
Monday, January 9, 2017

Shattered Spirit (Totem #4) Release & All It Takes cover reveal!

A haunted house isn’t going to stop Ametta Dorn from doing her job.

Frustrated that her family has left her out of the search for the missing totem tokens, Ametta Dorn loses herself in her work. She’s offered a dream job of a complete interior renovation of a famous Cremaschi house. Not even discovering the house belongs to Lucky Osberg can dampen her enthusiasm.

Lucky’s plan to spend more time with her as she works goes awry when the spirit who protects his home tries to murder her. Ametta won’t be scared off, despite being tempted to run and never come back. She was going to flee Alaska and pursue her designer dreams anyway, yet that means giving up on Lucky and the totem that is just within her grasp.

Add it to read on Goodreads.

To celebrate the release of Shattered Spirit, the first book in the Totem series, Dark Dawning is FREE!

* * * * *

I’m thrilled to reveal the cover for Clare Dugmore’s dual-POV contemporary romance ALL IT TAKES, scheduled for release February 14, 2017, and announce that it’s now available for pre-order for delivery to your Kindle on release day.
Title: All It Takes
Author: Clare Dugmore
Genre: Romance
Release Date: February 14, 2017

All It Takes is one night to change the rest of their lives.
Graduating Uni, travelling Europe and buying her own place – these are on Megan Green’s to-do list.
At just twenty-two, becoming a mother isn’t.
Fast cars, expensive clothes and bedding a different women every night – this is how Kian Murphy spends his time when not in the MMA ring. Pre-natal scans and birthing classes are not on his agenda.
After a chance meeting and passionate encounter, Megan finds herself pregnant with Kian’s child. But with a womanizing reputation, and a temper that often leads him into trouble, Kian is hardly boyfriend material, let alone father material.
Now Megan and Kian must work out if they have All It Takes to turn their one-night-stand into a relationship that will connect them for a life-time.
All It Takes is a dual-POV new-adult, contemporary-romance about responsibility, love and discovering who you are in life.


  1. Hi Christine - good luck with all your releases and stories in this coming year ... and then too for Clare and her new work. Cheers Hilary

  2. All the best for your work.I love to read thriller novels...

  3. Congratulations to Clare and to you! Sorry, I didn't know it was today. Is this the final book or is there one more?

  4. Congrats on your book release, Christine! And Clare's cover is awesome.

  5. Congrats to you and to Clare! Have a great week :)

  6. Congrats on the next book in your series.

  7. Congratulations to you and Clare! You're so busy with all these books coming out! ^_^

  8. Congrats to Clare! Also, I'm excited for your new release, Christine. The series is awesome.

  9. Lots going on in your corner of the writing world. Good luck to you and Clare with your new releases.

  10. YAY a freebie and a new release!

  11. Thank you, everyone! It's an exciting way to start off the week.

  12. Congratulations, Christine! You are slaying it. ;)

  13. What a great cover! I love it! Congratulations Christine. :)

  14. Congrats, Christine!!

    What a pretty cover for All It Takes! Congrats to Clare!

  15. Hi Christine,

    Congratulations and all the best with all your releases!

  16. Thank you for sharing my cover, Christine! <3

    Congratulations on the release of Shattered Spirit! I cannot wait to read it.

    And thank you everyone who commented on my reveal. :D

  17. You've got so much going on, Christine! Great way to kick off a new year.

  18. Great cover, Christine! MAny congrats. Wishing you all the best for 2017.

  19. Congratulations to both of you on your releases!

  20. Congrats to you and Clare - both of you have gorgeous covers!

  21. Hooray!! Congrats and best of luck with another great release.
    And congrats to Clare!

  22. Congrats on the cover reveals. All the best with the books.

    Anna from elements of emaginette

  23. You are a total writing machine! Love it! And best of luck with Totem #4 :)

  24. Congrats on the release of Shattered Spirit. I just downloaded Dark Dawning - looking forward to reading it!


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