
Wednesday, August 5, 2015

IWSG for August 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

The awesome co-hosts for this month's IWSG: Nancy Gideon, Bob R Milne, Doreen McGettigan, Chrys Fey, Bish Denham, and Pat Garcia!

This week, my son started kindergarten. He's so excited. On the first day, he woke extra early and didn't even want to stop to give his poor mom a hug before he rushed into the classroom.

This week is also the week when I am now a full-time writer. I'm much more freaked out about that than I am my child starting school. Now I can't offer any excuses about lack of time or too much noise. There is no reason why I shouldn't be highly productive.

And that's scary. Maybe I'm setting my expectations for myself too high. But shouldn't I be setting them high? I don't know! And, oh no, won't everyone be expecting that much more of me now?

I need to breathe and slow down for a minute. If I make a schedule, I can stick with it. I hope.

Are you realistic in your expectations of yourself?


  1. I think you are incredibly productive already! Any more so, and you'll be putting out a book a week.
    Expect just a little more of yourself, but not so much you can't achieve it. You'll just be frustrated.

  2. I'm completely unrealistic about my expectations for myself...people keep telling me that I can't do everything I want to do...but it's just so hard to listen! I'm trying to learn how to pace myself and understand that there are only so many hours in the day :-)

  3. I bet you can stick to a schedule and accomplish a lot. You're a very strong woman. Me, not so much. Deadlines stress me out, and I do badly under pressure. Congrats on being a full time writer! Good luck!

  4. I'm not always realistic, but I try to be. :-)

    Best of luck with getting into your full-time writer groove.

  5. That's so awesome for your son and you. I am sure you will have volunteer opportunities at school that will eat into some of the writing time. So don't be too hard on yourself if it takes some of your planned writing time. That's important too.

  6. I'm a mix of realistic and overly eager when it comes to expectations. I set huge goals, but when I only meet some of them I'm happy. Best of luck finding the right formula for you.

  7. Alex, if only I could produce a book a week! Wouldn't that be awesome?!

    Randi, that's my problem too. My first day to myself yesterday and it went by too quickly.

    Lexa, thank you! I hope I can do it. At least when I procrastinate it's usually with cleaning.

    Misha, thanks!

    Natalie, thank you. I do hope to volunteer some time. My son's preschool was a co-op, and I really liked knowing all the other kids and teachers and what goes on during a usual day.

    TB, I get those overly eager phases too. Those I can take on the world days and then down to I can't do anything days! =P

  8. I hope my expectations are realistic. I'd hate to think I was underestimating what I can to. Good luck with writing full time. I'm sure you'll love it.

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  9. Ah, the quiet. I miss it.
    My kids don't start school until the 24th.

    It is easy, knowing you have all that time, to waste it on other things. You're smart to make yourself a schedule and some rules for your writing time.

    IWSG #119 until Alex culls the list again.

  10. I'm a full-time writer and I constantly wonder if I'm writing enough, doing enough. The key is to create a schedule and stick to it. And also to allow yourself 30 mins - 1 hour of downtime each day to actually slack off or do other things.

  11. My expectations are totally unrealistic. And I actually reach some of them. (Reason to rejoice, eh?)

  12. You get so much done as it is! I'm going to fall into the same next week when the kids are off at school. I've got big plans ;) Haha. See how much actually gets done.

  13. What Alex said. You're so productive already that I don't think you have anything to worry about.
    So cute that your little one was so excited to go to school!

  14. You'll be absolutely fantastic! I saw the FB pic of him in front of school. He is SO ready. Watch out, world ... here he comes!

  15. I've been self-employed for 16 years now and I always feel the pressure to produce something, whether it be writing or speaking or whatever. My husband says I am the worst boss ever.

  16. You must set your goals high. If you don't you'll never get half the distance of where you want to be. That's my philosophy for the day!

  17. Yes, remember to breathe. Maybe even enjoy a little time off. But most importantly, HAVE FUN! Thanks for stopping by my blog, Christine.

  18. As the Nike ad says, Just Do It. You'll find that the added time is a joy (and sometimes anxiety producing, but mostly great). I have taken my writing more seriously this year and what has helped is going to book cons. I have already bought my ticket to the 2016 Utopia con in Nashville and I am planning on going to London con in 2017 and NCTE in 2016 in Atlanta. Having those long term goal marks has helped motivate and inspire me (along with a bit of terror - LOL).

  19. No, you're not setting them too high! You're going to rock this. You have talent, and I'm sure you'll make the most of your time. I'm so excited for you. And your little guy. What a blessing that he was excited to go. Mine plastered himself to the bus window the first day. It broke my heart.

  20. I felt that when I quit teaching to write full time. It's scary and it takes a little practice. My children were just as excited to start school. They never looked back. Good on you as a parent.
    Susan Says

  21. I'm totally never realistic with my own expectations! I always think I can get everything done. I can do the schedule thing and for the most part it works . . . but then the kids have other plans and boom. In September the twins will be going to kindergarden for 6 hours EVERYDAY . . . I don't know what to do with myself! Oh, I'll write. And yes, I feel the pressure you're speaking of too O_O

  22. You have nothing to worry about, you're already amazingly productive!
    Go Mom!

  23. Great post, Christine. High expectations are good. If you don't accomplish everything you set out to do, it means you have something more to do tomorrow, and the day after, ... It means being alive. On the other hand, when you accomplish everything you wanted, and there is nothing more to do, what is left for tomorrow?

  24. Melissa, I was really missing the quiet before school started too. Now I think the fish are too loud!

    Chrys, I know I'll need that slack off time. I just have to watch that I don't stretch it!

    Crystal, most certainly! :)

    Tonja, good luck next week! At least you have cows and chickens to keep you busy.

    Julie, thank you!

    Carol, oh yes! That boy is going to do great things. :)

    Diane, *LOL* Yes, I think I'm my own worst boss too.

    Lee, wise words!

    Bish, I will most certainly have fun. :)

  25. Catherine, that's awesome! One day, I'll be able to afford to go the cons. I'd love to do it.

    Elizabeth, that's what I feared he might do. I would have broken down and kept him home! Thankfully he's so brave and smart. :)

    Susan, thank you.

    S.K., good luck to you too! I've been loving my quiet these past few days.

    Yolanda, thanks for the cheers!

    Olga, so true. There's no limits to what we can do!

  26. Realistic? Hmm, yes and no. I always plan for more than I can accomplish, and yet I do still try to give myself realistic goals/routines to follow to accomplish said goals. You don't have to do everything at once. Take a deep breath and make a plan. I've found setting a routine helpful, even though there is still never enough time for everything.

  27. I really don't think time has much to do with being productive. I have plenty of time and never get any writing done! But if you have lots of time and lots of motivation, you can get a lot done.

  28. Wow! Kids grow up so quickly, don't they? My daughter starts Kindergarten in a few weeks.

    Being a full-time writer does sound like it comes with some mega responsibilities, but I think you'll pull it off fine. Best of luck and may you get many words written. :D

  29. Ha! My kids are in middle school and high school, and they're already getting sick with worry over the upcoming beginning of school. I remember how it used to be, when they were excited about the start of school and my wife and I were the ones getting sick with worry.

  30. My daughter was the same way on the first day of kindergarten. It was pretty much "see ya!" and off she went. LOL.

    That's so cool that you get more writing time now. Yay! You'll figure it out and set goals and reset them. Do what you can.

  31. A full-time writer - exciting! Best of luck! :)

  32. I saw the picture of your son on FB all dressed up for his first day. So Adorable!!! Take deep breaths, relax and start writing... You can do it!!!

  33. Woo Hoo! Congrats on both milestones! I loved being a full time writer. It takes a lot more discipline to schedule a lot of time than it does a little - I found that out when I returned to the work force. Set a schedule and enjoy the creative time!!

  34. Cherie, there really doesn't seem like enough time for it all!

    Sarah, so true!

    Loni, thanks so much!

    Ken, I do hope my little guy will always be excited about school. I know I was!

    Gwen, I'll do my best.

    Emma, thank you.

    Cathrina, thanks! He is totally cute. I'm breathing, in and out!

    Nancy, thank you! I'm finding it is harder to schedule more time. I had gotten efficient with the little time I had!

  35. I hope your son had a great time at school! He looked so handsome in his pic on FB!

    Full-time-awesome-writer! Congrats.

    Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Just write. Write for you. Write for your too cool characters.

    Worry about us later, or better yet, not at all. :)

    Keep moving forward!

  36. That's a really early start to the school year in your district!

    If the writing schedule you've set turns out to be too much for you to handle, you can always adjust it. I've found it's really helpful to get out of the house for productive writing, like at a library or coffeehouse. There, I'm forced to focus on writing, since I know that's what I'm there for, and I can't be distracted by things in the apartment.

  37. I'm terribly unrealistic in expectations for myself. I'm glad your son took to kindergarten. One of my friend's kids just started this week, and has sobbed and fought against going each day, so far. Good luck establishing the school year routine! And don't forget to treat yourself sometimes.

  38. Kindergarten!!! That's a big one. Sounds like you're handling that part of it well. All you can do is set a routine and go with it. FWIW, my sister said when she worked at home, she found that the day easily got away with her due to chauffeuring. She said it seemed like as soon as she got the kids to school, it was time to turn around and pick them up again! So if you find you aren't getting things done, it could be all the carpooling!

  39. Heather, thank you! I write for my characters lest they revolt! *LOL*

    Carrie-Anne, yes, they do start early this year, but then the kids get a week off in October. I'm still trying to find a balanced schedule that works for me, but I am being productive. :)

    Shannon, oh dear. I definitely feel for those poor parents whose kids don't want to go to school. I got lucky with my little guy! And thanks.

    Stephanie, my son is taking the bus thankfully! I drove him there and picked him up the first day, and it was just crazy. I waited for 45 minutes in a line of cars. Yikes!

  40. Yay for more writing time!! This was me a year ago, when my two girls started a new Charter school *I homeschooled up to that point*. I thought I would get oodles accomplished, and I did, but not exactly what I planned. My plate filled with film music projects and unexpected opportunities, leaving my poor novels to collect virtual dust *time management is NOT my strong suit*. Striking a balance is key--don't stress yourself out with lofty goals right out of the gate and ENJOY every moment of your creative freedom!!


  41. Samantha, I plan to do a few things around the house, but not right away. I'm enjoying my quiet and getting lots of writing done! :)

  42. I feel the opposite. I wonder if I don't set high enough expectations for myself. But then I worry if I do that I'm setting myself up for failure and that will demotivate me.

  43. You're already incredibly productive. But every change takes some settling. You might twirl around in circles for awhile, but you'll get your new, improved scheduled up. Sounds like your son will have no problems settling into kindy!

  44. Denise, I'm still in that twirling phase. And yup, my little guy is super excited about school! He loves it. :)

  45. Patricia, I think about the same things. Are they too little or too much? I don't know what I'm capable of until I try. :)

  46. I think you ARE extremely productive!

    Your little one is the cutest! I've seen all the FB pics... they grow so quickly...

    Enjoy your full-time writerly status. You'll ease into a schedule of sorts... and before you know it, there'll be a host of shiny new ideas lining up, just waiting to be attended to...

  47. Thank you, Michelle. I try to be really productive, but I know how much I procrastinate!


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