
Friday, December 4, 2015

Friday Five for December 4, 2015

1. I've had a good writing week. I finished a novella just before Thanksgiving and now I've started on another. I hope to have it done before Christmas.

2. Thank you to everyone who gave Lovelorn Spirits a shout-out last week. I didn't call on anyone to do so since it was going to be a crazy week for me and I wouldn't be online, but you guys amaze me. Cookies for everyone!

3. I met my Goodreads reading challenge goal! Yay! 100 books. My Kindle is heavy with several new ones that I've won lately too. I hope to get at least five or six more books read and reviewed before the year is out.

4. This evening we're going to Santa's Workshop at my son's school. We'll have dinner with other children and Santa. Then we'll make crafts and decorate cookies. To double our fun, the Krampus parade is on Saturday evening and the weather promises to be awesome. (Click on the link to see how cool it looks. My son isn't afraid of them at all!)

5. The big news in the Rains household this week is we adopted two cats from the local animal shelter. Thunder and Kelsey bonded while at the shelter, and they didn't want to separate them. Who can resist this adorable two-for-one deal? Thunder is only a year old and has the energy of a kitten. He's so good with my son. Kelsey is a one-eyed beauty and a sweetie. She's not a lap cat, but she loves her belly rubs.

(My son with Thunder on his leg and Kelsey coming to get a flicking tail!)


  1. Hi Christine - gosh you are busy and writing away. Enjoy the parade, the supper and the craft making with the kids - it'll be fun. While the two kittens look exceedingly happy already .. as does your son - good to give them a home .. cheers Hilary

  2. I'm about 4 books short of my Goodreads reading challenge goal, and I have a few reviews to still post. So I'll make it.
    Happy Friday!

  3. A home can never have too much love. Congrats on rescuing. We need more of that.

    (we went to a pet expo once expecting to bring home a cat, brought home a Rottweiler instead)

  4. Those two cats look like they belong together all right.
    Awesome you hit your book goal!

  5. Yeh on accomplishing your Goodreads goal! I'm about 5 books away from mine.

    I'm not sure who looks like they're enjoying themselves more in that photo - your son or the cats. :)

  6. I love grey & white kitties! Have fun w/your holiday activities! That Krampus one reminds me of the previews I've been seeing for that movie. Which I will not be watching- I like my holidays sweet, not scary! :)

  7. I am always in awe of how much writing you get done. And now I am in awe of your reading challenge, too. I am almost halfway to completing my reading goal.

    Congrats on the latest release (can't wait to read it) and the brand new family members. They're adorable!

  8. Way to go on the reading goal. I made mine too, but it was only 20 books. Still, better than last year. =)

  9. The kitties are so adorable! Congrats on completing your Goodreads challenge!

  10. Thank you, everyone. Have a lovely weekend!

  11. Good on you for giving the cats a home. I'm sure they'll be happy. Christmas events are so much fun when you have a little one. Have fun.

  12. Congratulations on the great writing week and adopting the cats! Sounds like you've been busy. The Krampus parade sounds like so much fun! I wish we had one where we live.

    Have a great weekend!

  13. Congrats on all the writing and reading you've accomplished! Also, awww, what precious kitties! Glad you were able to give the two of them a good home... :)

  14. Congratulations on a great week! If you ever need help promoting anything, let me know. I always sign up to help my friends out when I see it but sometimes I miss the opportunity to help and kick myself!

  15. Hi Christine,

    Delighted to note you've had a good writing week. You certainly have a busy life. Hope the Santa's Workshop was lots of magical fun.

    Awe bless and wonderful to give those two cats "Furever Homes." Adorable photo of your son and your latest family members! :)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Christine.


  16. Awww...I've been seeing lots of pics of your kitty's on FB!!! So adorable. Sounds like you're writing up a storm!!! Congrats!!!

  17. Sounds like a good week:) I'm so glad you adopted those babies.

  18. I just want an update on the Krampus parade. That. Sounds. Awesome.

    Really, though, cheers to all of that novella action and cheers to adopting your new cats. It always kills my soul to see someone buy a kitten or buy a puppy when there are so many animals that need adoption.

  19. Thanks, folks! I agree with you about the adoption of animals. Why buy a new one from a store when so many need a home already? Have a great week.


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