
Friday, May 15, 2015

Friday Five for May 15, 2015

1. Prepare for another dose of sexy geeks! Things are moving along with Ellora's Cave at a fast pace. I have a cover for Layers of Lace (Dice & Debauchery #2) and a release date for the third book, Masked Kiss. It's due out on June 26th.

2. I thought about doing a tour when the third book was released, but it's at the most inconvenient time of the year for me. So will it be bad to wait to do a tour until August? I don't know, but if I want to properly devote my time to it, that's what I'll have to do.

3. I'm also re-evaluating my writing goals for this year. I hoped to revise and publish my superhero novel, Super Famous, by October, but it doesn't look like I'll have the time to get to it until the fall. My new WIP is a great and slow beast. I'd hoped to finish the first draft by next week, but it is just beginning. Maybe I'll have it done in September.

4. One more week until school is out for the summer. Are there any other parents counting down and prepping themselves? I've got a visit with my family in Canada, day trips, YMCA day camp, and weekly park meet-ups with school friends all planned. Here's to an awesome summer!

5. Finally I wanted to give a huge thank you to Alex J. Cavanaugh for the You Rock Award. I love blogging because of our great community and Alex is a big part of it. Cheers to Alex and to all of you! Have a marvelous weekend.


  1. A saw on Alex's blog that you got the You Rock award and I'm thrilled for you! Congrats!

    Lovin the cover for book two and yes, I think you can afford to wait a little bit for the tour to do it properly. :)

    Your summer sounds jam-packed with the good stuff, too. Ho do you find the time?

    Hae a great week, Christine X

  2. Great news about the release date! Sounds like you have some exciting things coming up! :)

  3. You definitely rock!
    Cool new cover. I don't see why you can't tour for the third book in August.

  4. Congrats on the award!!

    You have a lot of exciting things going on, and so many books! That is awesome!

    I'm gearing up for summer also! And counting the days I have left to get things done until ALL the kids are home. :)

    I don't see why you can't wait to tour until August. Anything is better than nothing, right? :)

  5. Congrats for the You Rock award as well as the upcoming new releases! I don't think it's a bad thing to wait until August for a blog tour. And the good thing about goals is they can be revised. :) Have a great weekend!

  6. These books are coming out so fast. I can't keep up! That's a very cool cover. Congrats on the cover and the award!

    And it's never too late to do a blog tour. :)

  7. Shah, thanks! The only way I find time is by planning ahead. Usually it's pretty chaotic otherwise. :)

    Emma and Mac, thank you!

    Alex, you too! Hopefully waiting a little won't hurt sales.

    Kristin, thanks! Good luck this summer. You've got five little guys and I only have one. In my eyes, you're superwoman!

    Cherie, thank you! Goals can be revised, but sometimes it makes me go grrrr! Hehehe!

    Chrys, thanks so much!

  8. Sounds like a summer chucked full of fun! Congrats on the award and the books and. . .wow! You are one busy girl!

  9. You Rock! Love it. Congrats on all your greatness. I can't really say I'm looking forward to summer break. It means I have to get out of the house and soak up some, what was I saying??? =)

  10. Congrats on the new cover! It's great! You're so busy - good luck with the 2nd and 3rd books in the series and your 2 WIPs. I hope you have a great time with your family during summer break! :)

  11. Congrats on the award and the release date! Love the book cover, too! :)

  12. Congratulations on the You Rock award. You definitely deserve it!

    You are really cranking out the books! Are you and Medeia having a contest to see who gets more books published this year? ;)

  13. Impressed with your writing/publishing greatness!

    I'd say your blog tour would be better served waiting until you can devote more time to it. (Also, I'd be happy to help with that, if you'd like.)

  14. Wow, your summer sounds booked! Hope it works out well and is fun!

    The cover of your book looks great. Geeks <3

  15. Some mighty goals set for yourself there. AND, and great big congratulations on The Ninja Captains 'You Rock Award'. It was nice to know so many of the recipients this year.

  16. Hey Christine,

    The cover is very intriguing. And you sure stay busy. Nothing like a visit to your family in Canada, eh.

    Christine, You Rock and congrats for receiving that award from the dude who has to have been cloned.

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

    Gary :)

  17. I've still got two months before school's out. Although my eldest is on study leave now, and has technically left school for good. Onwards to college in September... Feeling so old!

    Enjoy your summer - it sounds like you're doing it right. I tend to hide from my kids :-)

  18. Congratulations, Christine -- you definitely rock. I'm a third of the way through Of Blood and Sorrow and enjoying it.

  19. Congrats on the You Rock awards. :-)

    You're always welcome to stop by my blog for your tour if you need a stop.

    Best of luck with your writing!

  20. I have seen people do book tours after a book comes out. I say go for it!

  21. Here's to summer! It's hard for me to believe it's already here. Good luck on that new WIP!

  22. Tonja, thank you!

    Liz, oh the torture! *LOL*

    Lexa and Sarah, thanks!

    Sherry, is it sad that I feel like I'm not getting them out fast enough? =P

    MJ, awesome! Thank you. :)

    Madilyn, yay for geeks!

    Farawayeyes and Gary, thanks so much!

    Annalisa, if I could hide, I would, but my house is too little!

    Milo, thank you again for that awesome review! :)

    Misha, thank you!

    Stephanie and Lee, woo-hoo!


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