
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

#IWSG for April 2016

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

I'm happy to be co-hosting this month along with these awesome writers: Megan Morgan, Chris Votey, Viola Fury, Madeline Mora-Summonte, L.G. Keltner, and Patricia Lynne!

Many of you are participating in the A to Z Challenge this month. My time is very limited this month, so I had to sadly opt out of doing it. But I'm here cheering you on!

The first time I participated in the Challenge I had no clue what to do. I was scared no one would like anything I did. So feeling that way, I wrote about a little girl who started off frightened and grew into a warrior. The story spanned over the entire month. Some of you might remember the tale of a brave woman who fought the monsters under children's beds with a snarky stuffed hippo as her guide.

Fearless received so much love. I went on to self-publish it and put it up for free. There has been over 70,000 downloads of the story since 2012, and that's a modest estimate as I don't know the number of downloads it has had on Kobo. I still am shocked when I think of that many people having read the book.

Many readers write me to say they read Fearless and it was so good, they bought my other books. It has been one of the best ways to market my work.

All of this because of the A to Z Challenge.

The Challenge might be scary, but you can do it. Slay your monsters and write.

P.S. Come stop over at the Untethered Realms blog. I miss doing the Challenge so much, I posted yesterday with my A to Z of funny paranormal things!


  1. I remember feeling clueless the first time I participated in the A to Z Challenge, but it was one of the best things I ever did for my blog! I'm glad to hear that so many people have read Fearless!

    @LGKeltner from
    Writing Off the Edge

  2. Wow, you must be so proud of that story, Christine. I'm proud for you :) This is my first year of A to Z and you summed up the nerves I'm experiencing :) But it is so great to visit so many other interesting blogs. Have a lovely week.

  3. Thank you so much for co-hosting. I am participating in the A to Z Blog Challenge also. It is a great experience and I too had fears when I first started participating in 2013.

    I will go look for your story, Fearless. It sounds like something for me.

    My IWSG is at:

  4. Thanks for your wonderful words of encouragement. Congratulations on Fearless. That's actually a brilliant plan. Wish I had thought of it for the book that is festering in the depths of my write's soul. Some of it has been written, but it's incomplete...
    Thanks for hosting the blog hop.

  5. Wow, that's amazing. You are a Fearless inspirstion, Christine :)

  6. Thank you for writing about your uncertainties and exciting results from completing your first A-Z Challenge. You've inspired me to give it a go.

  7. That's so awesome about your story. Don't feel bad you can't participate in A-Z this year.

  8. I admire those who commit to a challenge like A to Z. Me, I have a hard time finding time to do the once a month IWSG post along with Weekend Writing Warriors. Next time around, I think I'll reconsider . . . Thanks for hosting today, Christine!

  9. And I remember reading that story during the Challenge! It was great. And now look at all your book deals and books.
    Thanks for co-hosting today. I really need the help.

  10. Thank you for co-hosting Christine!!! And good luck with the challenge!!!

  11. I'm not doing A-Z this year either, but I loved it the three times I participated, especially the year I did flash fiction. The response was so wonderful and supportive. Just like IWSG! :)

    Madeline Mora-Summonte
    Co-Host, April IWSG

  12. I didn't know that Fearless was a result of A-Z. That's pretty neat. Have fun hosting today.

  13. I really liked Fearless, but I didn't know its origin either. How awesome! I've debated putting up a story that way every year, but committing an entire month to blogging is a little unrealistic. I've done it twice and my family suffered. Seasons, eh?

    Crystal Collier

  14. Thank you, everyone! It's excited to be co-hosting today during this busy month. Fearless still remains one of my own favorite stories too. Maybe one day there might be more.

  15. Glad you got a book out of it. That's awesome! I'm skipping IWSG this month because I get dizzy when people combine multiple blog posts into one. I think I'm just too Virgo-ish to do something like that. It messes with my crazy need for order.

  16. Wow, that's so cool about Fearless! Sometimes freebies do work wonders.

  17. I loved Fearless. That was what brought me to your blog in the first place, and what got me to keep coming back. I'm so glad it was successful for you.

  18. How have I missed Fearless? I'm off to check it out now!

  19. Congratulations! That's an awesome achievement!

  20. 70,000 is a lot of downloads - congrats!

  21. I haven't taken the challenge yet, but I think I will next year. Sounds like your first experience with it was a good one. Glad Fearless helped you down the writing path.

    Thanks for co-hosting this month's IWSG.

  22. What a great story to share about A to Z. It's a lot of work but I always feel it's worth it at the end of the month. Miss you this year.

    Susan Says

  23. Christine, I hope you know what a fine example you are to the rest of us. Thanks for co-hosting. Thanks for being who you are.

  24. I have my eye on the AtoZ for next year. It'll take me a year to prepare all those posts!

  25. Wow! What a fantastic way to productively use the AtoZ! Unfortunately, I can't participate this year, but love reading everyone's posts!

  26. Thank you for posting on my blog. I'm glad to be co-hosting with you this month.

    My book Terran Psychosis helped me realize that I was on the right path as a writer. 10 reviews with 4.5 star average. While my sales hasn't quite been all there yet, I know it is only a matter of time.

    Whether it is the AtoZ Challenge, writing a book, or baking a cake, it can seem quite the challenge and you might easily get discouraged from others who seem to make it look quite easy. The secret is to keep at it, and with enough time and work, magic can happen.

  27. Congratulations; and what a super marketing scheme. I did the A-Z once and swore never again. After that the categories were created so maybe I should give it another go. Blessings

  28. Like everything, you've got to try it and stumble around a bit. I'm still in a bit of a stumble on the #atozChallenge, but I'm better than I was the first time out!

  29. How awesome is that? Having so many folks enjoy your story started on A to Z!! Congratulations. I've done the challenge for four years, but opted out this year. Hope to do it again next year and your story is giving me ideas...! Thanks for co-hosting!

  30. Nice! I didn't know Fearless came from A to Z. And 70k downloads is impressive as shit - go girl!

  31. Wow, you are fearless! There sure are a lot of letters in the alphabet! What an amazing story of your success from tackling your fears. Thanks for sharing. It gives the rest of us hope.

  32. Fearless is an awesome story. I'd love to see you one day expand upon the world of the Fearless warriors. :)

  33. What a fabulous success story. It's good to hear how what we do with blog posts and networking with other writers can lead to growth as writers. It doesn't always seem evident as we're doing it.

    Thanks for co-hosting!

  34. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG. Sorry to hear you not doing the A2Z. It's amazing how many people are actually doing it.

  35. Oh a Big Congrats on your self-pubbed book, Fearless. Love hearing stories about these events.

    A to Z is overwhelming. Not so much the posts but cruising the other blogs. It takes a chunk of time. I don't see how Alex does it.

    Thx for hosting IWSG this month!! *BG*

    Author of Wilder Mage at Spirit Called

  36. What an inspiring story. Thanks for co-hosting.

    Happy Writing Girl,
    Juneta @ Writer's Gambit

  37. Thanks for co-hosting, Christine. I never participated in A to Z challenge as I don't know how to write posts everyday for a month. But you gave me an idea. Write a story with short alphabetical entries. I might do it next year. Thank you.

  38. Wow, what a great way to utilize the A to Z challenge. I love learning about the behind the story of a book. Congrats and thanks for co-hosting! :-D

  39. I loved Fearless. Awesome story. I had some good times with AtoZ too.

  40. What s cute story!! I love the hippos too. I haven't read it, but now I want to. Your post encourages me so much. I have lots of anxiety when I post anything. I wonder who am I and why would someone really want to here from me. It's getting better. Thank you.

  41. Cool story, Christine. Angela Brown turned her A-Z challenge into a novel as well. It was awesome, as is Fearless!

  42. Slaying monsters today, good advice. I'll get back to you on that!

  43. Congrats, to being Fearless! Yes, slaying those monsters works-

  44. How awesome the A-Z kicked off a great career! See, being fearful wasn't necessary but did provide some motivation to see it through. Congrats and thanks for co-hosting this month.

  45. I'm amazed that anyone read my crappy little blog. It certainly didn't have the impact yours did. Congratulations!

  46. Hi Christine! I really enjoyed reading about your story "Fearless!" How gratifying that must feel! Maybe next year I'll try the A to Z Challenge, but I've been traveling a lot this year and knew I couldn't do it. Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG! I hope you have a great time visiting around the group!

  47. Wow, that's an amazing story, Christine. So inspiring! I can see why you were moved to comment on my post today. :)

    I love hippos, snarky or otherwise. I'm definitely going to check out Fearless.

  48. 70,000 downloads of Fearless? AWESOME!
    I need to check out your book...
    Thanks for co-hosting the IWSG this month!
    Writer In Transit

  49. Thank you all! It's been such a fun time co-hosting. :)

  50. I think I first met you during that Challenge. I remember the Fearless posts and how fun it was to read more each day. So glad the book has turned out to be so successful for you.

  51. I didn't know Fearless started off as an A to Z story. How awesome. You already know how I feel about the story too. =)

  52. What a great inspiration for everyone to see how your little story that could, did and keeps did-ing!

    Congrats on all your stories!

    Thanks for co-hosting!
    Heather M. Gardner / @hmgardner
    Co-Host, Blogging from A to Z April Challenge
    The Waiting is the Hardest Part

  53. I really enjoyed Fearless! I think it was the first of your stories I read. :)

  54. Wow, I'm impressed with your A-Z challenge/marketing technique! I'm thrilled for you and just downloaded my copy of Fearless:)
    And thanks for stopping by Terry's Leeway. Appreciate the visit.

  55. Hey, that's awesome, and super inspiring! Not inspiring enough to ever make us join A to Z, but you know, still really inspiring. :) I downloaded my copy of Fearless as well. Excited to read it.

  56. I had no idea Fearless came because of the Challenge! It makes me love your story even more. :D Fearless was the first of your stories I read and I became an instant fan.

  57. Sorry I'm late for the party, but thank you for co-hosting this past Wednesday! I did my first A-Z Challenge last year, but couldn't participate in this years. I love your writing, so I definitely need to grab hold of Fearless. Thanks for inspiring me. Have a great day. Hugs. Eva

  58. That's so wonderful about Fearless. I'll have to go check it out. Love the little hippo. I jumped into my first A to Z right after I'd just started blogging in 2014. I had no idea what I'd gotten myself into, but I really enjoyed the ride. I met so many wonderful bloggers through it. Sadly, I had to bow out this year in order to concentrate on getting my second book published in May. I'm hoping to get back into it next year. Good luck with your writing project! Thanks for co-hosting!

  59. What a great story behind the story of Fearless. Thanks for co-hosting!


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