
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Word Witch Wednesday - 2017 writing goals

It's a brand new shiny year. Time to start things off with a cheer. This begins by reviewing last year's goals.

2016 GOALS

1. Write the rest of the Totem books and start to publish them. Well, I wrote six of them and started on the seventh. Two things got in the way of this goal: my health and marketing. I'm telling myself to be satisfied that four are out and two are coming, and I haven't set a deadline to stress myself with for the last three.

2. Revise and submit the Sasquatch Susies series to my publisher. Done. They were published. My publisher closed. So I have no idea how the books did.

3. Read and review 100 books. Done! I did include books I read with my son. I believe children's books need love on Goodreads too.

4. Write and submit six short stories. Done. I was short-listed three times for pro markets, but I didn't make it.

5. Blogging. Finding a balance between writing and blogging. I still haven't found it.

2017 GOALS

1. Write the final three Totem novellas and publish them.

2. Write the second two books in the Of Blood and Sorrow trilogy. I'd like to say I'll publish them by the end of the year, but they will be two full sized novels, and I will not publish one until the other is done.

3. Self-publish the books I had with my publisher. I'm allowed to keep the covers at least!

4. Read and review 100 books. I hope to keep this up for the rest of my life!

5. Write and submit six short stories. I can't say I have time to write one every month, but sometimes a great idea for a flash piece hits me, and I have to scribble it down. I'm still aiming at the pro markets.

6. Continue to study and try out different marketing techniques. Slowly but surely, I'm learning. I'm trying to figure out what works for me. And I will definitely share with you what I've learned.

7. Improve my writing speed and focus. Last month, I used writing sprints, and they've been working for me. It silences my inner editor and the words flow. I don't know if I could ever get to 5000 words an hour, but that much a day would be amazing.

What are your goals for the year?

A reminder from your friendly neighborhood polar bear:


  1. Wow! Your achievements are fantastic! You've accomplished so much in the past year, and obviously planning to keep up the momentum! Good luck :-)

  2. You still managed to get a lot done, which is amazing. That's sad about the publisher closing, but I'm glad you got to keep the cover art. Go 2017!

  3. Annalisa, thank you!

    Holly, thanks. It does help I can keep the covers, but I will change a few and add on my own series logos.

  4. Children's books absolutely need love on Goodreads, too.

    And as always, I am in total awe at how much you accomplish in a year...even if it does highlight how much of a slacker I am. :)

    It's really a shame that your publisher closed. Glad you at least get to keep the covers, though.

    Best of luck with all your goals for the coming year!

  5. You did awesome last year, and I know you'll get most, if not all, those goals accomplished this year.

  6. Well done on those 2016 goals! And thanks for sharing so much of what you learned along the way. :)

    Yeh on 100 books! My reading goal last year was 80 books but I made it to 100. It was a push though. I'm aiming for 85 this year.

    Still working on that balance with writing and blogging, too.

    Good luck, Christine!

  7. Great job on last years goals!
    I know you can accomplish this years. If I've learned anything about you over the course of our online friendship it's how determined you are!

    My biggest goal was to rework my newsletter and marketing strategies. I'm currently still doing that- taking a workshop right now that lasts all week to help learn a few extra things...more like how tos LOL
    I'm happy with what I'm accomplishing though already in a week.
    I also plan to rework my life schedule to try and find time to get 8 hours of writing in a week. This will require a sacrifice or two on my part- but it must happen if I'm going to get anything done.

    Have a great day!

  8. Wow! All those stories written. AND you read 100 books! I feel so lazy now. I wrote two books last year, but I started them both the year before. I want to start reviewing everything I read, too. I used to do that a lot, but I let myself get away from it.

    Best wishes on your goals this year!! You'll totally rock them!

  9. Great job against your goals last year! What really impressed me was reviewing 100 books. I read a lot of books, but I need to get better about reviewing all of them in an effort to support the authors. Here's to a fantastic 2017!

  10. Almost a perfect score with your goals there!
    Cool you get to keep the covers.
    And if I ever hit five hundred words an hour it would be a miracle.

  11. M.J., you're totally not a slacker. Your rewriting is epic!

    Cherie, thank you. You're one of my inspirations!

    Madeline, that's awesome! Here's to another 100 this year. :)

    Decadent, you can do it! And I'd love to hear about your workshop experience.

    Krystal, thanks!

    TCS, cheers!

    Alex, I believe you can do it!

  12. Finding a good balance between blogging and writing--and, in my case, drawing--is something I always struggle with, too. Congrats on everything you managed to accomplish last year; can't help but be in awe of all the writing and reading you did! Best of luck with your 2017 goals, as well. Sounds like you have a lot more writing ahead of you! Also, that's awesome how you're able to keep the covers from your previously published books--that's bound to make things less stressful, for sure!

  13. WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THE OF BLOOD AND SORROW WAS GOING TO BE A TRILOGY??????????????????????????????????????????

  14. You have so much to be proud of in 2016, and an inspirational example of what we can all achieve. Now getting writing the sequel to Blood and Sorrow - I loved that book!

  15. You really got a lot done! Even if I got to write all day I'd never be able to do as much. Good for you! Glad you got your books back from the publisher. Onward and upward!

  16. Great goal lists. Busy, busy. Lots of similar stuff on my lists too. Best of Luck!
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  17. Great goal,s, but gosh, I don't think I'd want to review my goals from last year...who knows what I was thinking;)

  18. You're way more dedicated than I am! I still have the rough draft of my novella to finish that I had set as one of my goals for 2016! Lol

    My goals for 2017? Start submitting to magazines and anthologies again is one of them. I have a few more listed at my blog post for 1/9.

  19. You're way more dedicated than I am! I still have the rough draft of my novella to finish that I had set as one of my goals for 2016! Lol

    My goals for 2017? Start submitting to magazines and anthologies again is one of them. I have a few more listed at my blog post for 1/9.

  20. All the best with all your goals!


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