
Monday, July 10, 2017

Shadows Fall (Totem #7) and Descending Moon (Totem #8) coming soon!

The end of the series is near! I'm so excited the complete Totem series will soon be available.

Sometimes it isn't what lurks in the shadows we must fear, but the shadows themselves.
Ametta Dorn is hosting her first family Thanksgiving feast. Everything must be flawless from the appetizers to the desserts. But the totem quest weighs heavily on her and her family. If she can’t even fold a perfect crane napkin, then how can she help her family find the next token?

That totem is closer than any of them realize. The Shadowmen have opened a door to their world, and they’ve targeted Ametta as the weak link in her family. She will show everyone she's just as capable as they are. Except her daring might be the very thing that loses not only the raven totem but also her life.

Release date: July 25th, 2017

Some say the moon is for lovers, but wise folks know to fear it.

Kinley Dorn must be strong for her family in these dark times. Sometimes she feels she's all that's holding them together. But when the frightening Moon Man attacks and bestows a burdensome gift upon her, Kinley might have to do more than simply help her family. She will have to battle a god but which one? If it's the sly man hunting her in the astral plane Kinley might not make it out alive.

Release date: August 8th, 2017

The final book has been written, and I'm eagerly waiting to hear back from my CPs about it. I have a tentative release date for it, but I'm not going to set anything for certain until I have it done exactly as I want it. I'm aiming for the end of August, though!


  1. Congrats on the covers and nearing the end.

  2. Looking icy good! One more to go, right?

  3. It must feel good to finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course, then you'll have to start all over again with a new series. :)

  4. Thank you all. And yes, there's just one more to go. It's done and with my CPs now. I haven't decided what to call it yet, so that's why there isn't a cover yet! :)

  5. A lot of work and planning here, Christine! Congratulations.

  6. Congrats! I just finished reading Totem #9 yesterday and loved it! It's so exciting that you're nearing the end of this series.

  7. So much awesomeness! I love those covers. And I love the storylines, especially that the moon (and the ominous Moon Man) is something to fear. Congrats!

  8. Congratulation. I need to get to reading. Moving them all up on my Goodreads Challenge. Wahoo!
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  9. That's amazing. You've been writing like a speed demon! Congratulations.

  10. Congrats on the new book and having the next one so close to ready. And congrats on being an IWSG admin.

  11. Hi Christine - well done and those covers look good - they work well as a series ... enjoy settling on a name for the last one - cheers Hilary

  12. Congratulations! It must feel amazing to nearly be done with a series. I look forward to buying the whole series when it's all out. May as well wait till then, I guess. ;)

  13. Huge congrats... you are doing so amazing and this series rocks. Super excited for you new releases.


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