
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

IWSG for April 2015

The Insecure Writer's Support Group (IWSG) is the brilliant idea of Alex J. Cavanaugh. The purpose of the group is to share doubts and insecurities and to encourage one another. Please visit the other participants and share your support. A kind word goes a long way.

This month there are six awesome co-hosts: Tonja Drecker, Donna Hole, Suzanne Furness, Toi Thomas, Fundy Blue, and Rachna Chhabria.

A huge good luck to everyone participating in the A to Z Challenge this month. I'll be posting with the Untethered Realms group. Click over to our blog every day this month and get a teaser from our books.

Some days of the Challenge will feel like this:

26 days with 26 posts. That's a lot to write. So many fantastic blogs to visit. So little time.

But I believe in you. You can do it.

Take one day at a time. And by the end of the month, you'll be like:


  1. Hi Christine .. it's always a little chaotic - but I've met some great blogging buddies through the Challenge - cheers and see you around - Hilary

  2. A to Z is always a roller coaster ride, especially when we actually have to get writing and other stuff done too.

    It's fun, though. :-)

  3. Great encouragement for those doing A-Z. I'm not. It doesn't fit with our blog and I couldn't keep up with the daily posts.

  4. Best of luck with the challenge! :)

  5. I'm excited for the challenge to finally be underway. Hopefully I can keep the energy up. =)

  6. Hilary, oh yes! I love discovering new blogger friends. :)

    Misha, tons of fun!

    Natalie, it is a lot. I like doing it with a group.

    Emma and Randi, thank you!

    Patricia, you can do it!

  7. It's always helped me to have written, scheduled, and edited my posts ahead of time. I don't know how people without themes or pre-written posts handle it.

  8. Great gifs! I too wish all A-Zers the very best of luck for the coming month's fun.

  9. It's this show that makes Batman a super hero to me. :-)

    Here's my link if you'd like to drop by :-)

    Anna from Elements of Writing

  10. I can't wait to see the rest of the posts over at Untethered Realms. :)

  11. Let the madness begin!
    I'll pop by the Untethered Realms blog some time this week to see what's on offer!

  12. You should be a cheerleader. It's a crazy, crazy first day.

  13. I'll stop by Untethered Realms to check out your A to Z posts, but there's no way I'd have the time to write that many posts myself.

  14. Love the Batman dancing. Awesome. I need to bookmark it and watch several times a day.

  15. That's so true, although the years I did the challenge, I was more falling o the ground and wanting to sleep a year afterwards instead of dancing. LOL!

  16. Love how you're passing on the encouragement! This is my first time not partaking in the A to Z. Life stuff set me back last year and I'm still catching up. But I'm having so much fun reading everyone's posts.

  17. As long as you don't give up! I do think this takes some persistence.

  18. I'm not participating in the A-to-Z challenge, but a lot of my followers are. I'm already wondering how in the world I'll be able to keep up with all those awesome posts, haha!

  19. Hahaha, excellent examples to cheer people up for the challenge, Christine!

  20. Carrie-Anne, that's how I regularly do things too. Good luck!

    Suzanne, thanks!

    Anna, me too! My son now loves it as well.

    Alex, exactly! :)

    Chrys and Michelle, hope you enjoy!

    Susan, totally crazy! Thank you. :)

    Ken, it is hard to do when one doesn't have much time, but doing it as a group works really well.

    Mary, Adam West's Batman never fails to make me smile.

    Cherie, I think we all do! *LOL*

    SA, such great themes this year!

    Nick, it does!

    Heather, I wonder too!

    Al, thank you! :)

  21. As long as I can do the rope climb on a flat surface and then have them tilt the camera angle, it works! :) Fun post, Christine!

  22. Hehe. Love the gifs. :) Have fun doing the A to Z on Untethered Realms. I didn't sign up for the challenge this year, but it does get a little crazy at the end, doesn't it?!

  23. Haha, love the Batman theme for IWSG this month :) Good for you for doing the challenge; doing it in a group is a great idea!

  24., thanks for the batman memories!

  25. What a nice and fun post. Who doesn't love Batman gifs. Thanks for sharing.

  26. I'm thinking I may want to schedule May as a blog break. LOL

  27. I'm one day into this and I'm already doing the Bat Man dance.

  28. Hahaha! I love that Batman gif! I remember seeing that series as a kid. Thanks for the smiles. And yes, one day at a time..... :)

  29. Good luck with your posts Christine. See you next month.

  30. Love those gifs! And the climbing is perfect :) Have fun with A-Z!

  31. LOL that Batman gif is classic. :D

  32. Those batman gifs is what I needed just now. :)

  33. Haha! Cute videos. I remember them from my younger days, LOL.

  34. Tyrean, that's the only way I can climb the rope too! :)

    Kristin, it totally does!

    Liz and Toinette, thanks!

    Cathrina, you're welcome. :)

    Elizabeth, do it. Even Muffin Commandos need rest.

    Tammy, thank you!

    Lee, are you as drunk as he looks?!

    Elise, I watched it as a kid and now my son watches it. :)

    Donna, Julie, and Tonja, thank you!

    David, I'm happy to bring you some Adam West goodness.

    Gwen, me too!

  35. I'm going to do my best in the midst all the chaos that is the A to Z blogging challenge.

  36. LOL The gifs had me giggling. Great post and encouraging too.


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