
Friday, April 8, 2016

Friday Five for April 8, 2016

1. My latest WIP is torturing me. I found a huge plot hole last week thanks to a character who pointed it out. So I've been rewriting (the third rewrite for this book) and now I'm finally on track toward the climax again. I had hoped to have it finished today, but now I'm aiming for next Friday.

2. I've been shopping for images this month. A late Christmas gift from my mom. I have the most perfect pictures for my Totem series. I hope I can do them justice when I create the covers. Now I'm picking images that would make awesome covers for other stories. I'm going to try to see if it is easier to write from inspiration from an image rather than trying to find images that fit a completed story.

3. Last night was my little guy's spring concert. He was so excited to sing on stage! Watching all the little kindergarten kids was cute.

4. One moment can change your life. One click can add The Thing That Turned Me to your "to read" list on Goodreads. I can't wait for this anthology!

5. I'll be easing off the blogging this month while sharing in the fun with the participants of the A to Z Challenge. I need more time to give my attention to these stories that are creating such havoc for me! I do have fabulous guest on my blog on Monday, and I'll be at her blog the same day. Stop by and see what we have in store for you!

Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. I love a good writing prompt and images can be awesome ones. Good luck with your projects!

  2. I love it when characters point out mistakes. And it might be on the torturous side, but it's far better that those mistakes be found on the drafting/rewriting phases and not the already publishing stage, right?

    I love those kindergarten concerts. They're always so cute.

    Happy Writing!

  3. OHHH THE HORROR! Searching for the right cover image. (falls to the floor weeping)

  4. Writing to an image sounds like a smart idea. Hope you finish the story next week!

  5. Hope it's okay to comment here for both Friday Five and IWSG - I'm a little behind on commenting.

    I'm exciting about the anthology, too!

    Yay for shopping for images, guest posts, and kindergartners singing!

    And, I'm glad you're getting that plot issue fixed. That's good work.
    I'm muddling along in two different rough drafts, and I just can't seem to decide which one is "the" one. agh.

  6. Oh wait - I'm too wordy.

    For IWSG - Love that Fearless has done so well! I know I loved it! And I loved your story of how A to Z worked for you.

  7. That concert had to be so adorable! I hope your son had a blast. And I have no doubt that you will do those images justice. Your covers are always fantastic.

  8. Shopping for images sounds like fun. Looking forward to seeing what you find.

  9. Isn't it exciting to see our children on stage singing their hearts out? I love it! Good luck with this latest work in progress. Breathe. Continue writing until it's as perfect as you can get it. Easy advice. Difficult to do. Boy, do I realize this. Good luck with the new image for the book. All the best, Victoria Marie Lees.

  10. I bet that concert was fun. I remember the day. Good luck filling the plot hole.

    Susan Says

  11. That's the danger of looking at photo sites. You can find images to inspire new stories. :) Have a great weekend!

  12. Those darn plot holes. They show up at the worst times.

    Does that mean you do your own covers?

  13. I feel you on the torturous WIP. Thankfully I got mine figured out this past Wednesday, but it wasn't easy.

  14. Good luck with your WIP! At least your character was nice enough to point out the plot hole :)

  15. Added!
    How sweet to see our son on stage. Such a fabulous time!
    Isn't it wonderful though, when it's the character that lets you know there a problem and not a beta reader or editor. Good job
    I'm still behind on keeping up with the A to Z but hopefully that all changes tomorrow and Sunday! :)

  16. You've got a very perceptive character there... and spunky hot too, if I do say so.. Wink wink!

    Can't wait to see the covers for the Totem series:)

  17. Third rewrite. Yikes! Sounds like a busy month.


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