
Monday, June 1, 2015

Truly Awesome June Giveaway and Review for A Woman Ignored

What a way to start off June!

Every month, the wonderful T.B. Markinson is hosting an ebook giveaway. This month there are five spectacular books that you can win. I've read them all, and any one of them is worth entering this giveaway.

30 Seconds by Chrys Fey  (Fantastic romantic suspense)
Soul Cutter by Lexa Cain  (Fast-paced, intense YA horror)
Pop Travel by Tara Tyler  (Awesome sci-fi thriller)
Cloaked in Fur by T.F. Walsh  (Riveting paranormal romance)

And while you're at T.B.'s blog entering the giveaway, be sure to pick up her books. Here's my review of the latest book in her Woman Lost series to tease you with.

Blurb: Historian Lizzie Petrie remains nothing more than a lesbian in her bitter mother’s eyes. The suppressed hurt of that superficial assessment means she still catches herself off guard when thinking of Sarah as her wife. The couple has endured the fallout of Lizzie’s insecurities and set-up house in Fort Collins, Colorado. Now their relationship is about to be tested again.

When her wife announces she wants to have a baby, Lizzie panics. A baby? The thought of sucking an egg from her ovary and implanting the resulting embryo into Sarah’s womb terrifies her. Lizzie constantly worries if she’ll make a good mother.

Just when she starts to make peace with the idea, Lizzie’s estranged family enters her life again. The news is anything but good, and she finds herself wondering how to make amends with her aloof mother, stranger of a father, and self-centered brother.

Deep down, Lizzie is more loving and caring than she ever gives herself credit. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to open a woman’s eyes to her full potential. But at what price?

My review: Lizzie Petrie has survived one big fallout in her relationship and now she's about to be tested again. Her wife Sarah surprises her with the announcement that she wants to have a baby. Lizzie's baby. If that doesn't shake up Lizzie's world enough, her haughty mother is diagnosed with cancer. With a baby in her future, she wants to make some peace with her estranged family. Yet will the effort destroy her further?

This is the sequel to A Woman Lost, a contemporary romance that amazed me with its fantastic characterization and dramatic plot. A Woman Ignored is just as well written and ups the intensity of the story. Lizzie's narrative is compelling, unusual, and quirky. She's a woman who sees things differently than others and brings forth questions others might not think about. You see a lot more of her heart in this book, and you can understand why Sarah loves her so. Their relationship may be bumpy at times, but it's drawn with the vivid colors of reality. It's quite sweet - and steamy! - at times. Sarah, Maddie, and Ethan are great complements, and I love the addition of Doug to their group. Just as fascinating was getting to see the dynamics of the Petrie family in the midst of a crisis.

I can't wait to read more from T.B. Markinson.


  1. Great review! I've had T.B.'s books on my Kindle for a while now. Just need to find the time to read 'em!

  2. That is a great giveaway although I already have all of those books!

  3. Thanks so much for allowing me to giveaway one of your awesome books on my blog. And how kind of you to feature A Woman Ignored. Your review made me day!

  4. I like the sound of all the books and the titles are very intriguing.

  5. =I love that you added a few words to describe each book. 

    A Woman Wronged is on my TBR list. 


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