been tempted to continue with the story.

    I do agree about not wanting to waste precious time. When it becomes very hard going with a book, I'm usually inclined to give it up. I'm reading one of those currently. Not sure how much longer I'll last.

  4. I find some books start to get repetitive -- things happen in the same sequence and the plot doesn't seem to go anywhere -- runaway, get caught, get away, repeat ... I get bored with that and will skip to the end. I also don't care to be able to see the entire plot before chapter one ends. Why read the rest? I rarely put a book down half way thru, but I've done it a couple of times this year. Both historical romances. OK, the centaurs, too. Don't ask me about those, it was research. :-O

  5. I used to hardly ever give up a book, but I find I'm doing it more often, too.

    I liked The Mortal Instruments. It's a really good series--though I felt that the fourth book was unnecessary.

  6. For me it's all about voice. I'm around teens all the time, so I know how they sound. If you don't get me with a believable voice then I won't read the story--even if the plot is excellent.

  7. More recently I've started putting books down that don't hold my interest - after all time is precious and I don't want to waste it reading something that bores me... I have a few of those that just didn't do it for, so I move on:)

    I'm curious to see what you think of The Mortal Instruments since I found some pretty annoying things in book 1, but won't spoil it for you.

  8. Sounds interesting. Nice blog!

  9. I have a stack of books I couldn't finish. About half way I just can't stomach the rest. They're still there but... Possession is on my TBR list.

  10. The Mortal Instruments series are big books, but they are so great you'll never want them to end! Have fun reading! :)

  11. M Pax, repetitive stories make me skim. I do want to know about the centaurs thing now. Especially after a recent conversation my husband and I had regarding them!

    Alleged Author, voice is very important. If I can't stand to read how the protagonist is thinking, I can't continue on.


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