
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Taking Back Beast World

Taking Back Beast World, Phase 2. Disney/Pixar's Onward comes out March 6th with a setting eerily close to BEAST WORLD, and it's time to speak out again—in a positive way! And in coordination with BROKEN BRANCH FALLS just republished and CRADLE ROCK soon to follow.

Tara Tyler has some big ideas with awesome friends from the fantastic writing community backing her up. She's scheduled a month and a half of posts, interviews, reviews, and social send-outs. It's sure to be a Beastly Blast! Here's the schedule:

Heather Gardner 2/5 Adventure - Inside-Out
Elizabeth Seckman 2/12 HS Hi-jinks & Teens Fessing Up
Patricia Lynne 2/17 the Beasts (& Survey)
Jemi Fraser 2/24 Reviews
L. Diane Wolfe 2/24 Nothing New Under the Sun
Alex J. Cavanaugh 3/4 Books into Movies - So many ways to watch
C. Lee McKenzie 3/4 Cliques & Bullies--It's hard to be a teen, no matter when
Sherry Ellis 3/9 Bullies Presentations & a Review
Christine Rains 3/9 Review
Heather Holden 3/23 Books Come Alive with Art!

Hope you can stop by!


  1. Hooray for Tara! Looking forward to reading these posts during her blog tour. ^_^

  2. Looks like an awesome line-up of posts. Not that I would expect anything less from Tara. :)

  3. Hi Christine - thanks for letting us know about Tara's tour ... I'll be around - good luck to you both - cheers Hilary

  4. Congrats to Tara! Sounds like a great blog tour.

  5. Tara's going to be darn busy writing all those posts. I sure hope her fingers are ready for the challenge.

  6. You rock, Tara! You, too, Christine.
    Happy February :)

  7. Woot for Tara! I hope the comparison grows her following!

  8. Congrats to Tara!!! Wishing her much success!

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