
Friday, May 29, 2015

Layers of Lace revealed!

Amateur cosplayer Emily Solis is determined to win the costume contest and the heart of her biggest competition.

It isn't the first time Emily has shed her costume with the gorgeous Russell Morrison. Not even her best friend knows she's been having wild convention sex with him for over a year. It was supposed to remain physical, but Emily couldn't help falling for him and his kinky ways. In a moment of passion, she rolls the dice and tells Russell she loves him. He doesn't say it back. Can she convince him they're perfect together or will she roll another critical failure?
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Get Loose Corset, the first book in the Dice & Debauchery series:

This is my favorite book in the series. While Morgan in the first book is emotionally reserved, Emily and Russell have explosive feelings. They revel in their costume geekery and love drama. It made them so much fun to write.

Thank you to everyone helping me shout-out about my new release. You guys are awesome!


  1. congrats Christine!!

    I hope this becomes one of those breakouts we hear about :)

  2. Awesome! What a great idea for a series, Christine! I wish you the very best of luck! Congratulations!


  3. Thanks so much, everyone! In less than a month, the third and final book will be out. Yay for geeky summer reads! :)

  4. Hi Christine,

    Awesome stuff! I shall do my best to spread the news by sharing it on some social networks.

    Hearty congrats and have a lovely weekend.

    Gary :)

  5. Congratulations on your new release! The cover looks great!

  6. Congratulations on your new release! The cover looks great!

  7. Love the latest cover! I will be featuring you on Monday so check my blog. Congrats!

  8. Many congratulations Christine!! Wishing you lots of success and huge sales!!

  9. Congrats Christine!
    You are all kinds of awesome!

  10. Very awesome and congrats!

  11. Hooray for new releases! Congratulations, Christine!!

  12. Oh gosh, how did I miss this??? Congratulations!!! So excited for you!

  13. Wow, I had no idea that "wild convention sex" was even a thing. (But, contrary to unpopular belief, I've lived a very sheltered life.) I see this is book two in a series--will check out book one first! :-)


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