
Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Five for August 7, 2015

1. I had a pleasant surprise when I found a new review for my most recent Dice & Debauchery book from a reviewer I hadn't submitted to myself! It's not a five star review, but sometimes that doesn't matter when the reviewer says she wants to read more from you. Check it out on Exquisite Reviews.

2. With my son in school full time, I've had a productive week. My house is clean, the lawn is mowed, and all the laundry folded. Oh yes, I did some writing too. I finished the first draft of a novelette. Another one of those stories that suddenly came to me with a rush of vivid persistence. There are two more stories to go with it, and I have them already done in my head.

3. I'm going to be starting my regular blogging schedule again next week. Monday will be promo day: guest posts from other authors, cover reveals, and reviews. Wednesday: the first Wednesday of each month will be IWSG, and the remaining ones will be Wicked Wednesday. I talk about all aspects of being a writer, give tips, and ask questions. Fridays will continue to be my Friday Five. Just a quick update of what's going on in my life.

4. I received one short story rejection this week. I'm working on a flash piece today for my local critique group. That will complete my 2015 short story goal of writing six pieces this year. If I can, I want to keep pushing on and do one a month.

5. My little guy has been loving kindergarten. I watch him get on the bus in the mornings and get the warm fuzzies. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!


  1. Glad you've had a productive week.
    Those surprise reviews are great. That means people beyond our reach are reading our books.

  2. Congrats on the review, and making your goal. Awesome!
    You're little guy is adorable!
    Organized at home, makes work organization so much easier too!

  3. yeah...productivity

    You have a great WE too

  4. So glad he's enjoying himself - it's always a touch and go moment when they start full time, isn't it? Enjoy all the extra housework/gardening/writing time :-)

  5. Congrats on the review and finishing your first draft! Sounds like you've had a productive week.

  6. I had that happen with my first book--and when my second book came out, I offered her a free copy to review. She said she'd just get it from Edelweiss and she did! So when your next book comes out, be sure you reach out to her.

  7. Looks like he is having a great time! You've had an awesome week too. Another series started - it's like you never stop!

  8. Alex, I agree. Now if only I could reach them more often!

    Yolanda, yes, for some reason, an organized home does make writing easier. Clean house might equal clean mind!

    Mac, thanks!

    Annalisa, I worried a little, but he's so brave. :)

    Sarah, thank you!

    Stephanie, I will. Thanks!

    Nick, so many ideas, so little time!


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